
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · ゲーム
145 Chs

Chapter 33: A New Home

Footsteps. Armour pieces rattled. Quiet voices were hearable. "Keep moving, sisters," shouted a familiar voice. Maiev's voice.

"If we keep moving so slowly, we will never reach the base before nightfall."

She sounded stressed and frustrated but Kelrian was wondering why. The Maiev he had gotten known to wanted nothing more than capturing Illidan. She should be happy that she finally got him but she didn't sound happy at all. It seemed that Maiev wanted to bring him to the base as fast as possible because she feared that someone would attack them open field.

Kelrian was wondering if the warden knew that they were on Outland. He was wondering if she knew that they were hiding behind these rocks and were about to ambush them. She was overly cautious but Kelrian doubted she knew about their presence.

Kelrian looked out from behind the rock, behind which he was hiding, and saw Maiev, four warden and four archers. The four warden were close to the crystal that was moving by itself. Kelrian was sure that Maiev and her warden had cast a spell on it.

He looked at Kael'thas and Lady Vashj, receiving nods from them. Then he looked at Elena and Vara, noticing that they were ready too. He began to prepare a freezing spell, waiting for the king's signal. Kael'thas summoned Al'ar and climbed with Lady Vashj on its back, rising in the air.

That was the signal. Over twenty blood elves and twenty naga came out of their hiding places and surrounded the night elves. Kelrian shot his spell, freezing the nearest warden. They didn't want to kill the night elves, they just wanted to free Illidan, so the spellcasters just froze their opponents, locking them in ice blocks.

Before Maiev could have reacted, Kael'thas had wrapped most of her body in ice. Only her head was free. Her narrowed eyes reflected hatred as they fell on Kael'thas. "What are you doing, Kael? And why are you siding with these ill creatures?"

"Ill creatures? The only thing that is ill is your thirst for vengeance, Maiev," hissed Lady Vashj.

"Lady Vashj, the handmaiden of the traitor queen. You have been beautiful once and now look at what you have become. A vile snake who is kissing the feet of the betrayer. First, you advised Azshara and now you are serving Illidan. You can't just stop serving traitors. What a shame."

"And you cannot stop hunting Illidan. You could have spent the last ten thousand years wise but you chose to be Illidan's jailer. How does it feel to have wasted ten thousand years? You could have just let him go but you decided to hunt him."

"I will never stop hunting him," spat out Maiev. "Illidan has to pay for the crimes he committed. I will never allow him to live in peace after everything he has done. He killed so many kaldorei... Illidan deserves to die."

"Illidan may have sacrificed the lives of many kaldorei but he did that to fight the Burning Legion and he was successful in the end. The sacrifice of our people prevented the Legion from conquering our world."

Maiev's eyes narrowed, her voice reflected confusion. "Our people? They are not our people, Vashj. The kaldorei are my people, not yours. I'm still a kaldorei but you are no longer one of us. You are a naga. A monster."

Kael'thas cleared his throat, getting the attention of Maiev and Lady Vashj. "As far as I know, Archdruid Stormrage forgave his brother after he rescued Lady Whisperwind from the demon who tried to kill her. He no longer wants to imprison Illidan. The High Priestess, who joined you on the hunt, doesn't want to do it either. I'm sure they don't want you to kill him or put him back in prison. If the leaders of your people don't want him to be killed or imprisoned, why are you still chasing him? It seems to me that you're the betrayer this time."

Maiev was about to spit something back at him but Lady Vashj froze her head. "I'm tired of her. Her voice is so annoying."

"What do we do with her and the others?" asked Kelrian.

"We should kill them. At least Maiev. She will never stop hunting Illidan if we don't kill her," responded Lady Vashj."

"That wouldn't be right," replied Kelrian, his narrowed eyes rested on the naga.

"What would be right in your opinion, captain?" the naga asked.

