
My first day at my new job

Present day ,June 15th;

Dest :23yrs



Ten years have passed and I have graduated from college.

I decided to take a flight to China because the best jobs are there,said my mom.

I took my internship in a trading company named VELLA,and finally got a job.

She woke up in the morning , took a bath , brushed , dressed , made her hair and wore glasses.

She had nice brown long hair,black colored pupils and rosy cheeks.

She ate her breakfast as she monitored the time so as to prevent being late for work on her first day .

She took a cab to the company and used her employee ID card to enter.

She took an elevator to the main section and came out at the third floor.

As soon as she entered , she put her box full of her stuff on her work table and emptied it .

She settled in and worked , next to her desk , was Jordan's work table .

He put a file on her table and told her that it had to be checked and given to the sales manager.

Dest said ,"Sure." , it took her some time to check through it because it had many corners

she thought ," It is just my first day and I have to do an impossible file ."

It was lunch break when she ate some food as she continued working on the file .

Jordan looked at her and said to himself ," This girl is not going to finish that file like that " he chuckled .

Jordan is the assistant sales manager at that section and he's been having the job for four years .

In the evening ,time for breaking up , Dest was exhausted,she yawned and stretched.

Dest," I'm done , finally .Now I can go home ."

She grabbed the file and walked to Jordan's desk and asked ," Good evening, may you direct me to the Sales Manager's office ."

Jordan looked at her and said ," You're done ."Dest answered,"Yes ,why ." Jordan ," If I , the assistant sales manager ,can't finish it ,how did you do it ?"

Dest ," Uh it just needs patience ." Jordan clapped ,"You're awesome,give it to me and I'll take it to him ."Dest gave it to him and watched him leave .

Dest grabbed her bag and left ,she walked slowly as she looked at her phone screen ," My phone screen is broken , I need a new phone ."she sighed and out of no where ,Jordan popped out .

Dest got startled,"Oh it's just you ,you startled me ." Jordan laughed," Well, my name's Jordan . How 'bout you?" Dest calmed down ,"Dest and nice to know your name ,sir ."

They continued walking beside each other , Jordan said ,"Don't be so formal , just call me my real name ." Dest said ," Okay ." They walked into the elevator and Jordan raised a suggestion,"Are you busy tonight ?" Dest looked at him ," Why ask?"

Jordan ," Would you like to go out for barbecue with me ?"