
91. Gang of Secrets

Scene: At the top of a building. Ladybug and Cat Noir land on the building after finishing a battle while the Miraculous Ladybug power is launched.

Cat Noir: Wow, you are on fire, Bugaboo. We never beat villains so fast. Pound it! (Cat Noir realizes that Ladybug is acting differently) Bugaboo? Something wrong?

Ladybug: (nervously) Uh, pound it - yeah. Hey, why don't we check one more time that everything's okay in Paris? (uses her yo-yo to perch herself to the top of the building) Like, an extra patrol?

Cat Noir: You wanna tell me what's going on? You didn't even scold me when I called you Bugaboo.

Ladybug: There's nothing going on, everything is super great. I just have some extra time and I really don't feel like chit-chatting. (Cat Noir joins Ladybug into the top of the building)

Cat Noir: Then I know the perfect place when there's no talking.

Ladybug: I'm all in!

Scene: At the theater. It turns out that Cat Noir has taken Ladybug to watch a movie with him. While he enjoys it, Ladybug looks very displeased.

"Of course you'd trick me into a date with you," Marinette said in a deadpan tone to her boyfriend in exasperation while the boy shrugged with a slight nervous smile and everyone else giggled in agreement.

"And another thing, Adrien: you just broke up with Kagami. Wouldn't you have a period where you are depressed about the break-up? I mean, pretty soon, you're all gonna see that Marinette is still mourning from her break-up with Luka," Angel pointed out in which the blond boy blushed pink in embarrassment while everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Maybe Adrien, but certainly not Cat Noir. Cat Noir doesn't get depressed about any girl besides his lady," Adrien jokingly answered, bringing exasperated facepalms from everyone else.

Movie: Oh, my darling. Why can't you love me?

Ladybug: (quietly, but infuriated) You tricked me.

Cat Noir: Shh. No talking, you said.

Civilian: That's Ladybug and Cat Noir!

Movie: I'm keeping too many secrets from you Ronaldo, stop giving me those puppy eyes, okay? I'll tell you everything. I'm leading a double life, Ronaldo. (The civilians look at Ladybug and Cat Noir. Cat Noir waves at them and shushes at them. The civilians smile as they return to watch the movie. Cat Noir tries to place his arm around Ladybug, but Ladybug stands up, right when it happens and explodes in total fury.)

"Oh, come on, kitty! You seriously think that the old and way overused "fake-yawn and arm stretch around the girl" play would work on me?!" Marinette asked the blond boy in exasperation while everyone else started chuckling at the duo.

"It definitely would if we were Marinette and Adrien," Adrien muttered in which Marinette responded with an open-mouthed look in shock while everyone else laughed harder in agreement.

Ladybug: (to the movie; furious) Are you kidding me? Don't tell him anything, you fool!

Cat Noir: Could you keep it down, m'lady? (Ladybug then rants on the movie, and Cat Noir listens to the rant in a shocked manner.)

Ladybug: Romantic comedies are lame anyway, and you know why? It's totally not realistic! In real-life, the girl would take forever to tell the guy she loves him without stuttering. Bla-bla-bla! So how can she know if he loves her back? It's impossible, so then she decides she can never ever be with him, and then BAM! She falls in love with another guy, and everything is so cool. Almost too easy, no stuttering, they hold hands, they get all kissy-kissy, and then, SURPRISE! She has secrets! And him, he hates secrets, of course. So as they break up, and everyone lives un-happily ever after, the end. And that's why romantic comedies are so lame. (Ladybug drinks her drink. Cat Noir notices the civilians' reaction to the rant and they're very upset. Fearful, Cat Noir decides to leave right away to not cause any extra issues.)

"Well, this is embarrassing," Marinette said as she tried to hide herself after the shocking silence from her and everyone else in response to her rant on-screen.

Cat Noir: (whispering) So sorry, we'll be going now. (pushes Ladybug as they leave)

Scene: Ladybug and Cat Noir leave the theater, while Ladybug continues ranting on.

Ladybug: Stay AWAY from the romantic comedy, go for heroic heroes instead. Special effects, heroes saving the world, no feelings, no questions, nobody talks because there is NOTHING to say! That is good entertainment for sure. (Cat Noir is again shocked by the rant, while the civilians in the queue are shocked).

