
We Own a Mansion on Mako Island

Selena woke up next to an onyx-haired young man with a headache. No unfamiliar ceiling... just a strangely familiar beach and a mouthful of sand. She and her Chinese boyfriend soon realized that they had suddenly transmigrated into the H2O series! All they have is each other... but just that in itself is already a very scary thing for this world. Can the H2O world handle these two frightening anomalies... EVEN after they become merpeople!? It’s an OP-OC-MC-x2 takeover! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***DISCLAIMER*** All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. In other words, I DO NOT OWN H2O: JUST ADD WATER!!!!!

Aerintissa · テレビ
6 Chs

We Woke Up in H2O


I yelped in pain. I sat up groggily and rubbed my head while trying to remember what happened.

There was a flash of light… then…

'Ugh. I can't remember.'

My eyes darted around, trying to take in all the sights so I could analyze the current situation. 'Beach, rocks, no people… wait, that's wrong. There're three people over there…'

Before I could finish my thought, those three people dove into the water and disappeared. A thought came to mind, but it was really far-fetched. However, just to be sure, I scanned the horizon of the sea.

'Oh, joy. I was right.'

I turned my attention to the body laying next to me. It was an onyx-haired male…

'Crap! It's Yang!'

I immediately tried to wake him up. Fortunately, he was alive. Yang mumbled something after a bit of shaking.

"你想要什么 ?!我睡着了!"

I rolled my eyes. 'Stupid.'

I stopped trying to wake him up, but he seemed to have felt something off.

"不对… 为什么我的脸上有沙子…?"

"That's because you happen to be sleeping on it," I quipped sarcastically.

Yang jumped up on full alert, right into a martial arts stance.

'That woke him up very effectively.'

"Calm down," I said. "Even if there was an enemy nearby, that would have only alerted them even more. Also, there's still some sand on your face."

He frowned and wiped his face with his slightly cleaner sleeve. "Yes, but it would put my mind at ease knowing that I can defend myself if need be."

I glanced at him and explained, "This situation doesn't require your fists. I've already analyzed it."

"Ah. 好."

"Yang, speak English. You're going to need to, now that we're here in this place."

He seemed confused. "我们在美国吗?"

"English, Yang. But no, we're in Australia. Not America."

"…How did we get here?"

Seems as though he finally decided to take my advice about the language.

"Transmigration, it seems. We aren't on the same earth we were on before."

"Like xianxia?"

I shook my head. "No, but similar. We aren't on some kind of fantasy world. However… there is definitely fantasy in this world. Remember that tv series I wanted to show you, but you didn't want to watch it because it seemed too cheesy and girly?"

He paused and tried to recall, "…H2O? The mermaid one?"

I nodded. "That's the one."

Suddenly he seemed to have realized what I was getting at. "We transmigrated into the H2O story?"


He grinned. "So what now, 我亲爱的女朋友?"

I squinted and smiled sweetly. "我们说英语! 明白吗?我亲爱的男朋友? ENGLISH! "

He sweatdropped. "Okay…"

I looked around again, just to make sure I didn't accidentally miss any details. Once again, my line of sight halted at the island in the distance.


He turned toward me questioningly. "Hm?"

I grinned. "How would you feel about becoming a merman?"

Yang's eyes widened, then he grinned back at me.

"Sounds interesting!"

I nodded. "Wanna race?"

We exchanged glances. I already knew what the answer was. We jumped into the water and started our swimming marathon to Mako Island. We were no merpeople, but all that martial arts training from before our sudden transmigration wasn't just for show. We arrived at the shore at the same time, but when he insisted he got there first, I squinted and smiled teasingly. "Sure, sure! You win!"

Yang noticed the implications in my tone of voice and grumbled a bit. We stood on the sandy beach of Mako and scanned the area.

"So what now?" Yang asked.

I glanced up at the sky. The sunset was almost over.

"Now," I began, "we search. I will head into the forest and try to find a creek with a hole in the rocks. You," I turned to Yang, "will dive into the water and search the reef around the island for any cave tunnels leading into Mako. We'll meet up here just after moonrise. After that, we'll have a small window of time left to rush to whichever moonpool entrance is closer. Be quick. Go!"

He nodded seriously and dove back into the water. Meanwhile I rushed into the jungle in the direction of the volcano.

Soon, it was moonrise. Yang couldn't find the underwater entrance in time, but fortunately, I found the land entrance. We rushed to the land entrance and made it to the edge of the moonpool just in time.

Yang glanced inquisitively at me.

I looked over at him and grabbed his hand.


We jumped in just as the moonlight peeked over the edge of the volcano's cone.

The water started bubbling, and shining blue diamond-like specks rose from the water.

'Weren't they gold specks in the tv series?'

It was over just as suddenly as it had begun. I turned to Yang and smiled. "It's over. Tomorrow morning, we'll get to test it out. For now," I scanned the cave, "I suggest we spend the night in here."

Yang nodded in agreement. "We don't have legal identities here anyway. We will have to sort it out after testing our powers tomorrow morning."

"Exactly," I agreed.

We climbed out of the moonpool and curled up in a soft mossy corner of the Mako cave.

"Hey, Yang?"

"Hm? What is it?"

I exhaled and began, "what color were the shiny specks of light that rose up out of the moonpool?"

Yang hesitated a bit. "They looked like liquid blue diamonds."

I nodded. "They were golden in the tv show."

Yang raised his eyebrow at me questioningly. I glanced at him, then turned my line of sight towards the moonpool.

"I think that the full moon tonight was no ordinary full moon."

