

It was July. The air was warm, and the breeze was cool. And though she wasn't supposed to, Audrey wanted to spend one of her last days in the beautiful, shining sun. She was sitting on a bench outside of her hospital with her favorite nurse, Bryer Dahlman, when she saw the most gorgeous girl she had ever seen walk past her with another nurse she liked, Daniel Atkinson. She was the kind of girl who you stop what you're doing to look at, and that's exactly what Audrey did. She stopped talking completely and with a sudden burst of energy and courage, got up and walked over to the girl with a smile. "Hi, I'm Audrey, what's your name?" She said, and the girl quietly replied, "I'm Lena." Returning the smile that Audrey was giving her. Audrey and Lena started to talk and introduce themselves further until they were eventually sitting on the same bench, having a full blown conversation. Audrey knew it wasn't a good idea for her to make a friend, but she couldn't help it. She was drawn to Lena and couldn't tell why. You may be asking, why wasn't making friends a good idea? Well the answer to that is, Audrey was dying. Tomorrow was her estimated last day, and after that she wasn't expected to live for even a few hours. So that's where the confidence to talk to Lena came from. She figured dying in real life could block out the feeling of dying from embarrassment, but little did she known that Lena was in the same situation.