
We Remain Together

The new volume is set in 2012 where the once strong and together Mikaelson family is now scattered. Their challenge now is to surpass the betrayal given from each other and to just stick together as one to fight against someone from their blood and family.

Aayaan_Shaikh · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 2: Café Beignet lady and Josephine

After Rebekah left them, Elijah used to go out because as the number of siblings they were losing the contact form, Niklaus' sense and sense of what's right was decreasing with it. He would constantly feed on women and have a girl now and then which Elijah despised. Elijah would roam here and there and see people living carefree; something the Mikalesons couldn't afford. And they had their father, Mikael to thank for that.

Elijah would also spend some time alone; thinking about his family in the Café Beignet. So once he did that. He was sitting there in that café and he saw a scintillating woman serving coffee to someone unimportant. Her eyes seemed green and her brunette strands of hair succeed to fall out of the bun she made. She seemed quite tired but had put on that cute smile of hers. It was then when she was coming towards him, Elijah realized her eyes are not green but brown.

"What can I get..." the girl was about to ask her question when Elijah suddenly interrupted her.

"Fine evening, isn't it?" Elijah asked with a straight yet enchanting tone.

The girl smiles in confusion. Usually, she would ask her question and the person would give its orders and she'd leave. This was very new and so she didn't know how to react.

"I guess..." she replies.

"It would be a sin if a striking woman like you would spend it pouring beverages for worthless people," Elijah said.

The girl chuckled and said,

"It's not like I can go out. I work here. I can't leave till the shop's closed."

"Well, do you want to?"

"Want to what?" she asked.

"Do you want to leave?"

She snickered in disbelief but when she noticed the seriousness in his face, her smile faded and she gave a look at the customers having fun and spending time alone. Living life.

"Who wouldn't see all these people enjoying life and not feel envious?" the girl replied.

Elijah stood up and asked.

"Where is the manager of this place?"

"Mister, calm down. Okay, let's just forget all this."

"Nonsense. You want a break because you haven't had one since you started working here. And that seems a long time ago. And now you have a chance to have one when I ask again, where is the manager of this place?"

The girl inhales deeply, "Follow me."

Elijah follows the girl who leads him to a door. She stood in front of it and knocked. A voice from inside said, "Come in."

She opened the door and the manager was revealed. Elijah entered the room and the manager got worried and stood up, walked to him

"Sir, is there any problem?"

"Oh, this place has a few problems, yes but they all are not important."

Elijah looked in his eyes and said,

"You are going to give this girl a paid leave of full week and weekend because we both know she deserves it."

After that, the manager blinked a couple of times and smiled,

"Of course! Of course, she can have that."

Elijah turned to see the woman in shock, "Let's go." He said and the girl followed.

"What just happened?" she asked.

"I and my family are very persuasive. In addition to that, he seemed in a good mood." Elijah replied.

The girl removed her uniform in the lady's room and wore her casual clothes while Elijah waited outside.

When the girl came outside, her fellow worker came worried,

"I am sorry!"

"For what?" the girl asked.

"You're fired, right?"

"No. He gave me a paid leave of full week and weekend."

"But how?!"

"He asked him and he did not refuse."

"Just asking?!" the fellow worker asked again.

"Yes." The girl replied.

"Might as well do the same." The fellow worker said and left.

"He wouldn't listen to her," Elijah said.

"Why? Oh, right. Because you are so persuasive." She said while walking towards the entrance door.

"That's right," Elijah replied.

When they were at the door, they heard the boss shouting, 'Leave!' and the fellow worker came outside disappointed. The girl was now intrigued.

"Shall we?" Elijah asked opening the door for her.

The girl got out without saying anything.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Elijah Mikaelson. And yours?"

"Didn't you see mine on my tag?"

"That would've been disrespectful, wouldn't it?"

The girl chuckled,

"Dani Asher."

"A pleasure, Ms. Dani Asher."

"Same," Dani said. "Promise, you are not a serial killer?"

"That would be my brother," Elijah replied and Dani laughed.

In contrary to Klaus who have sex after just one encounter and never see them again, Elijah just talked to Dani. About their likes, dislikes, and everything that made them how they are. Dani Asher used to live with her family in Florida but she was born in New Orleans. After her grandpa and grandma faced terrible death, her family decided to move to Florida.

Dani was only four years old. She loved Florida but she remembered almost every day she lived in New Orleans. And she cherished them. And hence decided to settle down in New Orleans. And meeting Elijah seemed a step towards that.