"And here I go again!" Marinette said, exasperated at herself on-screen for making a fool out of herself in her Ladybug suit in front of civilians.

Cat Noir: (laughs nervously) Sorry! (runs quickly to Ladybug)

Scene: Outside the theater.

Cat Noir: Listen, m'lady, I didn't get everything you said and obviously, I know nothing about your private life, but I do know what heartbreak sounds and feels like, and-

Ladybug: Heartbreak? Me? (laughs nervously) It's not at all, everything's fine. In fact, I feel like swimming, let's go to the pool! (prepares her yo-yo to transport herself to the swimming pool)

Cat Noir: You know, if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here for you.

Ladybug: SWIMMING! Woo-hoo! (Ladybug goes to the pool off-screen, while Cat Noir feels unhappy about Ladybug.)

"I finally lost it, haven't I?" Marinette asked as she made a cringed face towards her on-screen self and everyone else couldn't help but nod in agreement while also giving her concerned looks.

Scene: Marinette's room. Aquabug lies down on the bed, crying. Ziggy and Barkk notice Aquabug and decide to comfort her. Aquabug looks at the pictures of Adrien, Luka, and her friends, struggling with the feelings of heartbreak and lying.

Ziggy: It's so sad!

Barkk: I told you we should've taken those photos down! (Barkk and Ziggy start to take the photos down, but Marinette stops them.)

Aquabug: Stop, I'm not sad and these photos don't bother me, at all. They're just shots of fashion and friends, and I love fashion and I love my friends, so it's all good. (struggles with her emotions) There's no problem, see? (Barkk and Ziggy leave Marinette.)

"We kwamis may be mostly clueless when it comes to you humans, but we're not blind, Marinette," Barkk pointed out to her future guardian and everyone else murmured in agreement.

Scene: Alya's room. Alya uses her tablet to show moments regarding Marinette's love to Adrien, and then Luka.

Alya: So, Marinette's got a problem. Her heart's been broken. At first Marinette was crazy about Adrien but she's never been able to tell him about her feelings because well.. she's Marinette and he's.. well.. Adrien. Then comes along Luka. Marinette can talk to him because he's.. well.. Luka. So they start dating.

Rose: They were so cute together!

Alya: Yeah, except they broke up.

Juleka: He was like super sad when they did. (The group sighs sadly.)

"Jules, why would you even take a pic of me like that?" Luka asked his sister who nervously shrugged.

Alya: But the real problem here is that Marinette never told us anything. If Luka hadn't told Juleka, who told Rose, who told Mylène, who then told Alix, who finally told me. Then I, her BF in the whole world would still be in the dark! Yesterday I was in the restroom and I heard her crying.

Scene: Flashback. The restroom. Marinette is crying

Alya: Marinette? Have you been crying?

Marinette: (whilst faking the emotion) Me? Crying? Are you kidding? I'm super happy! Let's celebrate and have a party! I'm so happy!

"Answering your earlier question, Dupain-Cheng: yes, you finally cracked!" Chloe commented with a cringed face with everyone else murmuring in agreement, also with cringed faces.

Scene: Alya's room.

Rose: Why is she keeping all these secrets from us?

Alix: If she's not even telling Alya, then there's a real problem!

Mylène: What do we do?

Alya: What Marinette needs is a friendly intervention. Let's all call her up together and see how she's doing.

Girls: Rabbit check! (whistle)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette's phone is ringing, but she doesn't pick up.

Scene: Alya's room.

Alya: She's not picking up.

Marinette: (over voicemail) It's Marinette, leave a message, beep!

Scene: Marinette's room. Aquabug answers the voicemail.

Alya: (over phone) Hey Marinette, it's us! (The girls enthusiastically say hi to Marinette over the phone) We were just calling to tell you that we're here if you need to talk, whenever you want, wherever you want, call us back!

Girls: (over phone) We love you, big hugs! (Aquabug still struggles with her emotions while multiple kwamis fly over her.)

Barkk: We gotta do something!

Wayzz: We need Tikki!

Trixx: I got this! Why aren't you using the talking light box to speak to your friends?

Aquabug: About what? Everything's fine.

Trixx: Don't you think you should detransform then?

Aquabug: No, I'm better off like this, if Shadow Moth attacks Paris, I'll already be ready for action at any time.