Kelrian made a thoughtful face and was silent for a few moments. "We should bring her back to Azeroth and hand her over to Lady Whisperwind and to her husband. She is a night elf and she violated the orders of the archdruid. What will happen to Maiev and to those who follow her should be decided by them and not by us.

"Kelrian is right," said the king. "Killing them is not an option and we have no right to imprison them. We will only draw the archdruid's wrath upon us if we imprison or kill any of his people. We don't want them as our enemies now that we are fighting the Scourge."

Lady Vashj sighed. "Fine."

Kael'thas' gaze fell on Kelrian and the other mages. "We will make a portal to the night elf base where we have met Malfurion. Kelrian, Vara and their groups will bring them to the archdruid and tell him what happened."

Kelrian nodded. "As you wish, my king."

"Lady Vashj and I will free Illidan from his prison and then we shall see what he has to say. I bet he has a base somewhere on Outland," Kael'thas said.

Kelrian, Kael'thas and the other mages managed to create a portal within an hour. It had taken them more time and mana to create a portal from another world to Azeroth. It was much easier to create portals when both locations were on the same planet. Kelrian was wondering how difficult creating a portal from Azeroth to Outland would be. But he was convinced he would manage to create a functioning portal now that he had seen Outland with his own eyes. He can make portals to every area where he had been, so he was sure he could create a portal to Outland.

Kelrian looked at the king and Lady Vashj one last time before he took Elena's hand and stepped with her through the portal.


Lordaeron. The capital of a once glorious kingdom. Sylvanas still remembered how it had looked like before Arthas and his henchmen had slaughtered the king, Arthas' own father, and its population. It had been magnificent and beautiful before the death knight had ravaged it.

The magnificent walls that surrounded it were still intact, so were the towers and gates. The gates were closed and Sylvanas could only assume that they were barricaded with everything the dreadlord had found in the ruins. Tables, chairs, shelves and other pieces of furniture. It wouldn't be easy to break through the gates even with siege engines.

But Sylvanas didn't want to break through the gates. Her warriors would be exposed to the barrage of the demon's minions until they break through the gate. If they would break through the gate. She didn't want to lose too many of those who followed her. She wanted to keep as many Forsaken as possible and she wouldn't shrink back from sacrificing as many humans as necessary.

She also needed a large base from which she could operate. Lordaeron seemed to be perfect for that. It was in the centre of the kingdom and it was connected with Silvermoon City through various routes. If she would ally herself with the blood elves, they could exchange goods, weapons and other stuff and reinforce the other if the Scourge would attack them. They could drive out the Scourge together. Sylvanas wanted Lordaeron, so she wanted to damage it as little as possible. She knew that it was very unlikely that the city's structure wouldn't be damaged but she could make sure that the extent would be as small as possible.

Her plan was simple. She had mages in her ranks who had lived in Lordaeron or had visited the city at least one time. They will make portals and bring them to a remote area of the capital. A few rogues, mages and two of her dark rangers had already sneaked in the capital city. They had found the perfect hideout where none of Balnazzar's minions was stationed. She would bring her army and the human army to this place and storm the city from within.

Her gaze fell on theundead and human mages who were keeping open the portals they had just created. She looked at Varimathras who was disguised as Garithos and sat on his horse in front of the human army. "Are you ready?" Sylvanas asked him.

"I am and so is my army."

"Perfect." She pointed at the portals.

Varimathras nodded and gave the humans the order to go through the portals that were fifteen feet tall and fifteen feet wide. Sylvanas watched Garithos' men walking through the portals and then her people, the Forsaken as she preferred to call them, walked through them. Nearly an hour had passed as the last Forsaken footman had stepped through the portals. Only Sylvanas and her best dark rangers were left. Zetai, Nathanos, Kelia, Velonara and Verena were her bodyguards who wouldn't leave her side in this battle.

She looked at them, noticing the determination in their eyes. They signalized her that they were ready to follow her and fight by her side. Sylvanas stepped through the portal with them, noticing that the battle had already started. Humans and Forsaken were fighting against Balnazzar's minions. There were undead and humanoid creatures that had been manipulated by him but also demons.

