
Chapter 4: Got Into A Fight For Fun. (Not Advised.)

Seeing this, the pompadour thug waved them to the side and walked upright in front of the unconcerned grey-haired teen. Bending over a little, the delinquent stared right into the smaller guy's eyes, glaring. "The Iron Cane of our dear Jongsu High School….. You don't look like much. The rumors were that you defeated twenty third-years back in your third year alone, using that cane of yours." Shrugging, the pompadour delinquent looked down at the cane disdainfully. "But honestly, from the looks of you….. Eh. I could probably take you with a hand behind my back."

Takeo stiffened for a second, covering his face as he slowly turned his head, almost in tears. It had been such a long time since he'd heard that… Whether he be in Seoul or Sendai, it seemed, that something's never changed. The overconfident high schooler was always a riot to watch.


Suddenly, the "Iron Cane", made his move, arm lashing out like a whip, as his cane smashed into the pompadour's jaw, sending the kid reeling to the ground, blood dripping from his mouth.

Getting to his feet, the grey-haired teen twirled the cane like a baton, before snapping it to his side in a reverse grip. Takeo was amused, as he watched the whole procession. The way the guy held the cane, was much like that of a tonfa. This guy was definitely interesting. His technique was reminiscent of quite a few staff arts he'd seen throughout the years.

The rest of the kids stepped back in shock, before the balding one roared in anger, veins pulsing in his forehead. "Get that bastard! Boss was just being overconfident!"

Takeo watched in amusement as the balding teen's muscular frame pulsed, his maroon coat flinging about as he punched out in a deadly strike towards the grey-haired teen's face.


Sliding down flexibly, the "Iron Cane" seemed to consider the man's arm for a moment, before striking out consecutively.

One to the elbow.

One to the stomach.

One to the chin.

Three quick yet powerful jabs, that completely annihilated an opponent. The elbow strike disabled the balding teen's dominant arm, the stomach hit to knock the wind out of him, and the chin, a knockout blow. This was a wannabe street thug who hadn't any proper training, so it was expected.

Crashing to the ground beside his groaning boss, the balding teen was out cold. It was truly a show of expertise that even Takeo. An experienced fighter had to admire a little.

The rest of the thugs hesitated as they stared on fearfully, with the grey-haired teen twirling the cane around the back of his fingers with the flick of his wrist, which Takeo vaguely remembered was called a backhand toss, in baton twirling.

Suddenly, the pompadour boss began to snarl. Wiping the blood off his nose, the guy got to his feet, teeth stained red, and eyes dilated and glaring. He rose up, adjusting his coat for a second before he attacked. It was an uneven charge, wavering but fast.

Reaching out, the delinquent's foot clamped down on the grey-haired teen's, as his fist blurred forth in a straight jab.


Another hit by the "cane-man", whose once twirling cane had again switched back to the reverse grip, smashing into the pompadour's forehead in the split of a second.

Cocking the cane back around to his back, the grey-haired teen swung down for the third time, viciously slamming the cane into the delinquent's shoulder, causing the boxer-like guy to collapse in pain.

It was hard to discern what techniques the guy was using. At times, it was reminiscent of Arnis, while at other times, it seemed like Bo Staff techniques. Takeo's eyes trailed over the grey-haired teen, before staring at the cane.

From the way it subtly vibrated, to its flexibility and durability, he knew it was no old cane. It was most likely hard enough to at least break bones in someone's body, and flexible enough to cause lasting shock.

The creator of this "tool", seemed to have made it with quite some… Characteristics in mind. Takeo sat back, and simply enjoyed the show, as the grey-haired teen tossed the cane in the air and caught it, mockingly hobbling forwards toward the rest of the thugs.

"Oh, look at little old me…. Can't walk without my trusty old cane~" In a sing-song voice, the cane-man drew closer and closer, until he was just half a step away from the nearest thug. Pinching his earlobe slightly, the grey-haired teen towered over the delinquent, staring in with his soulless grey eyes.

"What are you gonna do about it? Beat me? Beat this poor guy with a cane?" Breaking out into a wide feral grin, the once cool grey-haired boy was beginning to look…. A bit like the devil.

The thug whimpered as he looked around at his "friends", who were all starting to back away, edging towards the door. Fear, was a great factor in street fights, that when used correctly, could result in a whole mental breakdown from the enemy. This guy knew how to use it to the best of his ability.

The rest of the customers were definitely spooked, though Takeo could see a young boy attempting to poke his head up under his mother's hands, honestly quite interested in the situation. A few genuinely normal students stared in awe at the display, not knowing what to really think of it.

"Hmm… Maybe I should join in on the fun…." Takeo considered this for a moment. There wasn't much else to do, besides finish the homework that he had been given on the first day of school, so might as well get into a fight. That was just how his mind worked.

In his previous life, that was how most of the strongest fighters around had gotten better. Besides the few guys who were driven by belief were just lazy geniuses, and plainly didn't like fighting, the rest of them…. Had carved and tempered themselves in fist and blood, beating people up and getting beaten up to get stronger. That was how Takeo had done it too. The blood-boiling rush of the fight was truly addicting.

So, the way to get stronger was by having a bit of talent and technique, along with a lot of bloodlust. That was the depressing, yet essential formula. Combat experience was a must.

Getting up from his seat, he wiped his mouth with a tissue, before pushing onto the stool. Slapping a tip on the table, he casually stepped over the groaning pompadour man and his balding minion, before proceeding to check his phone.

The grey-haired man and the rest of the delinquents looked over, somewhat shocked. Unless they were a friend of either party or a dumb*ss, no one usually intruded on school fights like these.

"What's a J-High f*cker like you doing here? Get lost moron, or we'll beat the sh*t out of you." Immediately sensing a way to get out of the situation, a few of the Jongsu thugs began to crowd towards Takeo, who was slouching over low, swiping away on the digital screen.

"Ugh…. I'm just trying to leave. Kid's these days..." Takeo straightened up, his height quite a few inches above the thugs.

The "Iron Cane" watched in subtle interest, as the tall guy with a ponytail pocketed his phone, an irritating smirk on the guy's face.

The rest of the thugs got the idea and began to crowd Takeo. Change the subject, in a sense.

"What did you say? Son of a-" A pudgy-nosed thug stepped forwards, his straight black hair flopping around, acne-covered face gnarly and fearsome.


Swiveling about, in a single motion, his closed knuckle had embedded itself into the man's cheekbone. As the guy's skin stretched inwards, the others stared, gaping in shock.


Takeo's fist pulled back, blood spurting out of the pudgy-nosed thug's mouth, as the jerk fell to the ground in a spasming mound.

"You really thought…. How sad." Tracing his long finger across his hard knuckle, Takeo sighed, before he began to grin.

"Now… Where y'all be from? I'm from Sendai by the way."