Elijah was so decent and properly behaved. Dani hoped to have intercourse with him that day but when Elijah showed no effort towards it, she realized Elijah is different. Different than others who just look for one thing. But not Elijah. He was sweet and patient. Dani felt so lucky when he said that he would call her tomorrow.

For Elijah, Dani too was amazing. She was much more he expected from her. She was deep. When Dani was saying all her parental history to him, he noticed that her eyes were fraught. But as soon as she said about her plans for New Orleans, her eyes shined. Which means she loved New Orleans as much as he did.

Unlike other days, he hadn't any idea where the night went. And that's because of Dani. She is so fun to be with and hence it did not surprise him when he asked for her number unconsciously. He didn't even notice he did until she asked for confirmation.

They hugged and she left. He watched her taking a cab and the cab driving off to a point where he can no longer watch. And so he turned and started crossing the road. He was so happy. He couldn't stop smiling until he saw someone on the other side of the road. His smile vanished away. Where his mind was filled with happiness and carefree was now filled with Guilt. He stood still when he saw her.

It was Josephine. In the same burgundy-colored dress, she wore in that ball. She seemed sad but she was smiling. She was asking for his hand. As if she wanted to take him somewhere. Then her mouth opened and he heard her saying,

"I am in the dark here. I am all alone. Come, Elijah. Let's be in the dark together. I know you want to. Because you know that's what you deserve. After what you did."

Elijah was teary. And so was Josephine. She released a tear and her mouth opened but this time he heard a loud horn. Loud enough to realize the person honking the car for the last minute so that Elijah could cross the road completely and not stand in the middle of it.

Elijah noticed the person honking and when he saw the road again, Josephine was nowhere to be seen. He quickly crossed the road and the traffic released. While walking he couldn't help himself but remember something. Something from long ago.


Josephine was trying to contemplate why Mikael and his family left so hurriedly. No proper farewells were done.

She asked but got no answer. It's been a week since that happened. She remembered Esther leaving for her village to check up on her house from where she never returned and on the same day, Mikael took everyone with him and left. Celine was left hanging, so were Christopher, Ayana, and were others.

Suddenly she heard a knock and she said to come in. It was Elijah. She got up from her bed and came to him.

"Elijah, is everything okay?"

"No madam." He replied with a sad smile. "But you needn't worry. I have not traveled such a long distance to distress you."

"Why are you here Elijah?" Josephine asked with true confusion.

"I just wanted to see and feel something good. Something happy. And please don't be angry but the time I have spent here... with you is the happiest I have ever been."

"I am flattered but what is happening in your family? Everything okay?"

Elijah exhaled deeply and said,

"Please don't be unpleasant when I do this. It's just I need it."

"Need what?...." Suddenly Elijah leaned and hugged her. Tightly. And started weeping. The only thing Josephine could do was soothe him. And so she did.

This surprised Josephine. She had never imagined Elijah to be so weak and vulnerable to do something like this.

Elijah is sitting on a side of Josephine's bed on her insistence and she sat beside him. "Are you sure you don't want anything?" Elijah nodded.

"Okay. How did you get here? Who let you in?" "Christopher let me in. He saw the condition I was in and he allowed me to come to you."

"Well, you were certainly in a bad state. (Elijah chucked lightly) Elijah, you've got to confide in me. What is wrong?"

Elijah looked at Josephine and started saying, "The last day we were here, Niklaus experienced something. Something he never experienced before. He was turned to a wolf, you see."

Josephine stood up in shock.

"That's impossible. There is no werewolf bloodline from either parent."

"Father knows how."

"Mikael? What is he saying?"

"He claims mother to be unfaithful."

"Esther? Unfaithful? I mean... What does your mother say to that?"

"She didn't deny it," Elijah replied sadly.

Josephine sat down again beside him and asked,

"How are things then with your brothers and sister?"

"Very bad. Father has been beating up Niklaus. He believes he would somehow remove the wolf side of Niklaus. But everyone knows that's impossible. We all know the father is just doing this out of revenge for his mother's unfaithfulness.

"Then you must bring Niklaus here!"

"I can't. Because I know father will be even more furious if he knows you're involved in this. And besides, I have hope he will stop soon."

"What do you want me to do, Elijah? I will do anything to just keep you calm." Josephine asked with true affection.

"Can I please visit you anytime I feel like? I would use someone outside my family from now on."

"Anytime, Elijah," Josephine replied.