Lesser demons like imps, felhounds but even some wrathguards were present. Balnazzar had requested aid but it seemed that the Burning Legion didn't give him what he had requested. There were no massive demons who could crush dozens of humanoid creatures with their feet. There were no infernals, doomguards or other fearsome demons she had heard stories about. She knew that the demons he had summoned were pretty powerful and deadly but not as deadly as other demon races. She gave the order to remain careful in their near before she entered the battlefield.

Her first arrow hit a wrathguard right between the eyes, killing it. Her next arrow ended the life of a possessed human and the third killed a ghoul. Her aim was true so was the aim of her dark rangers. They were the best of the best for a reason. All of their shots were precise and most of them ended the life of an opponent. Only a few creatures survived the first shot.

Mages were in their near, refilling their quivers whenever they were almost empty. The mages used arcane and frost spells to deal with the enemies. They only used fire if it was really necessary. They ignited Balnazzar's necromancers and killed them quickly.

Sylvanas did not only use her arrows to kill Balnazzar's minions. She used dark magic and even her swords to slain those who come too close to her. She was able to drain the life essence of humans who came too close to her, making herself stronger that way. She put curses on her enemies, weakening and inflicting pain to them that way. She even threw spheres of dark energy at groups of undead who died immediately when the spheres exploded.

Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days. Three days had passed since the battle had started. Three days in which she had lost hundreds of humans but also dozens of Forsaken. At least, they killed ten times more enemies in return. They had fought their way through the city and reached the entrance to the throne room.

A wrathguard roared loudly and charged at Sylvanas, intending to significantly weaken the attackers by taking out their leader. Sylvanas duck beneath its axe and rammed her sword in its left upper thigh. She rammed her other sword in its stomach, drew them out and jumped up, ramming her swords in its eyes.

The demon howled out loudly and tried to hit her with its axe but she jumped away and then attacked it again, beheading it with a clean cut. Green blood sprayed as the body collapsed and dissolved a few moments later.

A female undead high elf approached her but Sylvanas dodged all of her attacks, ramming her sword through her chest. The undead cried out loudly but then became silent quickly. Sylvanas drew her sword out, watching as the body fell to the ground and became limp. She came to the huge door against which her abominations had been throwing themselves for several minutes. Her abominations were not pretty smart and unable to sense magic. They couldn't know that a powerful spell had been cast on the door. The door wouldn't break so easily. But without the spell, it wouldn't be a problem for them to destroy it.

Sylvanas called out for her spellcasters. They rushed to her and lowered their heads in respect. Sylvanas told them about the spell and ordered them to remove it. They needed half an hour to do so because the spell was very powerful. So powerful that it was very likely that Balnazzar himself had cast it. Nevertheless, they managed to lift the spell and the abominations broke through the door eventually.

Sylvanas let some of her minions enter the throne room to check for traps before she entered it. Her bodyguards stood right behind her. They spotted nearly three dozen undead standing in front of Balnazzar who was busy channelling a spell. His hands were glowing greenish. It was not unlikely that he was trying to summon something. Varimathras transformed into his true form and leapt into the air, spreading out his wings. He flew over to his brother and landed a kick in Balnazzar's face, knocking him away. The spell was interrupted and the nathrezim landed on the floor, spitting green blood out as he got up.

"Varimathras... How dare you attack me, traitor? How dare you work for that undead bitch who killed our brother?"

"I no longer consider Detheroc as my brother. He was weak. He preferred to eat instead of getting stronger and stronger. The way he looked... He was a disgrace to our family, to our race."

Balnazzar's eyes narrowed. "And you are not? You became the banshee's servant after she kicked your ass. You are not any better than Detheroc. She defeated you and spared your useless life. You were once a high ranked commander of the Burning Legion but now you are nothing but the banshee's lap dog. I wonder how it must feel to fall so deep so quickly. You were at the top of your career, Varimathras. But now you are at your bottom. What a shame."