Trixx: Yes, but what about Tikki? She might need to rest a bit, or maybe eat something.

Aquabug: (frantically) Oh no! Tikki, spots off! (Aquabug de-transforms into Marinette)

Marinette: (with tears in her eyes) Are you okay Tikki?

Tikki: Better than you, Marinette. We should have a little talk. (Marinette looks down, still tearful and heartbroken.)

Scene: Alya's room

Alya: Maybe we should go to her house. What do you think?

Mylène: We'll give her an eternal friendship bracelet so she never forgets that friends can tell each other anything and that we'll always be there for her. (Mylène gives one bead for each group member) I read in a magazine that an ancient South American tribe did something like this. You tell a secret to the bead in your mind, once Marinette adds her secret to the bead this bracelet will unite us all forever. Ready?

Alix: Seriously, wouldn't it be more logical to take her out for a smoothie and help her work out her love problems? (The group reacts badly to the idea) Okay.

"Appreciate the thought, Mylene, but I'd go with Alix's idea to cheer me up. At the very least a nice cold delicious smoothie would help calm me down," Marinette pointed out while the girls nodded in understanding and everybody else murmured in agreement.

Scene: Marinette's room.

Marinette: As long as I'm Ladybug, I can't have loved ones in my life.

Tikki: What makes you say that Marinette?

Marinette: You know why. I had to break up with Luka because I couldn't tell him the truth, it'd be the same thing with Adrien. I can't share my secret with either of them. I can't be honest with my closest friends or my parents about anything. I'm doomed to be a big liar to everyone, forever. What do I do Tikki?

Tikki: I wish I could tell you but... kwamis don't fall in love.

Marinette: You see? No one can help me. My life as Marinette is too complicated. I should just be Ladybug all the time! Tikki, spots on! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug.)

Everyone in the audience began giving Marinette sad and concerned looks about her future stressful role as the Miraculous guardian while the blue-haired girl looked with nervousness on how her life would've gone as the new guardian.

Alya: Marinette? Marinette? (The kwamis hide into the Miracle Box).

Rose: (realizing the house) Wow! Check this out girls! This is new! Oh, it's so cute!

Mylène: Another one of Marinette's cool creations.

Alya: She must be up on the patio, I'll go get her.

Scene: Marinette's balcony.

Ladybug: What are you waiting for, Shadow Moth?! Here I am! (Ladybug decides to go back into her room.)

Scene: Marinette's room.

Alya: Marinette?

Ladybug: (gasps) Spots off.

Alya: Marinette!

Marinette: What are you doing here?

Alya: We're just checkin' in on you, girl.

Rose: Aw, it looks just like a real house, look how the roof comes off to show the inside!

"I have a very bad feeling that our friendly intervention for Marinette is going to be a disaster!" Rose squealed in fear while everyone else had cringed faces while nodding in agreement.

Marinette: (frantically) No! No, don't touch that! Move away! (As Rose opens the roof, Marinette gets down, pushing past through her friends and Rose as she hides what is inside of the dollhouse, while Rose accidentally drops the roof, which cracks. The girls gasp in shock.)

Rose: (kneels to pick up the cracks) Sorry, Marinette!

Marinette: (angrily) Will you please leave my room?!

Alya: Chill out Marinette, it's just a doll house. We'll totally help.

Marinette: No you won't, please go!

Alya: Okay Marinette, there's clearly something wrong and we're not leaving you like this till you tell us what it is.

Mylène: Each of us told our secrets to this bracelet. It's your turn now.

Marinette: (angrily) The only thing that's wrong right now is you guys still hanging out in my room, which is not cool!

Alya: If we're really your friends, you can confide in us.

Rose: Real friends don't ever let each other down.

Marinette: (lashes out at them in rage) Well then maybe I don't want you to be my friends, GET OUT! (The group of friends are shocked and heartbroken by this, and exit her room right away. Alya looks at Marinette one more time before finally leaving in sadness. Once they're gone, Marinette drops to her knees and cries, shattered over what she has done.)

"I'm so sorry in advance, girls," Marinette said, visibly horrified at what her future self had said to her closest friends along with everyone else.

"It's really no problem, girl. It's the future, so it hasn't happened yet," Alya pointed out as she hugged her best friend in comfort.

