
Web of Shadows: Spider-Gwen Against the Nightling

Somewhere in a universe that's a gazillion miles away, Spider-Gwen and this shady character, Nightling, have been playing their own version of cops and robbers. She slings webs and he... talks to squirrels, I guess? Joke, he controls shadows. Anyway, they've got this whole hero-villain dynamic going on. Could be epic, but then, wham! Feelings happened. Yeah, you read that right. I'm just as surprised as you are(not really I wrote it). Why am I even rewriting this? Oh, right. SnowApathie was like "Oh no, not a ChatGPT summary!" Why do books need summaries anyway? Isn't the mystery part of the fun? Its like someone telling you the end of a movie before you even went to watch it. I hate writing these so much, how does one even write one without spoiling parts of the book? Why are you still even reading this? Shoo, go read the chapters. So, long story short - it's a tale of two super-beings, some feelings, and a whole lot of ridiculousness. Might be worth a read, or not. Up to you! Disclaimer: This is fanfiction. Gwen Stacy and Spider-Woman belong to Marvel Comics. Nightling is an original creation. This work is not affiliated with or endorsed by Marvel Comics. For questions, art, discord-only side stories, join the discord! Discord: https://discord.gg/UCgqa5FKbE

Penpool · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

A Battle between Fate, Luke, and Gwen

Luke and Gwen found themselves languishing at a Metro station, their descent into the subway having brought them face-to-face with a digital sign that read: "Next train in 11 minutes." The clock was ticking, but it seemed that fate (or perhaps your truly, the omnipotent author) had a cruel sense of humor, stretching their discomfort to an unbearable extent.

A silent tango ensued, the pair covertly trying to steal glances at each other, attempting to discern what the other was thinking. But every so often, their stealthy attempts would sync, their eyes would meet, and a wave of awkwardness would descend upon them anew.

The distant hum of the subway car rounding the corner brought a fleeting moment of relief. "That's us," Luke stated, his voice devoid of the usual joviality. It was akin to a student's apprehensive tone when informed of an unexpected presentation.

"Yup..." was Gwen's awkward response.

As the subway car halted and the doors slid open, the two stepped in simultaneously, scanning for vacant seats. Their journey spanned 13 stops, and standing for the entire duration was not appealing. However, fate (Hello again, it's me, Penpool) had other plans. The only open seat was next to an intimidating man who looked like he could fold both Luke and Gwen like a twig.

"You can sit, I'll stand," Luke offered, appearing gentlemanly but mostly driven by his reluctance to sit next to the daunting man.

"No, no, you sit, I'll stand…" Gwen retorted, eyeing the open seat warily.

The standoff continued, but it was clear that neither was willing to take the seat. So, they retreated from the tension, standing in semi-close proximity as the train doors closed and the journey commenced.

Their thoughts mirrored each other's – they were grateful for their remarkable balance, a benefit of their superpowers and a necessity as the subway lurched into motion. The idea of an accidental stumble leading to physical contact was an awkwardness they wanted to avoid.

As the journey progressed, the influx of passengers surpassed the number of those departing, and space began to diminish. Luke found himself sandwiched between Gwen and the wall, while Gwen was caught between Luke and an alcohol-scented newcomer.

Constrained by these circumstances, Gwen began to edge closer to Luke. The awkwardness between them was palpable, but preferable to the discomfort the newcomer might bring.

"W-what are you doing!?" Luke exclaimed, feeling her shoulder pressing into his chest.

"Just...he smells of alcohol and I don't want to stand next to him. You should have offered to switch spots. Where are your manners?" Gwen shot back, her smile strained.

Catching her pointed glare, Luke silently chastised himself for his insensitivity. He moved swiftly, placing an arm around Gwen's shoulder and switching places with her, positioning himself between her and the intoxicated man.

"Thanks…" Gwen murmured, looking down to avoid the proximity of Luke's chest, her cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Don't mention it," Luke replied, his voice steadier now. The incident had disrupted the cloud of awkwardness that had hung over him, forcing him to focus on their immediate surroundings rather than on Gwen.

At the next stop, Luke looked down, catching sight of Gwen's blush. He sighed, unable to comprehend how their day had turned so convoluted.