Varimathras gritted his teeth but didn't say anything in response. He started casting a spell but Balnazzar was faster, hitting him with a shadow bolt. No sound escaped Varimathras' lips nor did he pay any attention to the fresh wound in his upper body. He rushed over to his brother and intended to attack him but the taller demon managed to grab his arm and ram his fist in his stomach, making Varimathras gasp. He was stunned for a few seconds and Balnazzar took advantage of that.

He grabbed Varimathras by his hips and flung him over his shoulder, causing him to land hard on the ground. He put his feet on his opponent's torso and exerted pressure, causing that painful noises escaped Varimathras' lips. Balnazzar regarded his suffering brother with a wide smirk on his lips. "I have always been the strongest of us three. Not only am I taller and more muscular than you, but my magic is also a lot deadlier than yours. Lord Kil'jaeden gave me more power than you and Detheroc because he knew that I am the most promising of us three.

It was a foolish move to attack me, brother. You knew you have no chance against me. So tell me, why did you attack me? Did the banshee amputate your brain and replaced it with a brain from one of her filthy minions? Or why are you acting so stupid? The Varimathras I've known would never be so dumb and attack me alone."

"But he is not alone," said a scary sounding voice. Balnazzar turned his head in the direction the voice came from and noticed the arrow shot at him too late. It hit him in the right shoulder, piercing flesh and bones. Balnazzar cried out in pain but he didn't remove his foot from his brother's chest. Not even as the several arrows of Sylvanas' dark rangers hit him.

A dozen arrows stuck in his upper body but he still didn't release Varimathras. He raised his left hand and muttered a few phrases in eredun. An explosion hit three of Sylvanas' dark rangers, killing two of them and seriously wounding the other.

Sylvanas' crimson eyes narrowed and reflected anger. She couldn't believe that Balnazzar was attacking her people instead of herself. He was not taking her seriously. He didn't consider her as a threat. Sylvanas hated that. He was mocking her and she will make him suffer for that insolence. She focused her power and created a black sphere, throwing it at the dreadlord. It exploded as it came in contact with his upper body, heavily injuring him. Blood was flowing out of a dozen places, his skin and flesh were missing at some places and even parts of his ribs could be seen.

Balnazzar staggered backwards, his face was distorted in pain. He was shocked that she was so powerful. He couldn't believe that she had managed to heavily injure him with one of her spells. He had underestimated her just like his brothers. He realized his mistake but he didn't get the chance to make up for that.

A fist connected with his jaw. Varimathras' fist. His younger brother hit him hard in the face again and again, then he grabbed him and flung them to the ground. He put his foot on Balnazzar's chest, giving him a triumphing grin. "What's wrong, brother? Did you swallow your tongue?"

Balnazzar hissed but didn't say anything in response. His eyes were narrowed and rested on his younger brother before they fell on Sylvanas who came over to him. An amused smile appeared on her lips. "It is over, Balnazzar."

The dreadlord didn't respond, he just stared at Sylvanas as if he was hoping his looks could kill her. Sylvanas ignored him and looked at the demon who was serving her. "Varimathras?"

The nathrezim turned his head to look at her, his face reflected curiosity. "Yes, milady?"

"Kill him," Sylvanas said determinedly.

Varimathras' eyes widened in surprise. Disbelief was clearly visible in his face. "But I... It is forbidden for one of the nathrezim to kill another. My defection was one thing, but this..."

Sylvanas tilted her head but her facial expression remained the same. Her glance was cold as ice. She didn't care about the rules of the nathrezim. She didn't care about their traditions, their prohibitions or anything else. If Varimathras really wanted to serve her, he had to do anything she wanted from him. Anything. This was the perfect test of his loyalty and whether he was serious about what he had promised her. "I require one last test of your loyalty, dreadlord. Do it."

