
Wealth and the Undead: Rise of the Capitalist God

In "Wealth and the Undead: Rise of the Capitalist God," Yang Wei, a 19-year-old successor to his family's business empire, rises to power in a zombie apocalypse world. Using his natural talent for business and cheat-like abilities, he builds an empire and a harem of loyal followers, dreaming of becoming the capitalist god of the new world. But with power comes enemies, and Yang Wei must navigate the treacherous world of the undead while grappling with the moral implications of his actions.

Deep_Sky · 都市
102 Chs

The Prophecy Unfolds

The survivors stood in the aftermath of the battle, their bodies weary but their spirits lifted. The Witch of the Forest approached them, her expression grave.

"I fear this is not the end," she said, her voice low. "There is a prophecy that speaks of a great darkness that will descend upon the land. The Phoenix's Gift was only the first step in a much larger battle."

Lysander frowned. "What do you mean?" he asked.

The Witch of the Forest sighed. "The Phoenix's Gift is the key to unlocking a great power," she said. "A power that has been sealed away for centuries. The dark wizards sought it for their own gain, but they were not the only ones."

She looked around at the survivors, her eyes alight with a fierce determination. "There are those who believe that the power should be used for good," she said. "But they are few and far between. The darkness will stop at nothing to claim it."

The survivors exchanged worried glances, but they knew that they could not let the darkness win. They had to protect the Phoenix's Gift and unlock the power that lay within.

Just then, a figure appeared on the horizon, riding towards them on a magnificent black stallion. It was a woman, dressed in flowing robes of deep crimson. Her hair was as black as night, and her eyes were the color of amethysts.

She approached the group with an air of authority, her gaze sweeping over them. "I am the High Priestess of the Moon," she said. "I have come to offer my aid in this fight against the darkness."

The survivors looked at her in surprise, but they could sense the power that radiated from her. They welcomed her into their group, knowing that they needed all the help they could get.

Together, they set out on a quest to unlock the power of the Phoenix's Gift. They journeyed across the land, facing many trials and obstacles along the way. They battled fierce beasts and cunning enemies, but they never lost sight of their goal.

At last, they arrived at the entrance to a great underground cavern. The cavern was guarded by a fierce dragon, its scales as black as obsidian.

The survivors knew that they had to defeat the dragon if they were to enter the cavern and unlock the power of the Phoenix's Gift. They prepared themselves for battle, their weapons and magic at the ready.

The High Priestess of the Moon stepped forward, her hands raised towards the sky. She called upon the power of the moon, and a radiant light shone down upon the dragon.

The dragon roared in anger, its eyes flashing with fury. It charged towards the survivors, its massive jaws snapping shut.

But Lysander was ready for it. He charged forward, his sword flashing in the dim light of the cavern. He struck the dragon a mighty blow, his sword slicing through its scales.

The dragon howled in pain, its body writhing on the ground. The survivors took advantage of the momentary weakness to launch a final assault. They poured all their energy and magic into one final attack, their weapons glowing with radiant power.

The force of the attack was overwhelming, and the dragon collapsed to the ground, defeated. The survivors looked at each other in wonder, knowing that they had overcome a great obstacle.

Together, they entered the cavern, their hearts beating with anticipation. They knew that the power of the Phoenix's Gift lay within, waiting to be unlocked.

As they walked deeper into the cavern, they came across a great pedestal. Upon the pedestal sat a small, golden box. It was intricately carved, and it glowed with a bright, white light.