
We Meet Again (The Untold Dilemma)

Jessica Donald have suffered a lot in the hands of men simply because of her obsession with the ideas of true love. She believes so much in having a true lover and her world's soulmate just like the perfect relationship her billionaire parents shared together. She wanted same, the right person, some one her heart beats for. But the world seemed very unfair to her. No man has ever loved her the exact way she wanted. When she realized the frustration circled around her dreams, she stooped to forever remain single until her existence blesses her with the man of her choice. When all hopes seemed lost, she meets her childhood best friend, Mark Johnson. Someone she has ever loved right from her childhood days. But He was quite different from what she knew he be. His character and personality have all changed. She saw the half demon in him that she never had seen at their young ages. But as love was love, she loved him perfectly that way. Why and how come, she never knew yet continued loving him the more. Unfortunate enough, Mark was same person as her female best friend's love interest. Lizzy Williams, her closest friends sees her love towards Mark as a clear threat to her dream love life with her. She does all in her limit to crash their relationship but the more she tried, the more her plans kept drowning in the sea of failures. Jessica wasn't even ready to let him go out of her life, he became both her strength and protector. She vows never to give up on him no matter the imperfections she saw in him whilst Lizzy vows never to give him up for her. Who is going to give up for the other? See how bloody the fight became between two best of friends.

Mastergc · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter Five (Just couldn't resist what I felt)

Slowly, he began rubbing his hands all over my body, from my thighs, he rushed his fingers towards my untouchable center and before I knew what was already unfolding, he initiated his on my lips.

I never flinched any resistance because I too would die to kiss him as well. When he observed that he was able to turn me to another mood, he continuously kissed every part of me till I was drunk with total emptiness and the desires to do the unbelievable with him.

I quickly dangled into pleasure with him without even thinking twice. He took me on another ride without giving the chance to feel a stop. But I told him to stop. Not that I wanted him to really stop, I just didn't want him to see me cheap.

He raised up his eyes at me and smiled so satisfactorily, he said "Don't worry dear. You will love it same way I will" he spoke that. Can you even imagine! He said such a thing and I didn't react. I think he held me with some kind of supernatural drive that drove me into any world filled with lots of fantastical carry-go.

Then then before I could get a breathing space for myself, we were already on his bed. How I got there sorry, how we got there, I can't even remember. Everything was happened so fast. Faster than I ever could have envisaged.

What thrills me more was the quick way we removed out clothes to gear into some lustfully lascivious exercise. I can't believe he was the pooled out my own very wearing. They shocking part of it was that he took down my pants himself. Gosh, I feel stupid right now.

He stared invitingly at me for a while to do same on him. It was at this point that I was about getting my sense back again but he confused me with the kisses he started to drop on my shoulders.

I had the inner push to pleasurably let the fire continuously burn. I had my hands around his adnominal regions, unbuckled his belts and gently, I pooled down his trouser myself.

Fear gripped me with the first sight of the shape I saw molded behind his under wear. It looked massive and big. I think he noticed my fear when he grabbed my hands and placed them on it. He muttered to me "You can touch it, it is all yours today"

The feelings that drove into my head at the moment was so immeasurable and gravely unfathomable. He helped my hands in robbing my hands around it. Jeeez, I ran crazy knowing that I was holding the real Derick in him.

His d*ick was already hard in shaped. Slowly again, I pooled down his under wears till it was entirely out of his skin. That center part of him appeared nicely neat and well washed. He had little black body fibers grown under there.

Unaware, he bent my head downwards especially my mouth area towards his standing pipe. It knelt in worship of his pen.

Before I took the notice, BOOM, I was already digging it into my mouth whilst hearing moan with total satisfaction. He moaned and moaned till some white sticky liquids began to drip out.

"Why not you have a taste. Mine taste good like horny" he told me. First, I don't know what it was but I saw myself already licking it down my throat. It tasted so good and nutritional.

He couldn't even let me lick further, He pushed me down on his bed and jacked my legs into some styles.

"What is he trying to do" I first asked myself with the thought, that's I haven't done such a crazy thing in life before.

But he seemed like someone on fire. Be properly positioned me so close to himself and began giving me some painful strokes into my God given whole. He was the first man to have his way into me till that extreme. I so much cried, wailed, moaned and groaned from the resultant pain I was felt. Derick was a rough rider and he gave it to me the way my body hated.

I was moaning and as well enjoying the pleasure, he too was moaning. Was he in pain? I don't think so. He was the one punishing me with his long cucumber. I don't see why he should be in pains. He abruptly stopped when drops of blood began to flush out of my ovally-shaped natural asset.

He looked seriously at me and asked "Are you a virgin?"