Varimathras hesitated for a moment but then he averted his gaze and looked at his brother. He dug his claw deep in his brother's chest and pulled his heart out, squashing it like an overripe fruit. He stared at the body of his brother that dissolved quickly and was pulled back in the Twisting Nether. He was not grieving, knowing his brother was not really dead. He looked back at his mistress, noticing the mischievous smile on her lips. "You passed the test, Varimathras. Congratulation."

The demon didn't say anything in response.

"The city is ours. Lordaeron will be our new base. Our new home. We will live there from now on and plan Arthas' demise."

The Forsaken cheered, only the humans were silent because they weren't sure if Sylvanas meant them too or just to the undead.

"What shall we do with the humans, milady?" Varimathras asked eventually.

Sylvanas' gaze fell on the hundreds of humans at the other side of the throne room. She knew she could keep them as her mindless slaves, as cannon fodder against the Scourge but for some reason, that didn't feel right. She knew how it was to be mind-controlled and forced to do anything her master wanted. She knew how it was to be a slave who had no control over their actions. She had hated being forced to kill her former people. She had hated every single moment of her involuntarily servitude, so she would never do that to anyone.

She doubted that most of Garithos' men had shared his opinion about other races. They had only obeyed his orders because they had been too afraid to contradict him and draw his wrath upon themselves. She had fought alongside the humans in skirmishes against forest trolls. She had fought with them against the Horde in the Second War. Most of them were not racists. There were only a few of them who were like Garithos. Most humans were good people.

She didn't want to be like Arthas, so she wouldn't just kill and raise them. She only brought back those who had already fallen. She needed more warriors but she was not so desperate to kill living beings and raise them. She was not a cruel person. She was no murderer. She was not a monster like Arthas.

"Bring them outside my city and let them go. Let them think that Garithos fell in battle against the undead."

Varimathras nodded. "As you wish, milady."


"The archdruid is ready to see you, Captain. Follow me please," said Melysa. Kelrian looked at Elena and the twenty sin'dorei who were accompanying them. The mages among them were holding the nine ice blocks in the air and made sure the prisoners wouldn't be able to get free. His gaze rested on the pink-haired woman for a few moments before he looked back at the kaldorei priestess who was giving him an expecting look.

"Lead the way, Melysa. We will follow you."

The priestess nodded and started to walk, bringing the sin'dorei to a double-door in front of which several night elves were standing. Melysa walked to them and said something to them in darnassian, the guards nodded and opened the door, allowing her and the sin'dorei to enter.

They came into a large hall. The walls were made out of solid wood so was the floor which was covered by a purple carpet. Night elf warriors and warrioresses stood along the walls. In the middle of the room stood Malfurion and Tyrande who were talking about something. Kelrian was not close enough to hear much even with his good hearing but he was certain he had heard Illidan's name leaving Tyrande's lips.

The night elf couple turned around when the priestess and the sin'dorei approached them. Kelrian didn't hesitate to lower his head in respect. "I greet you, archdruid." He looked at Tyrande. "I greet you too, High Priestess." Malfurion and his wife nodded and greeted him in return.

Malfurion's eyes fell on the ice blocks behind Kelrian's men. "At first, I did not believe that you succeeded in capturing Maiev and those who still follow her, but it is indeed true. I told Maiev that there is no need to bring Illidan to justice. I told her to stop hunting him now that he is on our side. But she didn't listen..." It was obvious that Malfurion was disappointed in Maiev.

"She went to Outland to hunt Illidan. She didn't kill him but she put him in a green crystal and imprisoned him that way," explained Kelrian.

Malfurion's eyes fell on Tyrande and remained on her for a few moments before they wandered back to Kelrian. "I don't doubt that for a second. I know you and your king. You are honest persons. And I know Maiev. She doesn't care about anything else as long as she gets her vengeance. But she has no longer the right to claim vengeance on Illidan.

