
Night Talk

The silence continued

"You could not sleep?" Ayera suddenly ask.

Aeryon heard her question. Usually, he would pretend not to listen but tonight, maybe it is because of the wind, maybe it is because of the moon, maybe it is because of the sound of the grass swaying, he answers her.

"I could not sleep"


"why do you want to know?"

"I'm curious" Aeryon was about to say things like she would tell his thoughts to her father but then he perish the thought of saying it to her. Instead, he decided to be honest.

"I am worried about the West"

Ayera hearing this went silence. For a moment the silence continues and Aeryon thought that Ayera would no longer say anything but then she said

"Valgrun is an old veteran and he knows his way to navigate the world. He is a brilliant tactician and he has a disciplined soldiers. He also has the help of you"