
#Chapter 15

*Roses POV*

The summer holidays were awesome, Sev had even agreed to take me to a muggle dance studio.

I had also gotten to that Sev had a houself, Kinky, more better.

"It's Kinky's pleasure to meet you, Miss," She has said, doing a curtsy.

I had blushed, not knowing how to react, and before I could've said anything, Sev had dismissed her.

Whenever Kinky was around, I had felt awkward.


It was the day when I was to go to my first ever dance class, and I was eexcite, even though I wasn't too sure if I was happy to be taking the class with muggles.

Sev had flooed us to a wizarding restaurant next to the studio where I was supposed to be taking my first ever dance lesson with Draco.

Draco got dropped off by his mother, her and Sev didnct even look at each oher, and both of us went inside after waving goodbye. Our teacher was very cheery, her name was Daisy.

We did a few warm ups then copied dances (like zumba) then learnt different styles of dancing.

"Now I want you to go in groups of three. For the next few lessons you will come up with a dance routine. You can select the song. Please don't copy any dances cause it won't help you out if you want to go far in life," She instructed.

Draco and I paired up needing one more person. One of the big girls was left, so we had her in our group.

"Hello," she said,"I am Erin."

She had very dark brown, short hair and black eyes.

I smiled," Rose and this is Draco."

She nodded,"Yes, I know."

Draco and I gave her confused looks.

She lowered her voice," I have seen you at Hogwarts, Rose. And of course, evryone in our world know a Malfoy. Anyway, I am Erin, a Hufflepuff, going to my fifth year now."

We three became very good friends. I found out that she didn't have any parents because there wasn't any trace of them.

Erin used to live with her mysterious Aunt, her words not mine, who has suddenly disappeared a few months ago.

So Erin was now living alone, with the Ministy's permission, of course.

Over the next few days, Draco and Erin came up with some dance moves as I came up with a song which I was to sing.

When it was our time to perform, we gave our short little dance a try in front of the teacher, Daisy. Once we were done Daisy looked at us, wide eyed.

"Wow," She said,"you guys are awesome! Soon enough you will be performing in front of people, and before you know it, the whole world!"

We smiled, these were the best words that I had heard ever since the holidays had started.

Erin and I squealed. Draco rolled his eyes at us, but he was smiling.

I was told to stay back by Daisy.

"You, my dear, have potential. You can sing as well as dance! Where did you get that song from?" She asked.

"I-I made it myself."

Daisy smiled,"I will make sure you go far in life."

I smiled back at her, and told anyone who would listen about my good news. Hermione and Sev were very happy for me.

I started some singing lessons too. Personally, I didn't think I needed it because I was awesome, but I went with flowers anyways.

I managed to finish all my homework in the month of July, even with regular practices for singing and dancing.

If I wasn't in classes, I would usually be listening to muggle music which Hermione would send daily.

Erin, Draco and I would sometimes stay back at the studio free dancing on some of the muggle songs.

We had to much fun! Hermione told me that she was having fun as well. Some days we even met up to talk in london.

This was the most perfect Summer anyone could get!