
Way of Overlord

James who transmigrated into a chaotic world is only a small figure in the world. Leading a small tribe through the Northern Pass, he knew of what will happen in advance The Empire will fracture, the princes will rebel, and the world will be in chaos! And his tribe will be annihilated and his people will be killed and enslaved! This is not a good era to live. In this chaotic era, the only way to survive is to fight! In blood and fire, he will be baptized into an Overlord that would shake the world! [ The character also has a system that will help him to navigate this new world. Enjoy as he begun building a new kingdom in a chaotic world]

Keikokumars · 軍事
345 Chs

Korun Tribe

Time seemed to pass swiftly, and three weeks had already elapsed since the Brolgadhr tribe embarked on their conquest of the neighbouring territories. 

News of their victories had not yet reached the larger tribes that inhabited the vast expanse of the Great Steppe. 

However, for those in closer proximity to the Brolgadhr tribe, an undercurrent of fear and unease pervaded the air.

The Great Steppe was a vast and sprawling land, and the rapid expansion of a small tribe like Brolgadhr might seem insignificant to the distant tribes. 

The name of Aeryon, the young chief of Brolgadhr, remained unfamiliar to many. 

But those who had encountered him, as well as astute observers, recognized the unmistakable spark of ambition that burned within him.

Despite being categorized as a small tribe, Brolgadhr boasted a few thousand warriors.