"And besides, now that we know, we totally understand the crummy stuff you have to go through," Alix added and everyone else softly murmured in agreement.

"We'll always be friends, Marinette!" Rose said as she reassured her blue-haired friend with a hug.

"Thanks, girls," Marinette said with a smile as Angel replayed the episode.

Marinette: (struggling with her emotions) I had no choice Tikki, I had to do it.

Tikki: (sadly) I know, Marinette.

Marinette: At least now I won't have to lie anymore, since there'll be no one to lie to.

Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie. The group of friends leave sadly. Tom and Sabine are working and notice them, but Sabine realizes their emotions.

Sabine: Is everything okay? Girls? (Alya, Rose, Juleka, Mylène and Alix leave and are outside, heartbroken over what happened.)

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Shadow Moth senses how much the girls are saddened with Marinette for not telling them her secrets and breaking their friendship.

Shadow Moth: Several fragile hearts that break all at the same time. What a lovely symphony for my akumas. (creates the akuma) Fly away my akuma, and evilize them!

Scene: Place des Vosges. The bracelet is passed to each friend before the akumatization, all in a sad mood.

Alya: (heartbroken) I just lost my best friend.

Mylène: (deeply hurt) I really thought it would work.

Rose: (crying) This is so sad! (Juleka mumbles sadly)

Alix: (both sad and angry) This cannot end like this! (Alix crushes the bracelet in anger and sadness. The akuma enters the bracelet, and Alya, Mylène, Rose, Juleka and Alix are all akumatized. There's a five-split scene, where in front of the girls appear purple butterflies.)

"How can we all be akumatized if the akuma infected the bracelet? Only Alix is touching it," Mylene asked in confusion as well as everyone else.

"You don't necessarily have to touch the infected object to be akumatized. You could get akumatized if the akuma infects an object that is most valuable to you even if you're not touching it. In this case, it is the bracelet you're trying to bind your friendships with," Master Fu explained and although bummed out, everyone else nodded in understanding.

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Gang of Secrets, I am Shadow Moth. Your friend won't reveal her secrets to you? I will give you all the powers you need to force her to give them up! All that I want in exchange are Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous.

Alya: Marinette will stay our friend.

Alix: Whether she wants to or not.

Mylène: And she'll keep no secrets from us.

Juleka: (mumbling) Can't believe she'd do that. (All five get transformed to their previous akumatized forms.)

Lady WiFi: I'll be in charge of capturing her.

Princess Fragrance: I will force her to reveal what she's been hiding from us.

Timebreaker: (enthusiastically) And I'll turn back time to return everything to the way it was.

Reflekta: We'll comfort her and she'll be our friend again.

Lady WiFi: And if Ladybug and Cat Noir try to stand in our way, Horrificator will keep them busy! (Horrificator roars as the Gang of Secrets are on their way to go after Marinette.)

"Great, I'm the only one that can't speak," Mylene quietly groaned in exasperation about her akumatized form.

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette throws away the mess that was made in the event, and has created a storage box for where the Miracle Box will be held. Marinette closes her eyes and sighs in relief. Lady WiFi teleports to her phone, startling her.

"Impressive box, m'lady," Adrien whistled at the storage box his girlfriend created to hide the Miracle Box with everyone else giving impressed murmurs in agreement.

Lady WiFi: (to Marinette; optimistically) I'm here for you, Marinette. I'm your friend. (menacingly) You will tell us all your secrets and you will feel so much better! (Trixx, Wayzz and Barkk all transport themselves to the storage box.)

Scene: The storage box. Trixx prepares his power.

Wayzz: You really shouldn't be doing this, Trixx!

Barkk: (frantically) Remember the last time you used your power of Illusion without a holder?

Trixx: (determined) Marinette must not reveal her secret. Mirage!

"Noooo! You kwamis should not use your powers without your holders!" Master Fu said frantically in reaction to Trixx using his power of illusion without a holder on-screen along with the other kwamis.

"What happens when kwamis use their powers without a holder?" Alya asked, partly excited and partly nervous to hear the answer as well as everyone else.

"Well, remember how Plagg using the power of destruction on his own is much more dangerous than Cat Noir using it?" Angel asked the audience who nodded in confirmation. "Well, when kwamis use their powers without a holder, it results in negative magical side effects. You all will get the idea later."