Illidan may have committed various crimes ten thousand years ago but he had received his punishment already. He suffered in his prison for ten thousand years. That's punishment enough. As long as he fights the undead and the Burning Legion, I see no reason to lock him in prison. Maiev went too far this time."

It was Tyrande's turn to speak. "Illidan saved my life. Without him, the demon Exadius would have killed me. He almost had me but Illidan saved me at the last moment. I'm glad to hear that he survived the encounter with Exadius and that you managed to free him before Maiev could have killed him."

The last time Kelrian had heard Tyrande speaking about Illidan, hatred, scorn and disgust had been clearly hearable in her voice. But this time it was different. There was no hatred, no scorn and no disgust. Tyrande was relieved, her voice was calm and there was a certain look in her eyes. A look Kelrian couldn't identify what it was but he was sure it was something positive.

"Illidan saved my dear wife and I will never forget that. Maiev on the other hand...Disappointed me again..." A sad sigh escaped his lips. "We will make sure that she receives a just punishment. She won't bother Illidan from now on, I guarantee that, captain."

"Your brother will be happy to hear that."

"You are going back to Outland, aren't you?" asked Tyrande.

"We will but not immediately. The creation of the portal exhausted us more than we've expected. We would like to rest for a while if you allow us."

Tyrande looked at her husband, receiving a nod from him. "You can stay the night if you want. We have enough rooms for everyone. You can also join us for dinner. There is enough food for everyone. Be our guests as long as you want."

Kelrian smiled. "We appreciate and accept our offer. Thank you, High Priestess. Thank you, archdruid."

"You are welcome," said Tyrande. "Melysa will guide you to your rooms. We will tell you when dinner is ready."


Kelrian staggered through the corridor and propped himself against the wall with one arm. He had not expected that the drink Elena had offered him would make him so drunk. He had only drunk two glasses but was already very tipsy. His body was not yet used to the alcoholic drinks the night elves made. His head was hurting a little but other than that he was fine. Nevertheless, he wanted nothing more than going to his room and get some sleep. It was already late, so nothing spoke against it.

Kelrian followed the corridor and only stopped when he heard voices. They were coming out of the room to his left. After listening to them for a few moments, he was sure that these voices belonged to Tyrande and Malfurion. The door to the room was opened a little so that Kelrian was clearly able to understand them.

"I hope you understand that," said Tyrande quietly. Her voice was calm and careful so was Malfurion's. The druid didn't hesitate to reply to her. "I do Tyrande. I'm not mad at you or shocked."

"But you are not happy about it, aren't you?" the priestess asked carefully.

Malfurion was silent for a short moment. "Well, to be honest, I'm not really unhappy. I'm happy as long as you are. You and I... We have loved each other for ten thousand years but we both know that our love for each other is not the same as it once was. We drifted apart...Remember, Tyrande, I will always love you no matter what you do. The truth is, I no longer have the same feelings I had when we came together. I know you feel the same way that's why I won't be mad at you nor will I forbid you to see him and find out what you feel. I know he has always been important to you. You have chosen me over him back then but you still had feelings for him the whole time. At least until he sacrificed our people to fight the Legion. Anyway, I'm not stopping you Tyrande. Keep that in mind."

Nothing came from Tyrande's side for a few minutes but then she finally spoke. "I'm glad you understand me, my dear. I will always cherish the time we spent together, especially our best moments. You are the best husband a woman can have. I love you but..."

"You also love Illidan," completed Malfurion. "And that's okay, my dear."

"We have married each other because of love but I had the impression over the past thousand years that only our duties as rulers kept the bond of marriage together. I'm sure we would have separated hundreds of years agoif we wouldn't have been the leaders of the kaldorei. We've just grown apart. That can happen when a couple is together for so long. It's nothing we have to be ashamed of".

"It's your decision, Tyrande. I want you to be happy. I want you to follow your heart," the druid replied calmly.

"And my heart tells me to meet Illidan and talk to him."

"So be it. I assume you want to join the sin'dorei and go to Outland."