Yang sighed. "We'll find out for sure tomorrow morning. For now, just sleep."

I snuggled closer to him and kissed him goodnight. Then we both closed our eyes, and let each other's steady breathing lull us to sleep.

The next morning, I woke to the sound of distant ocean waves and the light of the morning sunshine.

Yang was already awake, but he didn't move from his original position as my cushion.

"早安," he said in Chinese.

"Good morning," I replied in English.

We both looked to the moonpool at the same time.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's go."

We dove into the moonpool and swam out to the reef. Halfway through the tunnel, I felt a tingling throughout my body and knew that I was transforming. Yang was probably feeling it too. When we got to the reef, I turned to look at Yang's transformation. What I saw confirmed my theory about last night's blue diamond moon.

Yang had a pure gold tail with a metallic shimmer and silver patterns, and his jet black hair gained a golden sheen to it. On his forehead was a royal circlet-type crown made of blue stone, like the moon rings in the Mako Mermaids tv spinoff.

He obviously had more fins that Zac did in the series, and there were gills on either side of his neck.

He grinned and gestured to the surface, indicating his intention to discuss this above water.

I nodded and we both swam up to the surface.

He spoke first, "You have gills on your neck, an indigo-silver shimmer in your hair, and a Queen-like tiara made of blue stone on your forehead. I assume I'm the same?"

"Yeah," I confirmed. "Except your hair has a golden sheen instead. It must have been some kind of legendary, unknown type of full moon last night. We hit the jackpot."

I looked down at my tail. Pure, shimmering white-silver with shiny light-indigo patterns. I also noticed that both Yang's and my own tail fins are larger and more graceful than the ones in the series. The shape of the fins are different, too.

"We should test our powers. First, try feeling what kinds of powers you have. Kind of like when you practice your qigong for your inner strength kungfu," I suggested.

Yang closed his eyes for a few seconds and smirked. "Essence manipulation, hydrokinesis, gelidkinesis, substanciakinesis, siren voice, invisibility, vision sharing, telekinesis, water clairvoyance, invisibility detection, speed-swimming, volume reduction, moon magic, telepathy, zoolingualism, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, hydro-cryokinesis, hydro-thermokinesis, electrokinesis, atmokinesis, combined atmokinesis, aerokinesis, tower of light, naturakinesis, florakinesis, potion-making… and bioluminescence."

He opened his eyes. Then I tried sensing mine.

"Yeah, I'm the same. I have all the same powers that you listed."

I paused for a moment. "I think we should go ahead and practice controlling them before deciding what to do next."

Yang nodded in agreement. We spent the next few hours practicing our new powers. We soon realized that it was just too easy. There was nothing to practice; we had no issue in accuracy nor intent, so the next thing we did was build a base on Mako Island using our powers.

As we were walking around trying to find a good location to build, Yang and I were also discussing what the house should look like. "Let's build the house with Chinese-style cultural elements," Yang insisted.

"Sure, why not? I like that idea, but I also want to incorporate a fantasy-like look into it. Let's make it a fusion of Chinese culture and western high fantasy," I suggested.

Yang nodded in agreement.

Finally, we stopped at a clearing. "This looks like a nice spot," I mused. "Let's check the surroundings and see if it's worth building it here," I said to Yang.

We split up and I checked half of the outer perimeter, with Yang scoping out the other half.

Using our new telepathic powers, we exchanged information about each perimeter half.

Yang: "This side has a nice clear lagoon. There's lots of sea life, with a large variety; it's a great place to secure food."

Me: "Nice. There's a moonpool Land entrance over this way. It can only be opened with moon magic, so it's a good secret route. There's also a tunnel that branches off from the moonpool route that seems to lead to a secret place that wasn't in either of the tv series. It's like the merman chamber from the Mako tv show, but it's different."

Yang: "I think the clearing we found would be a very good strategic location for our base."

Me: "Agreed. And if for some reason it doesn't work out, or we find a better spot, we can always just expand our base outwards. Let's meet back up at the clearing and begin building."

We met back up and started building the framework. I mainly focused on shaping the water into the main frame structure. Yang was mostly in charge of hardening it into solid material. Then we switched roles and he began shaping the Chinese cultural-styled walls, roofs, and windows. I would then harden and cure them.

Finally, around late afternoon, it was done. We stood outside and admired our Mako mansion for a while. We had used Moon magic to turn the transparent solid water walls into opaque walls. The natural light could shine through the walls from outside, but nobody could see in or out of the walls. We made sure to add windows, but when it came to adding doors, Yang and I both agreed that it would be a better security measure to make Moon-magic activated entrances, like the merman chamber from the Mako series.

With this, our Chinese-fantasy fusion styled mansion was finished.

I looked up at the sky and decided, "It's too late to get anything more done today. It would be better to head to the coast tomorrow."

Yang smiled, "Then how would you feel about a nighttime swim?"

I grinned, "You read my mind."

We dove into the water and swam around the reef until the moon was overhead. Our bioluminescent tails made our night swim seem even more magical. Then we returned to our Mako Mansion, and drifted off into sleep.

New fanfic!!! Yey. I accidentally wrote this. Before I knew it, a whole chapter happened. Wau~~

Anywho, I hope y’all liked this first chapter. Leave reviews, comments, etc... I love learning from my failures, so please point them out to me. Also, check out my other fanfic ‘New Moonrise Over Naruto World’. It’s wayyy different. In that one, the MC is borderline nutso, but it’s otay cause the story is more or less probably entertaining. Probably.

So yeah. Thank ye allll!!! ❤️

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