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette runs to the balcony of her room, while Lady WiFi tries to stop her with her pauses. Noticing Marinette on the balcony, Lady WiFi jumps up.

Scene: Marinette's balcony. Lady WiFi looks around for Marinette, who is nowhere to be seen. She eventually sees Trixx's illusion of Marinette running towards Collège Françoise Dupont, which bewilders her.

Lady Wifi: How did she…? (She moves to the school)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont's entrance.

Lady Wifi: Don't run away Marinette, we're friends aren't we? (The other 4 members of the Gang follow.) Follow me. (Marinette's illusion disappears.)

Scene: Marinette's room. The real Marinette reappears.

"WOW!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed in amazement in response to Trixx's illusion.

Marinette: Thanks Trixx.

[Transformation Sequence]

Marinette: (unhappily) Tikki, spots on! Ah! (Ladybug prepares to go to the balcony but is stopped by a thought)

Ladybug: When a kwami uses their power without a holder to channel its energy, doesn't it often set off some kind of catastrophe?

Trixx: My power creates illusions, (Wayzz and Barkk look shocked with their mouths open) so the side effects will hopefully just be in their imaginations. (Ladybug goes to the balcony, while Wayzz and Barkk are annoyed by his recent action.) Oh come on, her Miraculous Ladybug will make everything alright anyway. (his expression droops) I hope.

Scene: Marinette's balcony. The Eiffel Tower dances in a strange way as a result of the Mirage.

"See that? Trixx just made the Eiffel Tower dance," Angel pointed out to the dancing Eiffel Tower on-screen in which everyone else had their jaws dropped in shock.

"I do hope there are no humans there at this moment," Barkk noted nervously.

"Well, is there a way to fix this?" Marinette asked curiously as well as everyone else.

"Yeah. Your Miraculous cure should fix this along with the damages from the akuma," Angel answered and everybody else sighed in relief.

Ladybug: Oh, Trixx… (uses her yo-yo to transport herself)

Scene: Adrien's room. The tower keeps dancing crazily.

Nadja Chamack: (on TV) A strange phenomenon has just hit the Eiffel Tower. We advise all Parisians to stay home… (continues in background)

Plagg: I'll bet you an entire Camembert that this is Trixx's doing.

Adrien: Trixx?

Plagg: The kwami of illusion.

Adrien: What's not an illusion is the fact that Ladybug needs our help!

Plagg: Great. Even when I'm not the one who made the mess, I still have to help clean it up.

"Yeah, Plagg. Too bad to be you!" Trixx teased his fellow kwami who slightly frowned back while everyone else giggled.

Adrien: Plagg, claws out!

Scene: The Library.

Lady WiFi: Marinette…! (Lady WiFi slingshots her pauses, while Timebreaker touches the people inside the library, increasing her power.)

Scene: The restroom. The students run and scream in fear of Horrificator. Horrificator increases her size and leaves.

Scene: The Art classroom. Princess Fragrance and Reflekta enter.

Princess Fragrance: Has anyone seen Marinette Dupain-Cheng?

Students and Jean-Pierre Monlataing: Huh? (all of them shake their heads)

Princess Fragrance: Then you're gonna help us find her! (Reflekta uses her power on the students, while Princess Fragrance spews her perfume to them. The victims cough, and once the perfume disappears they all become obedient clones of Reflekta.)

Students and Jean-Pierre Monlataing: At your service, Princess Fragrance.

"OK, Princess Fragrance's brainwashing perfume I understand, but isn't Reflekta turning people into Reflektas kind of redundant? She could accidentally turn Marinette into a Reflekta and with that, they'll never find her," Angel pointed out and after realizing it, everyone else murmured in agreement.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont's entrance. The copies of Reflekta run to find Marinette, while the Gang of Secrets meet up together.

Lady WiFi: She's got to be here somewhere. Let's split up.

Scene: The streets of Paris. Horrificator scares more civilians as her power increases.

Scene: Parisian rooftops. Cat Noir notices the multiple super villains. He then hides and calls Ladybug.

Cat Noir: Hey there, m'lady. Somebody is having a super villain party and didn't invite us.

Ladybug: They're looking for Marinette Dupain-Cheng, one of their classmates.

