


“ We’ll be introducing you to all the department heads today. Thank you for accepting this job ”

Jacob said this to the new girl who’d be the new head of the human resources, she should be honored to be working here ,

“Why do you want to work here?” I asked her.

“Mr. Abraham…” she started,

“Call me David” ;

“The work requirements are interesting, and I always do what I feel is interesting”

she smirked, I could see my stupid brother losing it, he was laughing.

“David why don’t you lead Ms. Zachariah to the conference hall for the introduction I’ll be there in some time ”

saying this brother dearest left.

Walking towards the elevator.

I turned towards Anna Zachariah the one and only, who stole my deal with Malhotra industries.

What exactly was a talented business woman like her doing in my company’s HR department, she is way too overqualified.

“Do you remember me Anna, you made me lose a big deal?”

“Really David, who can ever forget you… the truth is your offer was good but not as good as mine, I did it so that I could break my contract with that company. I work for you now and I will do a great job so you don’t have to worry”

We entered the lift I asked her again,

“What is it that you want ?”

“Satisfaction…” she whispered but I heard her, there was something else in that voice, sadness… loneliness … I don’t really know, we reached the conference room and I opened it for her “Anna…” someone said and I heard a glass shattering on the floor.



I left my brother with the new HR manager and went down to the Fashion Designing department, I had to talk to her… trouble her… ah… troubling her was my favorite hobby, the elevator doors opened and I heard her voice,

“I knew it , I was wondering why this man didn’t appear today to spoil my mood” she covered her mouth as soon as she realized that she spoke her thoughts aloud,

“Aren’t you getting in Maria you’ll be late for the meeting ” I said a bit rudely.

She got into the elevator,

“I am sorry Mr. Abraham… I didn’t mean to …” she said.

Cornering her in the elevator I asked her,

“What did you not mean to Maria? Call me Jacob why do you always … you know what, never mind. Let’s go we have reached. She had closed her eyes afraid, afraid of me…

We reached the conference hall and entered, taking our respective seats.

I could see her from where I was sitting, noticing me staring at her she suddenly took the glass of water kept in front of her and started drinking it.

Everyone was already here except for Anna and David, the door suddenly opened and Anna entered, seeing her Maria dropped her glass, “Anna…”

What was that and how does Maria know Anna?

Anna went closer to Maria held her hands as though examining it for injuries, “Are you okay Ms. Joseph?” she asked.

“I am fine Ms. Zachariah”, she replied.

What just happened? I’ll corner Maria and ask about it later.

Looking at David’s expression he too was planning to do the same, I knew that he liked Anna from the moment she cracked the Malhotra deal.

My little brother is finally in love. Leaving all that aside I had to start the meeting.

Addressing everyone and introducing Anna I concluded the meeting. People were leaving one by one, I saw Maria and David moving towards Anna who was checking her phone.

“Where were you all these years Anna? What happened? Why are you back now? More importantly why do you look so thin are you not eating properly?” ,Maria asked all this in one breath, David who was standing nearby was laughing at Maria’s words.

Can’t blame him, Maria was behaving as though she met her long lost daughter.

" I'll tell you everything later, can you calm down now?”, Anna requested.

Maria was smiling now, I just love her smile... her dimples show... She was hugging Anna now, "I can wait to tell Amma, you are finally back my little sister, I missed you a lot I have a lot to tell you too..."

Maria would have continued if David didn't pull Anna out of the conference room leaving Maria shocked, she looked cute, " Is she dating David?" She asked herself and looked at me...

" Not yet... But I hope they start soon"

I said. Well I'd like to play with a nephew or niece. She looked at me as though I murdered her sister.

" That will never happen! " saying this she left the room, leaving me all alone.

They were sisters, I didn't know that she had a sister, but why does Maria not want David and Anna together. I might be thinking too much then...