
We are never getting back together

They say in order to conquer the world you need to conquer the men but it might not be as easy as they say. Love is the epitome of pain and I wonder whether i can leave its clutches and escape or not. Sienna is a rich billionaire wife who seemingly has it all, houses, cars, maids, chefs just not a faithful husband. When sienna first married Carl she thought they were both in love but now she has seen his real face. She was just used as a tool by him in order to get rid of his playboy image. But people rarely change and he is still at it.

Moonshine_KA · 都市
3 Chs


Sienna's pov

I leave the office and go home. I try not to cry but I barely hold myself together. What was I thinking? Nothing can save this marriage. Not me not my baby, our baby.

I run out of the headquarters and head towards home but then I suddenly take out my phone to call someone. The person on the other side of the phone picks up the call, 'Hello gorgeous, to what do I owe this honour? 'Hello Hartley, I need you to do something for me.' I say. 'Of course beautiful whatever you need.' 'I need a divorce and I know he won't sign easily.'

I hear a gasp on the rear end of the phone. Then I hear him say, 'Who is this fool huh? We need to take everything from him. He will surely regret this.' No, I don't need anything from him but don't worry I will make him suffer. I deny Hartley and ask him to just do as I say. I know that he won't sign the papers easily so I wait for the perfect opportunity.

I look at my stomach. Although I done fell any different I know that I can't raise my child in a broken house. I go back home and start packing. I take everything that I brought with me originally and leave everything else behind. I look at the ring and I want to just take it off but not yet. I need to wait for the perfect time.

I give the papers to Mr Phillip and leave. I hope that he doesn't open the file yet. I want to go home but I can not do that. My family told me he wasn't a good choice for me but I didn't listen to them. I call my best friend. After two years I will be meeting him. He was also not happy with my decision but still supported me. My two best friends are like a family to me. As I call Noah I half expect him not to pick up the phone but he does immediately. Before I even say anything I hear his voice on the phone asking me to look behind me. I turn around to see both Noah and Deke standing right there. 'Hey Sienna long time no see' and they both smile.

I feel so happy after such a long time. I hug Noah and Deke and then Noah takes my hand and drags me to his car as Deke takes my luggage. ' how did you know that I needed you guys?' Noah smirks at me and says,' of course I know when my angel needs me' and then he winks at me I sit in the back seat as Deke starts to drive. He then asks me, 'So angel, when do I get to break that bastard's legs.' 'yeah, when angel?'Noah says 'After that let's make the company he is so proud of bankrupt '

'Hold your horses both of you. First I need to make sure that I get the divorce.', of course, Angel you will get the divorce if he doesn't sign this then I have my ways to make him, Deke says with a sinister glint in his eyes. No Deke, I will do this my way. By the way guys, where are we going? To my place Noah says. I know you are not ready to go home now. And also you are my boss and my best friend. And I don't want to leave you alone. Not right now. He says the last sentence rather quietly. I know them. They won't leave me alone to face this problem all by myself. But I haven't told them one thing yet. My baby. I don't know how to tell them yet but I will.

I go to the house and I see that my room is already there. No changes at all. I often stayed at Noah's condo. We worked together and even went to the same college the same schools so all three of us have always been right. Dax lives right across here but I think he is staying here. It will be like old times.

I don't have any more energy left so I go to sleep after having some dinner. I couldn't eat much but Deke and Noah did not force me. I already have tomorrow's plan in motion.

I wake up and see Hartley's message. Done. I smile and look up. Maybe I will get through this. I go out of the room and see Noah and Deke out there discussing something. As soon as they see me they stop talking. I eat breakfast as I listen to their plan. They are taking me out for sightseeing. I haven't been out for a while so I say yes. Both of them are delighted and start preparing for the outing. I wait for them In the car. I sit in the passenger seat and Deke is the one driving. Noah is in the back seat. We go on a long drive towards the Niagra Falls. I roll down the window and feel the breeze. It is early October so the weather is perfect not too warm but not too chilly either. I enjoy the feel of the cool wind blowing towards my face. It almost feels that I am free like the wind.