Elijah had gone on several dates with Dani. Each time she surprised her more and more. There won't be a limit to their conversations. She loved it and he loved it too. Dani too was so happy about this man. He would be so respectful and kind. But also straightforward whenever needed. He was like someone she had never seen before.

Elijah decided to take her to his house. It's been long enough and he couldn't avoid it any further from Klaus.

Dani showed no hesitance when he offered. She was also excited for the next step.

Dani was bedazzled seeing the mansion. She entered and saw Klaus in front of her pouring himself some wine in the living area. It was huge. Klaus heard footsteps and immediately turned to see Dani looking at him and Elijah behind her.

Klaus smiled snarkily and said,

"So is she the reason why you're hovering all over the place?"

"Niklaus, if you...."

"Firstly, stop calling me that, and secondly, I was just joking. This lady doesn't seem to care about it so why do you bother?"

Klaus approaches Dani.

"She's a gorgeous one brother. (To Dani) And who you may be?"

"Um--- Dani Asher."

"Dani? That's a name you don't find very often. But it suits your perfect skin." Klaus flirted.

"Thanks and you are the famous Niklaus- the serial killer."

"Oh, is that what my brother refers to me as? I am deeply sorry to hear that. I am no Niklaus and no serial killer."

All of a sudden they all hear a lady calling Niklaus name in a thirst voice.

"Pardon me, folks, someone is waiting for me. Farewells."

And Klaus walks leaving Dani exasperated and Elijah disappointed.

They both went to his room and Dani said, "I am not gonna lie when I saw your brother, I felt I was with the wrong brother. But when he started talking, I felt that I was with who I should be. Your brother is so narcissistic and problematic."

"That he is; among other things. But I excuse on behalf of my brother. He can be like this sometimes but he is an extraordinary person on the inside."

"You don't have to say sorry. Because of your brother actually, I have grown fonder of you. Feel more respectful towards you."

Elijah got closer,

"Then I hope you won't mind when I do this,"

Elijah takes her head in his hands and kissed her. Deeply. Dani also seemed passionate about it. She had waited so long to feel those lips on hers and now when it was for real happening, she couldn't have enough of it.

Elijah lifted Dani and softly laid her upon the bed. And so, they did it for the first time. It was everything they expected.

After Elijah finished, he got one of the urges. He swore he would never take advantage of Dani but he knew the taste of warm blood is like no other. It's the best. And the veins on her neck were just asking for it. Elijah was trying to avoid looking at them but they were calling his name. The red, warm skin was also not helping. It's been so long that he tasted warm blood.

"You are not going to scream or shout as this will be painless to you. You won't be afraid. You will enjoy it and forget it once you sleep and will cover it with a scarf."

Elijah said looking at Dani's eyes. Dani smiled. Elijah then bit her neck and started feeding on that warm blood. Dani as told didn't do anything.

Elijah stopped after a few seconds and immediately apologized.

But he truly wasn't sorry. He loved the blood. He wanted more but he knew if he'd have more, then he could hurt Dani. And that he couldn't afford.

Like a hungry beast, Elijah fed on Dani a couple of times more after that night but he knew the real reason he was with Dani and that was because he loved her company. Now that Dani has almost moved into their home with Elijah, he wants nothing more than to just spend time with her.

And that is why Elijah told the truth when he said that he enjoys her company to Klaus. But Klaus got inside him, however. Elijah wasn't the kind of person who would take advantage of the girls he was sleeping with. That is what Klaus does, which he despised so much. And Elijah did the same thing. He realized he is not the kind of person he pretends to be. He knew there were faults in him and was aware of the terrible things that he had done before. One of them is the reason why Klaus and he aren't that close as they were.


The whole family was already upset knowing that Niklaus was an illegitimate child and would get more upset when Mikael would thrash Niklaus. At a place far away from their house. He would take someone along so that they could see how he treats Niklaus. Nobody liked seeing what he does to him. Even Kol who should be enjoying this was having no fun because it was evident how brutal and merciless it was. Esther too couldn't do anything after her confrontation with Mikael. The whole family fell dull.

Once Mikael ordered a witch named Agnes to perform a ritual to vanish the wolf side of Niklaus. She already informed that it would be very much impossible to do that because the wolf side in him came from someone who was a werewolf and one of the purposes of werewolves in their lives is to sire a living human. And so completing the ritual without disrupting it would be highly doubtful but she said she would do her best.

Everyone wanted the wolf side to vanish because it ruined all of their lives. They left The Order's residence in a hush, then saw their parents in constant agony, dull lives of each other. If the wolf side were to go, things may go back to normal.