"This-" he began, only to be cut off by Gwen.

"It's weird, I know…" she said, her gaze downward, impeded by the cramped conditions.

"Yeah… I'm sorry I made things awkward at the park. I was just trying to joke…" Luke confessed, an apologetic smile on his face.

Gwen looked up at him. "No... it's my fault… I misunderstood and ruined your joke… I'm just not used to jokes like that and it caught me off guard…"

Luke nodded, accepting her admission. Their exchange seemed to disperse some of the awkwardness, enabling them to endure their close proximity without squirming discomfort.

However, the intoxicated man behind Luke, bottle in hand, began to wave his arms about wildly, creating a new source of unease. During one of his exaggerated swings, a splash of alcohol landed on Luke's back, causing him to jolt forward and press against Gwen.

"I-I am so sorry! Something just splashed onto my back and I moved without thinking!" Luke stammered, trying to retreat but finding the drunkard had already claimed the vacated space.

His attempts to withdraw resulted in more inadvertent contact with Gwen, who was now blushing fiercely and looking annoyed. She grabbed his shirt, tugging him forward.

"It's fine, but stop moving, for goodness sake… you keep touching me... Just stand still, we only have a few more stops…" she snapped, each word punctuated by a clench of her teeth.

The rhythmic sounds of the train echoed through the cabin as a growing sense of discomfort clung to Luke. His popularity rarely extended to personal interactions with girls, leaving him unfamiliar with being in such close proximity. Aside from his mother, the only other woman in his life was their housemaid, and their connection was strictly employer-employee, lacking any personal familiarity.

His struggle to remain still only seemed to amplify Gwen's irritation. Each time he moved, he could almost physically sense her patience wearing thin. In turn, this would cause him to freeze midway through his squirm, often resulting in an even more uncomfortable position.

"Luke, if you shuffle one more time, I'll... I'm not sure what I'll do, but I can assure you, you won't enjoy it…" Gwen's warning came with a heated glare.

His gaze met hers, but rather than focusing on her steely eyes, he found himself unintentionally fixated on their uncomfortable closeness. From Gwen's perspective, however, it looked like he was staring at her instead of their compromising proximity. Recognizing his gaze, Gwen acted impulsively.

Before Luke could even understand what was happening, Gwen rose to her tiptoes and bit his shoulder. The jolt of pain brought him back to the present, and he barely managed to stifle the yell that formed in his throat.

"Gwen, what in the world...? I think you broke the skin, you lunatic!" he whispered, wincing.

"Me!? I'm the lunatic!? WHAT WERE YOU STARING AT, LUKE!? We're already uncomfortably close and you choose now to ogle me, you...you creep!?"

Luke was taken aback. "I wasn't... I wasn't ogling you, Gwen. I mean, yes, I was looking at you, but not in that way. I'm just not used to being this close to... to girls…" His cheeks blushed a vibrant shade of crimson.

Luke's defense, rather than exonerating him, seemed to confirm Gwen's suspicions that he had been staring at her, albeit unintentionally.

Without a word, Gwen raised a hand and placed it over Luke's eyes, effectively blocking his vision.

"If you move, speak, or do anything else, I'll make you regret it. So just stand there, and don't move," Gwen warned, her tone icy and stern.

In response, Luke tried to nod to indicate his understanding, but a sudden pinch and twist at his waist interrupted him, causing him to wince in pain.

"I told you not to do anything…" Gwen's icy voice cut through his discomfort, prompting him to freeze in place.

Luke wasn't sure how much time passed in that awkward stillness. Despite his initial discomfort, he would not admit, even to himself, that he was gradually starting to find the situation somewhat endearing. Eventually, he sensed the train slowing to a stop, and Gwen's hand lifting from his eyes. Blinking in the sudden light, he turned to where Gwen had been, only to find an empty space.

Looking around frantically, he caught a glimpse of her retreating back as she rushed off the train and out of his sight. His heart pounded in his chest as he stood there, caught between confusion and a sudden, unanticipated sense of longing.

Two chapters today as I was a bad author and didn't give you one yesterday!

I might release a third today incase I am unable to find time again tommorow!

Also, ;) use those powerstones ya know? Might do a spam-release if we get high up!

Penpoolcreators' thoughts