
Waters of Destiny

In an alternate universe where everyone has a true form, Winnie Stone must forge her path through abuse and scorn from society and even from those she loves to find where she belongs.

DaoistF8unUv · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter Two: Graduation

Winnie walked down the corridor to get to class. It was her last week in the boarding house and her friends wanted to make it special. Soon her and her friends would be finding out their true form and going on to the next stage of their education, Form Magic!

There were certain personality traits that were common among the forms. Vampires were rather introverted and shy, while Werewolves were the exact opposite, most being gregarious and friendly. Then there were physical traits that some forms had in common. Pixies were all shorter than average height and had pale but colorful skin while Elven folk were tall and regal with ebony skin. Most people, even before the graduation ceremony had an idea of what they would be, a soul deep knowledge.

"Hey Win Win," shouted Marco as he pushed through the crowd of students. Marco was tall with broad shoulders, slightly tan.

"Hey Marco, excited to find out your true form. I'm kind of nervous, I know the process is simple and there shouldn't be much of a surprise but I heard that every year there are a few who get a form that they didn't expect.

"You worry too much, that's your problem. Everything will be fine, you'll see. All three of us will be werewolves and we can join a pack together.

"Hey guys, what are we talking about?" said Felicity, brushing her black hair out of her face.

"Don't just pop out of nowhere Felicity, you're going to give one of us a heart attack one of these days." admonished Winnie.

"You're just a jumpy little thing, that's what makes it so fun. Besides, Marco doesn't seem bothered, judging by the look on his face." she grinned back.

"I was just talking her down off the ledge. She is nervous about the ceremony." Marco explained.

"You're still worried about this, come on girl. Even if there is a freak accident and we all get different forms, I'm sure we will be able to maintain our friendship.

The three had been inseparable since they came to the Western Boarding House at five years old. They mainly stuck with each other but Marco and Felicity were more outgoing and social. Winnie had a harder time warming up to people. Everyone had a role in society and different forms generally didn't mingle with each other. Winnie was scared of losing her only two friends and being left alone. While she showed some personality traits identifying with a werewolf, like being pack oriented, that didn't necessarily mean that would be her true form. Her two friends continued to talk around her until they got to class.

"I know you're all excited about your form ceremony next week but we still need to do some revision." Ms. Elroode called.

"I don't know why we need to do anything more, meditation is so boring." moaned Felicity.

"I know meditation isn't your favorite thing Ms. Samson but we all must learn to appreciate it, for it helps control our energy, our magic, and could possibly give you a preview of your true form." the teacher droned. "Now pair up and get into a comfortable position. Its good to start off the day with meditation hence why this is the first class of the day. It helps you warm up and stay focused for the rest of the day. Once you get in position, you may converse softly and try to only listen to your partner's voice."

"You can partner with me, Winnie. Felicity can find her own partner. I'll keep you on track." Marco said.

"That's true, Felicity will probably just fall asleep half way through." Winnie laughed.

"Hey, just because I think it's boring doesn't mean I don't try at least a little." Felicity whined.

"Close your eyes and listen to the dulcet tones of my voice." Marco crooned.

"Hah, dulcet tones. Sure" Winnie laughed again.

"You know I have a pleasant voice, shush." Marco pouted. "Can you see anything revealing?"

"I only ever see clouds, what do you see?" Winnie asked.

"I see a forest with a stream, sometimes. Other times, I see a forest with clouds like it's about to rain." Marco answered.

"Can you look in the stream, maybe you can see features of your true form." Winnie said

"I'll try, I never have before but maybe being closer to graduation will help open my mind." Marco offered.

"If you can't, that's fine, don't strain yourself." Winnie cajoled.

"I think I see something brown but I can't tell what it's supposed to be." Marco whispered

"Maybe it's fur, you might have brown fur in your werewolf form considering you have brown hair." Winnie answers.

"Yeah, that's probably it. Too bad you aren't able to see any possible features." Marco sighs.

"It's ok, I probably just need to try harder. Maybe my worrying is scattering my thoughts and that's why I can only think of clouds. Maybe my magic is trying to calm me down." Winnie sighs.

"Well, don't strain yourself but try a little harder." Marco laughed.

"I still see clouds, but there is rain now. It feels like there is a gentle wind too." Winnie strains.

She always saw the same thing. Ms. Elroode thought she was just scatterbrained but she honestly did try. Who wouldn't want to have an inkling of their form before graduation. All her teachers assured her that her personality was telling and that it was rare for someone to get a form that was contradictory. They didn't give examples of it but the fact that it even could happen was troubling. Her friends continued to give her concerned looks in Warding and Seals and tried to comfort her again at lunch.

