
Watching the mirror

" I shouldn't have foolishly believed her , she must pay for what she has done." Miriam is a damsel in distress with no savior ... she decided to save her self as she embark on a journey of revenge what happens when she unfolds more than she can handle... what will she save.....her pride, love or family

Ami_Tim · 都市
5 Chs

***Stuck in my own thought****

I opened my eyes to find my self in a room painted with fainting ash in response to the white floral curtains which was partly opened ...the walls has some slant floral prints on it which create an artistic movement on the walls.the cupboards as well as the closet was all in pale pink but I was unanimously cut off with the smell of medicine . I tried my best to adjust my self in a good position in other to familiarize well with where I was ; _ the bed sheet corresponded with the color on the wall ... definitely this room is a one man hospital as everything needed for a short emergency is neatly placed, you must wonder how did I know .. thanks to all the medical dramas that I got to watch, but my sight seeing was cut short as I got a flash of the accident I was involved in..... luckily I'm alive .

Still Soaked in my thought the door knob sound caught my attention as a woman walked in, looking at her one can take a guess of she being in her early thirties, her hair was coiled into a neat bun on top of her head and her edges neatly laid ,her neck and shoulders was beautifully exposed due to the satin_like sleeveless gown she is putting on which complemented her beautiful face.

"Hey" she said heading towards me _

"Hi" I managed to answer looking nowhere in particular.....

"How are you doing" she continued , trying to secure a place for herself on the bed where I was

"Am fine I guess" I tried to smile concealing the pain I feel inside....

"You don't have to pretend " she said calmly with a smile , " you are very lucky " she continued , with the state you were before and now you are healing fast .

"Was it very terrible? I asked with my eyes widely opened

"Yes ,I must confess it was " she chuckled as she looked at my face .

" The doctor said you are going to be alright and you don't need to worry about your legs because the accident didn't create much damage on it " she told me smiling

" Thank you " I said with a faint smile.

"you don't need to " she said standing up to leave " well it's already evening and you have to take your medicine and this will continue till you get better, "

" Am Miriam " I spoke loud which made her to stop and look at me .

"Iris " just iris she replied as she closed the door behind her.

I am happy am still alive and for iris to go out of her way to help me despite the fact that am a stranger from Adam is quite amazing. I can't believe I listened to that witch ,she must surely pay for all this " I smirked ;... I lay down comfortably and my thought clouded the whole room though I could still feel a sharp pain on one side of my head.

***"""***"""***** IRIS POV ****""""***

" Miriam's eyes tells more than what comes out from her mouth " I kept on thinking as I pass through my mini passage heading to my room. In those eyes of hers I can clearly see unshared pains written all over, bitterness even though she's trying to hide it with a smile ... her body language tells me she has something up her sleeve but .." I stopped to pick up my phone that has been ringing as I sat at the edge of my bed near the lamplight " Adrien !! I shouted as I tried to call back but he wasn't picking up .

Adrien is my fiance, we've been courting for three years now ,but his temper is on another level, but I can't stop loving him even though it has caused more damaged than good to me but love is hard to come by these days and am not getting any younger ,making the available the desirable is what is left for me.

Am an artist who knows the importance of art in our everyday life .... and Adrien helps alot to achieve that for me as he can be sweet sometimes and most times he goes wild.." the lamplight fell bringing me out of my thought ,I checked the time and it's already 10: 00 pm ,I quickly rushed out to check on Miriam.

I opened her door quietly and tiptoed to the open windows to close them

" You aren't asleep yet " Miriam voice echoed through the dark night

" Gosh!! you startled me " well I haven't, I continued " you too haven't slept either " I said as I switched on the lamplight on the edge of her bed after attending to the windows.

" I can't " she said she said with a cracked voice .

"have you been crying " I moved closer sitting beside her as I held her hands, she allowed the withheld tears to roll over her cheeks and gradually her eyes became red .

" You don't have to be like this " I said trying to comfort the crying princess.

" I know ' she scoffed , but I can't help it...am loosing my mind !! you should have left me cause nobody will care to look for me "

" There to die right " I said loudly, but on a second note her words had effect on me as I drew her closer and wrap my arms around her as she sobbed quietly.

" You have to get some rest " I released my hands and helped her adjust comfortably, covering her with the blanket ; I sat still until I was sure she was fast asleep , I switched off the lights and shut the door behind me.. I wondered what must have cause her so much pain that she wouldn't want to let go....

Stuck in my own thought ...i slept off.