But alas, the witch was unable to do what she was asked for.

"Why aren't you able to?" Mikael asked.

"I tried to do it without interfering with the four purposes of the werewolves but it is not possible. To vanish your son's wolf side, I'd have to vanish one completed purpose."

"I don't care about the competed purpose!" Mikael shouted.

"I care! I am Agnes Bennet. A bennet witch; being a part of one of the most powerful witch bloodlines and if I would complete this ritual by disrupting the completed purpose, I would be putting my whole bloodline in grave danger. I cannot do that to fix your son!"

"He is not my son!"

"And that is not my problem. I said I'll do my best and I did but I failed. I am sorry." Agnes says and leaves.

After a while, Mikael shouts in frustration and cannot afford to look at Niklaus who was now tied. He might kill him if he does. He ordered Elijah who was there the whole time to look after him as he is stepping out to get some fresh air.

When he did, Niklaus started sobbing and calling out Elijah's name. When Elijah got closer to him, Niklaus started speaking in a cracking voice,

"Brother, I can't take it anymore. Spare me. Please spare me. It seems I am the problem now so untie me and I would go, somewhere far away from all of you. Please brother let me go, please!" Niklaus begged.

Elijah wanted to help him. He loved his brother and couldn't look at him in pain but he had to follow what his father said. He knew he had the best interests for Niklaus. And he too wanted for the wolf side of his to go.

"I am sorry brother. I can't. I trust in father and I believe in what he is doing."

"What he is doing is giving me pain, torturing me, and ruining all of our lives and you believe in that? Brother, let me go, please. Or you can come with me. And sister Rebekah too. Let's go, brother, staying here with father is no good...."

"I can't..." Elijah said and turned his back on Niklaus. "Brother please! Please! Let me go!!" Niklaus shouted; pain in his voice and continuously sobbing.

Suddenly Mikael appeared hearing the shouts and started again beating him with the rope. While Elijah just stood there showing his back to Niklaus as he couldn't look at it anymore.

But Niklaus' innocence broke from that day onwards. Something inside him tore a little part of the good in him. His beloved brother refused to save him from constant agony. He lost all hope for a life with no pain.


Dani had already slept. She was tired from the fornication that happened moments before Niklaus arrived that night with Camille. He was so happy that Dani wasn't able to witness Camille's moans. They were loud and quite embarrassing.

He kissed Dani's forehead and was about to sleep too when suddenly his phone rang. It was Rebekah. He picked it up and said,

"Rebekah? Is everything fine?"

"Everything is marvelous Elijah. Paris is so beautiful. The people here are just so lovable." Rebekah replied.

"Cannot be more joyous than here with us sister," Elijah commented.

"Elijah, spare me, okay! I had enough of Nik constantly interfering in my life! I love him but he just kept on ruining my life! And don't give me the abandonment crap. You had a choice. I gave you a choice. You could get on a plane with me and settle down in Paris. But you chose precious Nik who is beyond repair."

"I just tried to compensate for my previous mistakes.

(Rebekah sighed) You know I couldn't leave him again. He is very fragile Rebekah. He pretends to be mischievous but he is hurt and paranoid. And it's good that I didn't leave him. Now that Father's back." "What?!"

"Yes, a fellow witch said that he is coming. To hunt all of us."

Rebekah sighs in frustration.

"Does anyone else knows?"

"No, you're the first one to know."

Rebekah in frustration,

"What we were supposed to do?! We did what we thought was right. I sometimes believe that it would be so much better if we would've left Nik with father!"

"Rebekah, don't say that."

"Why not? Everything that Nik has done is destroying our lives. And the worst thing is you are doing nothing but taking his side! Protecting him while you have me, Kol and Henrik lie in danger."

"Nonsense! I seek to protect you all! Even Finn and Mother!"

"By being a thousand miles away from us?! (Elijah didn't say anything. Rebekah inhales a deep breath) I will come there in a few days Elijah. Being together, we may have a chance against him. See you." Rebekah hung the call.

Elijah was disturbed to hear the broken voice of his sister. She was correct. All that Klaus has done is just evil and nothing good. So it makes sense for Rebekah to be angry about it. He knew he was choosing Klaus and leaving everyone else alone. Well, not everyone; Finn and Mother are together buweretill, Rebekah, Kol, and Henrik was confined to being free and that was because of Klaus too. If he had said no, then Mikael won't be hunting them. They would be living the best lives. All he could've said was no. Just a no. Then everything would be different. But he said yes. And he still regrets saying yes.