Cat Noir: Haven't we already saved her a bunch of times? Funny you'd think everybody would like her.

Ladybug: Well apparently, she's managed to alienate all her friends at once. (struggles to think about the recent event)

Cat Noir: You still there?

Ladybug: Just thinking. With five villains, it's not gonna be easy finding the object that has the akuma.

Cat Noir: I bet you already have an idea, right?

Ladybug: I'm going to isolate one of the villains from the others and get her to tell me where the akuma is. Meanwhile, you find Timebreaker to stop her from going back in the past, otherwise she could really screw up my plan.

Cat Noir: Good luck, M'lady.

Ladybug: Thanks, you too.

Scene: The streets of Paris. Timebreaker continues to touch nearby civilians, and increases her power.

Cat Noir: Hey, it's been a while. How's it ticking Ms. Time Keeper?

Timebreaker: It's Timebreaker. And I don't have a second to lose talking to you. (Timebreaker attacks but Cat Noir blocks her with his staff.)

Scene: The alleyway. Ladybug captures Lady WiFi. Ladybug breaks her phone, but it is not where the akuma is.

Lady WiFi: Ha, bummer for you, Ladybug. I don't have the akuma.

Ladybug: No biggie, I just wanted to talk to you anyway.

Lady WiFi: I've got nothing to say to you.

"Well, that's something I'd never thought Alya the Ladyblogger would say to me as Ladybug," Marinette jokingly said to her best friend and everyone else (especially Alya) laughed hard in agreement.

Scene: The streets of Paris. Cat Noir fights off Timebreaker.

Shadow Moth: (with telepathy) Your friend, Lady WiFi is having some trouble with Ladybug. (all girls grunt and escape)

Cat Noir: (chasing after them) Hey! Don't you wanna play anymore?

Scene: The alleyway.

Ladybug: Alya, from what I understand, you've been having some issues with your best friend. Her name's Marinette, right?

Scene: Parisian rooftops and the streets of Paris. The rest of the gang runs to go near Ladybug, and Cat Noir is on their tail.

Scene: The alleyway.

Ladybug: I don't know what happened between the two of you, but I wanna tell you about a friend of mine. She's a superhero. You know Rena Rouge, right? (Lady WiFi realizes her superhero identity) Of course, we keep secrets from one another, mainly because of my secret identity, but even though we can't tell each other everything, we trust each other. And that's why we can fight side by side. You can reject the power that Shadow Moth gave you. (Lady WiFi begins to break free)

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Don't listen to her, Lady WiFi. If you do that, you'll never know your friend's secrets! Or Ladybug's!

Ladybug: I trust you completely Alya. And I need you! I.. need Rena Rouge! (un-tangles Lady WiFi. Lady WiFi struggles to break free, with Ladybug feeling hopeful. Finally, Lady WiFi screams and breaks free of Shadow Moth's control.)

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair. Suddenly, a purple butterfly that was seen in Shadow Moth's face has become shattered, due to Lady Wifi breaking her hold of it.

Shadow Moth: (feeling pain from the break. As he gazes his head up, Shadow Moth is completely stunned that Lady WiFi completely broke his hold.) That's.. impossible!

Scene: The alleyway. Lady Wifi de-transforms into Alya, nearly fainting.

"Did I seriously just do that?!" Alya loudly asked in surprise as her jaw dropped as well as everyone else in shock. Angel confirmed it with a nod.

"Yes! I knew if I tried hard enough, someone would eventually set themselves free from Shadow Moth's influence!" Marinette cheered for her best friend on-screen.

Ladybug: Wow. No one has ever done that... you're amazing!

Alya: It's 'cause you're an amazing friend, Ladybug.

Ladybug and Alya: Pound it. (Ladybug's phone is ringing.)

Scene: The Canal Saint-Martin.

Cat Noir: Ladybug, the Gang of Secrets is looking for you, I'm on it, but I don't know how long I can hold them off all by myself.

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Your friend Lady WiFi has betrayed you. She chose Ladybug's side. Hurry up and seize his Miraculous so you can take care of the bug!

Scene: The alleyway.

Ladybug: Which object holds the akuma?

Alya: It's in a bracelet. Timebreaker must have it, but you and Cat Noir will never be able to take on four villains at once.

