
#Chapter 59

*Rose's POV*

A lovely Sunday morning, nothing could ever ruin it. I had made my plans for the day.

I had woke up late, missing breakfast, just in time for lunch.

After lunch, I was to go to Hogsmeade alone. Perhaps by some more sweets, then stroll around, or go visit Sirius.

I walked to the Great Hall for lunch, surprisingly I was early. I looked at the time, nope, I wasn't early. People were already at Hogsmeade.

I took my seat, and started piling up my food.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a tired looking figure coming to to the Slytherin table.

I completely ignored that figure, as it was Blaise.

An owl flew over to me.

I opened the letter, wondering who it could be from.

Dear Rose,

I assume we still do have a detention that has not been started yet. Please meet me by the teachers' staffroom at 2pm.

Professor Lupin.

What?! A detention? I had totally forgotten about it.

Great, all my plans for today were ruined.

I looked up at the teachers' table, frowning. Professor Lupin nodded to me, and then went back to eating his food.

I sighed, now I wouldn't be getting more candy till next week.

Once I was done eating, I decided that after detention I would visit the mysterious room that I had found in my second year.

At 2pm, I walked to the staffroom where Professor Lupin was already there waiting for me.

"Ah, Rose," he said, smiling,"Sorry we could not go this detention earlier. Come on in, I'll show you what you will be helping me with."

I nodded and followed him.

All the teachers that were inside turned their head me.

As I had all the attention on me, I walked elegantly.

I saw Sev roll his eyes before going back to talking with Professor McGonagall.

I resisted the urge to stick my tongue. What? Call me a muggle kid if you want, I don't care.

We went to the back of the staffroom where we had faced the boggart. However, the door to the room was closed.

A loud banging of a pipe was heard.

I widened my and whispered,"What is in their."

"Some ghouls," Professor Lupin replied simply.

"There is a box in their, I would like you to put them in the box," he instructed.

My eyes widened further,"What if it hurts me?"

Lupin chuckled,"Ghouls don't do anything. They just throw things, but I do suggest you stay away from them if you are scared."

He gave me a familiar reassuring smile.

I narrowed my eyes"Where have I seen you?" I asked, mainly to myself.

"In you go, then," Professor Lupin said, breaking me from my thoughts.

I took a deep breathe, and clutched my wand, trembling.

Professor Lupin gave me a smile once again.

How was he so calm about some ghouls?

Lupin opened the door and I stepped inside.

I saw three ghouls inside, all of them stopped banging the pipe they had and all of them turned to look at me.

I stared back at them cluelessly.

The ghoul in the middle suddenly lifted up the pipe and threw it at me.

It was like everything was happening in slow motion.

I lifted my arm up and flicked my wand upwards shouting,"Protego!"

The pipe flew to a corner and I was unharmed.

As I saw one on my right hand side front raise its pipe slowly.

I quickly said,"Wingardium Leviosa," and made it fly.

I managed to put it into the box. One down, two more to go.

The ghoul to my left front had a pipe, so I sent a spell at it.


The ghoul immediately froze on its spot. I did the same to the ghoul in the middle.

I smiled to myself once all three ghouls were in the box.

I should have been a Gryffindor. I was even braver than the boy who lived.

"I am impressed," Professor Lupin said smiling to me as well left the room,"How were able to do the shielding charm so perfectly? Most adult wizards, even the ones employed by the ministry, are unable to perform this charm."

I shrugged ads if was nothing, but I was beaming with joy inside.

"Last year Hermione picked out books for me to read, and protego was in one of the books," I explained.

Professor Lupin nodded.

"Well, I must be off now, hope you have a good evening," he said waving me goodbye.

I waved back.

After standing for a few seconds, I walked to The Slytherin common room, and to the dorms.

I lay down on my bed, suddenly remembering that I was tired.

I drifted off to a soundless sleep.