
We have Dragons

The journal of a young man, traveling the world to document what he sees (Dragons and other mighty beasts included).

Nothol · ファンタジー
42 Chs


My eyes fluttered open. Everything around me was spinning and my brain took a few seconds to process what had happened. I looked down to see that my arm and leg were both wrapped tightly in bandages, and though they still throbbed, the pain had dulled to a manageable level. I realized I was lying on a bed in a long hallway with many other beds lined up against the walls, moans and caughts surrounding me.

With my free arm I sat up. Before I could form another thought, I heard a whispered protest


I spun around and saw someone huge approaching. Man would have been too generous a term for him, the six wiry, three-jointed arms, growing out of his back making a mockery of every person sharing that species. He beared more resemblance of a spider then a human.

Just a few day ago such a sight would have had me scream from the top of my lungs, but getting gutted by a giant bird seemed to have desensitized me somewhat.

One of the "mans" arms palpated my bandaged leg, while 2 other grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back into my pillows.

"Remain a vertical position, please", he whispered in a voice that sounded like an echo in a long, metallic tunnel, thought not unfriendly.

Besides his arms the man was handsome. He had a defined, but hairless, face, with a well cut jawline. His two eyes exermined me, while he touched different places of my body, asking wheter I could feel it.

After he seemed satisfied he produced a clipboard and wrote something down.

"Exellent", he whispered. "Within a few days you should be capable of resuming all motoric funtions again. Until then, please allow your body some rest."

"Who are you?", I asked. "Are you the stichter."

His eyes twitched as he brought four of his arms across his chest and kept two busy scribbling notes.

"That's a derogatory term. Please don't listend to the snake hunter spreading that ugly name."

"How can you know

"Her snake brought you here a few hours ago. Besides shes to only one calling me by this name."

"So how do you want to be called? I'm Nothol, by the way."

"I'm Xepec the scarmaker, Doktor of this sorry outpost."

Predicting my worry he adds. "Do not worry, my title does not indicate my abilities. Your bodys beauty will be preserved. I'm the best of the best after all."

"Do you know Ougen by any chance?"

"I can't say I do, but enough of this interrogation. Rest is perscribed so rest shall you do. If you feel any discomfort use the thread near your head. It will ring a bell that will inform me that im needed, but please keep its use to a minimum."

As he turns to go I grab one of his arms.

"Thank you", I say. The glimpse of a smile rushed over his lips before he turns away.

"Your gratitude is pleasing, but unnecessary. Please preserve your energy for healing."

With these words he left. I cuddled into my pillows and closed my eyes. After a few minutes I hear Skarra shouting.