Ladybug: I think this calls for the master of Illusion. (opens her yo-yo and takes out the Fox Miraculous)

Alya: Woah! How'd you do that?

Ladybug: There have been a few upgrades since I became Guardian of the Miraculous.

Alya: You're Guardian of the- (gasps)

Ladybug: Yeah, keep it on the down low. Not a word about it on the LadyBlog.

Alya: You know I know how to keep a secret. (She puts on the Fox Miraculous and Trixx appears)

"Yes! Rena Rouge is back!" Alya cheered as she also hi-fived with Trixx.

[Transformation Sequence]

Alya: Trixx, let's pounce!

Scene: The Canal Saint-Martin. Reflekta pins Cat Noir to the ground with the gang (and unknowingly to them, Ladybug and Rena Rouge) watching.

Reflekta: No Cataclysm to save you this time.

Ladybug: We need to hurry! Lucky Charm! (a pool lifebuoy appears from the air, and Ladybug looks around for ideas.) Okay, I got a plan. Listen.

"A POOL LIFEBUOY?!" Everyone in the audience loudly asked in confusion.

Cat Noir: At the very moment you touch it, I'll summon my power and then who knows what's gonna happen to you.

Princess Fragrance: Why bother taking it, when I can make you my slave and order you to give it to me?

Ladybug: Give them what they want, now!

Rena Rouge: Mirage!

Marinette Illusion: Cat Noir, no!

Gang of Secrets: Marinette!

Princess Fragrance: Catch her! (The gang starts running after the Marinette illusion)

Shadow Moth: (from his lair; angrily) No! Take his Miraculous first! Come back!

"This is a common problem with him. Does he honestly think the supervillains are going to prioritize his goals before their own?!" Angel rhetorically asked in exasperation and after realizing it, everyone else giggled in agreement.

Cat Noir: Thank you, M'ladies. I was a whisker away from cat-astrophe.

Ladybug: That's what friends are for, my kitty cat. Okay, you two get to the pool, now.

Cat Noir: What about you?

Ladybug: I'll keep our guests busy. Rena Rouge will explain the rest of the plan.

Scene: Outside the swimming pool. The Marinette illusion runs to the swimming pool, along with the Gang of Secrets.

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Seize Ladybug! Take her Miraculous!

Timebreaker: You take care of her. I'll deal with Marinette. (Ladybug tries to fight back, but is captured by Horrificator)

Reflekta: You're on, Princess!

Scene: Inside the swimming pool. The Marinette illusion keeps running away from Timebreaker.

Timebreaker: It's time to give up your secret, Marinette!

Scene: Outside the swimming pool.

Princess Fragrance: Soon you're going to do anything we demand of you, Ladybug. For starters, give us your Miraculous now!

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Finally.

Scene: Inside the swimming pool.

Timebreaker: There's nowhere to go! (The Marinette illusion runs to avoid Timebreaker. Timebreaker nearly gets a hold of her.)

Rena Rouge: Mirage, vanish! (The illusion disappears, and Timebreaker lands in the pool, confused. Cat Noir, who is in the pool, uses the lifebuoy to trap Timebreaker.)

"OK, I should know this is an illusion," Alix said, exasperated at her akumatized self falling for the illusion Rena Rouge created on-screen.

"How?" Alya asked since this is her illusion.

"Not only is there a long board in the middle of the pool, but there's no way clumsy Marinette can run away without tripping herself!" Alix explained in a joking manner and everyone else (including Marinette herself) laughed in agreement.

Cat Noir: Cataclysm! (used to disintegrate the bracelet. The akuma is released. Timebreaker is de-transformed.)

Scene: Outside the swimming pool. Princess Fragrance, Horrificator, and Reflekta de-transform. Ladybug catches Rose.

Rose: Thank you, Ladybug. (Ladybug notices the akuma)

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little akuma! Time to de-evilize! (captures the akuma and purifies it) Gotcha! Bye bye little butterfly! (throws the lifebuoy) Miraculous Ladybug! (The Miraculous Ladybug undoes all of the damage, including the Eiffel Tower moving in a strange way. Ladybug feels guilty about abandoning her friends.)

Rena Rouge: Pound it?

Ladybug, Rena Rouge, and Cat Noir: Pound it!