"I will. I have to find out what Illidan is planning now that he allied himself with the naga and the sin'dorei. The demon he once served is probably after him. I need to help him and then he can help us with the Scourge. Illidan is not our enemy. He never was. He was just misunderstood...The whole time."

"He made questionable choices but he did it for Azeroth. Some of his methods might be wrong but at least he does everything for the greater good. He wants to defeat the Legion so do we," replied Malfurion.

"I will inform Shandris about my departure tomorrow. Maybe she wants to come with me."

"Do that, my dear."

Kelrian walked away quickly as he heard that Tyrande was walking towards the door. He felt guilty for eavesdropping them. He hadn't wanted to listen to them but for some reason, he had been unable to go away. His body had acted on its own and forced him to stay and listen.

He had listened to a private conversation that was none of his business. It was none of his business with who the High Priestess would be together. Nonetheless, he knew now that Tyrande had feelings for Illidan and that she wanted to go to Outland.

Kelrian was wondering what will happen once they will meet Illidan. Lady Vashj had promised them a cure for their addiction to magic. She had promised that Illidan would help them. He wondered how this cure would look like. He assumed it had something to do with an alternative source of magic but he was wondering what this source might be. As long as they wouldn't find another fount of magic, he doubted that Illidan had something which would sustain them forever.

But he had no idea what Illidan was capable of and what he knew. Illidan was ten thousand years old and had worked for the Burning Legion for some time. Kelrian didn't doubt that Illidan knew about things Kelrian could never imagine. It was not unlikely that Illidan had found a way to sustain them. He hoped that there was a way to solve their problem.

The thirst for arcane energy became worse with each passing day. He had no idea how long he would hold out before the thirst would consume him and lead him to do something he would regret later. He could only hope that Lady Vashj had spoken the truth because his people needed the cure so desperately.

Kelrian stopped walking after a while and opened the door, stepping in his room. He froze as he realized that the room was not his. It looked similar to his but it was not the room Melysa had shown him. The backpack next to the bed was not his either. It was Elena's but the pink-haired woman was nowhere to be found. Kelrian checked her room quickly, spotting her uniform on her bed. He frowned and walked over to the door on the left side of the room, wondering what was behind it. He didn't hesitate to open it and enter.

He came into a small bathroom. There was a toilet, a washbasin, a mirror, a towel rack and even a shower. There was a person in the shower. A female elf with c-cup breasts, smooth pink skin, a flat but muscular stomach and a thoroughly fit body. It was no other than Elena.

Kelrian couldn't help but stare shamelessly at the pink-haired woman who was soaping her body, her eyes were closed and she was humming a beautiful melody. She was not aware that Kelrian was in the bathroom and watching her. His eyes roamed over her body, rested long on her breasts and her well-formed ass.

He had no idea how much time had passed as Elena finally noticed him. He had expected her to freak out and scream at him but she didn't. She had been shocked at first but had calmed down faster than expected. "Do you like what you are seeing?" she asked eventually, a wide grin appeared on her lips.

Kelrian leaned against the wall and said nothing, his arms were crossed in front of his chest as he regarded her. Elena stepped out of the shower and walked over to him, not caring that she was dripping wet and her entire body was exposed to Kelrian. He could see everything and she didn't mind that. She stopped in front of him and stared into his eyes, taking his hands and putting them on her hips. She pressed her wet body against his and stepped on her tiptoes, pressing her lips on his.

Kelrian didn't hesitate to return it, enjoying her soft and warm lips. The last time he had kissed her, he had not been sure if the kiss had felt right but this time it felt right. He had no idea if it was the alcohol that was making it feel right or if it would also feel right without it but he didn't care.

He just wanted to kiss her and he didn't care that his clothes were getting wet. At this very moment, he wanted nothing more than Elena. He wanted to kiss her, taste her, feel her and so much more. He wanted her and she wanted him. They wanted each other so badly. More than ever.