"You need to relax or you're going to make yourself sick." Felicity cautioned.

"I know you're right but I just have this foreboding feeling. I just want the ceremony to be over already." Winnie cries.

"Why don't we go out tonight, we can see a movie. There is that new comedy that came out with Andrew Williams." Marco replied with a soft smile.

"Okay, I'm always up for Andrew Williams." Winnie sighed

They walked out of the school, heading for the boarding house dorms. They were meeting at 6 to go out to dinner and the movie was at 8. This was just what she needed to keep her mind off the uncertainties of graduation and what lay ahead for her future. They came out of the theater an hour and a half later, laughing.

"Thank you, I really needed that." Winnie laughed.

"We've got you, girl. You really need to just relax. Whatever happens will happen, we will still be there for you even if you're a vampire." Felicity grins.

"Don't listen to her, you're not going to be a vampire." Marco sighed, rolling his eyes. "You're just going to stress her out again."

"No, no, I'm good. I'm glad you guys stuck with me. I know I can be a bit neurotic." Winnie said.

They headed back to the dorms to get some sleep, hoping the rest of the week would go by smoothly. Marco and Felicity both tried to keep her busy the rest of the week so that she didn't have enough time to start overthinking again. Soon enough the day of the ceremony arrived and the teachers called the group together.

"The time has finally come for you all to take your places in society. To shake off your glamour and be free to be who you are. There is a representative from each form here to welcome new members and take them to their new dorm. I will let them introduce themselves and then we can begin." Mr. Morcia explained.

"I am Laurie Carson and I am the chosen representative for the Western Vampire Coven. It is nice to meet all of you and I look forward to receiving new members to our great coven." Laurie bowed and stepped back.

"Hello everyone, its great to be here with you all. I am Alaric Hughes and I am from the Western Wolf Pack. I can't wait to meet all the new pups." He grinned and stepped back.

"I am Michael Sheeli from the Western Pixie Guild. I am sure we will all get along just fine." Michael waved and stepped back.

"I am Genevieve Moore and I represent the Western Elf Enclave. I look forward to meeting all of the new additions." She smiled softly and stepped back.

"Thank you, representatives. Now, when I call your name you may enter the pool. It will remove your glamour and reveal your true form. Don't be alarmed, those who have a wolf form will be able to shift back freely.

One by one names were called alphabetically until it finally got down to S

"Felicity Samson"

Felicity smiled at both of them and walked quickly but calmly toward the pool. The moment she put a foot in, the pool started to change to a shimmering silver. Felicity walked out as a large, black wolf with piercing gold eyes. As she moved to Alaric and the rest of the new pack she shifted back.

"Marco Simonelli"

Marco patted Winnie's shoulder and moved confidently toward the pool. Like it did for Felicity, it began to change as soon as he stepped on foot in. He emerged as a tawny, brown wolf, a little larger than Felicity. He also moved toward the new pack and looked back towards Winnie, holding a place for her.

"Winnie Stone"

Winnie walked slowly and kept eye contact with Marco. He smiled and nodded, reassuring her that everything would be just fine. As soon as her foot made contact with the water, it started glowing a faint pink. She looked down at the pool then back up at Marco with a scared look. He looked shocked and somewhat sad. She sighed and sank the rest of the way into the pool.

The first thing to change was her eyes from a dull brown to stormy blue-grey. Then her skin warmed to a light fuchsia. Last to change were the glistening wings sprouting out of her back. Her pin straight blonde hair was striking against her vibrant skin. As she emerged from the pool, she heard gasps of shock from classmates and even some teachers. She looked back at Marco and Felicity as she moved toward Michael, a tear slipping out as she joined her guild and turned away from her friends.

"Welcome Ms. Stone. I know this must be a shock but you are welcome and I hope you will feel comfortable here. I am sorry about your friends." Michael said comfortingly.

"Thank you, Mr. Sheeli, I'll try." Winnie whispered as she sank into herself, her wings wilting somewhat.

Winnie stayed quietly in her corner for the rest of the ceremony. Only moving when Michael urged her, explaining that it was time to leave. She got up and left the hall with the rest of the new guild, heading out to her new home. It was difficult to think Marco and Felicity would still want to be friends. They were on different tracks now and she was sure they wouldn't want a pixie tagalong when they were trying to make friends in their new pack. Hopefully she could make new friends quickly. It couldn't be that difficult.