"Pound it!" Marinette, Adrien, and Alya did a 3-way fist-bump before the main couple kissed in victory.

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: You've made mistakes before, Ladybug, and you'll make them again! One day, I will discover your secret! (the window closes)

Scene: The alleyway.

Rena Rouge: Let's rest. (de-transforms and gives a high-five to Trixx.)

Alya: Thank you, Ladybug.

Ladybug: You know, without you and Cat Noir, I wouldn't have made it through today. I'm really lucky to have friends like you. So, thank you. (Ladybug and Alya hug each other.)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is holding the friendship bracelet, and admits to the breakup.

Marinette: It's true, breaking up with Luka broke my heart. And never being able to tell Adrien how I feel is just as painful. Love is too difficult. I think- I think I'm gonna stick to friendship, that's about all I can handle right now.

Rose: Take your time.

Mylène: It'll all work out.

Alya: And whatever happens, we'll always be here for you. (the girls hug Marinette)

Alix: When you're ready for love, just make sure you tell us, so we can help you with a sick new plan to win over Adrien, Luka or whoever! (The girls laugh)

Marinette: Girls, it's you who I love. (all the girls hug again)

Rose: Bye, Marinette.

Alix: Bye! See ya tomorrow. (Marinette once again looks distraught; Alya notices)

Alya: You go ahead girls, I just have one last thing to say to Marinette. (Alya closes the door to Marinette's room) You didn't tell us everything, did you? A journalist and a BFF can tell these things. (Marinette feels guilty and sadly sits down) I won't try to figure it out or force it out of you. (sits beside her) If you can't tell me what's in your heart, it's your right.

Marinette: Will we still be friends?

Alya: Marinette. I'm your best friend, and I'll always be. That's why it kills me that I can't help you with whatever's making you feel so alone. (Alya sighs, and is about to leave Marinette's room when Marinette grabs her hand.)

Marinette: Alya, wait! Stay. You're right, I am alone. (grows increasingly emotional) More than ever before. I can barely take it anymore! You know why I broke up with Luka? Not because I don't like him, he's amazing! It's 'cause there's something that I can't tell him. You know why I have to forget Adrien? For the exact same reason! You're right, I keep secrets, I lie all the time! I lie to my friends, to my parents, to everyone and the worst thing is, I can't do it any other way!

Alya: There's always another way.

Marinette: No, not this time. I have no choice. All this is bigger than us, Alya. Way too big.

Alya: If it's too big, two of us can handle it better than one.

Marinette: If I tell you, things will never be the same between us again. (shakes her head) It'll mess up everything, maybe even destroy it.

Alya: (voice breaking) Marinette, I'm your very best friend.

Marinette: And I… I'm Ladybug. (Alya becomes surprised, that someone, whom she admired the most was her best friend, before she hugs Marinette, with the kwamis looking on, possibly distressed and worried.)

"So, yeah. You finally did it, Marinette. You finally told someone else your Ladybug secret," Angel said after a long silence with everyone else widening their eyes and dropping their jaws in shock at what happened.

"I can't believe this. I thought the first person I'd tell is Cat Noir," Marinette said, her eyes still wide in shock before turning to her slightly sad boyfriend. "I am so sorry, Adrien."

"It's ok, m'lady. Judging by how you were feeling, I guess you had no choice in the matter," Adrien said as he kissed Marinette's hand to reassure her, although the look on his face is now showing concern for what his future self will feel after this.

"Well, you know it's not exactly 100% shocking that Marinette would tell Alya first," Max pointed out and everyone else turned to look at him in confusion. "Gathering data from comic books and television shows about superheroes, in the majority of them, it is the best friends of the heroes in their personal lives that either find out or be told first about their double lives." After a moment of consideration, everyone else nodded and shrugged in agreement.

"Anyway, the next episode is called Mr. Pigeon 72," Angel announced to the audience who reacted with dropping their jaws again.

"72?!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed in shock.

"Yep, the 72nd time Mr. Pigeon attacks Paris," Angel answered, making the audience groan in annoyance. "But, he has a new power that makes him more of a threat than usual."

"What's that?" Alix snorted disbelievingly as well as everyone else.

"He can turn people into pigeons now," Angel answered, shocking the audience more. "Anyway, let's get to it."