
Part 1 -- A Very Secret Diary -- PRESENT DAYS

'Dear Diary,

'Have I mentioned before that I fuckin' hate it here? You wander why? Well... definitely not because I've murdured my whole family.

'But seriously, it is not the reason. The reason is HIM. The boy with the silver tongue. Tom Riddle.

'I know, that at this point, you wander that than how I come writing into his diary. You know, he left me in his room after some cuddles and I just saw you laying on the desk.

'To be honest though, I'm kinda happy that the ink dissapeas as soon as I finish writing.'

You put down the pen and through yourself back on the bed. Yeh, so why are you writing in Tom's diary? You couldn't tell. You should put it back right where you found it.

But when you sat up and looked at the previously blank pages, you almost fainted. In black as night, written with a handwriting you could recognize anywhere, there shone the following words:

'I wouldn't be that confidant'

How is it possible??? You couldn't think of any kind of magic that would make a diary answer with its owner's words. You got really frightened. What if he finds out that you opened his diary and...

...wrote in it? That would be wors than death.

'Tell me you're not Riddle'

You scratched back hurriedly.

'You don't like him?'

'Nah... It's not that I don't like him. I just wouldn't want him to read what I wrote previously.'

'You haven't written anything offensive of me.'

You froze. It can't be. It is just simply not possible.

'Sooooo it's you Tom. Well, I'm glad to meet you.'

'And I perfectly believe that based on your previous statements. I'm not stupid. The only thing I don't know is that who are you.'

'I'm Y/nn'

'Y/nn who?'

'Y/n Y/ln. But you know, we just had sex. So it's kinda rude that you'd already forgotten me.'

'Pardon me young lady, I by no means meant to offend you. I am sure that I had a wonderful time with you.'

'No need to try to hide, I know when you're being sarcastic. And now, for example, I'm sure that you have one of your irritating smirks on your face.'

'Why are you so ru-'

'Annnyways, what kind of magic is it? How is it possible that you're writing to me?'

'Why don't you ask my self with the phisical aspect?'

'I'm afraid I'll have to go to the library than.'

'What, are you afraid of him?'

'You wish.'

But the truth was that you really didn't want Tom to find you in his bedroom, chatting with his diary. On the other hand, you couldn't just leave that diay there. No, you had to investigate it. What if it was some kind of dark magic? Than you would finaly have something to blackmail Tom with.

For that reason, you hurriedly made a copy of the diary and left the room. You knew it wouldn't last long for Tom to discover the fraud, but it might just buy enough time for her to investigate.


'Your sure you don't want to tell me what kind of magic have you used to create this diary?'

You were now sitting in your own dormitory, examining the diary in the light of your wand.

'I don't know if I can trust you you know.'

'Well, isn't it enough for you that I'm your girlfriend?'

'A girlfriend who has stolen my diary and than sneaked back to her own dormitory while she knows exectly well that how badly I would miss her in bed?'

'How did you know that I'm in my dormitory?'

'Well, if I haven't known in before, now I know it for sure.'

You angrily rolled your eyes and was glad that he didn't actually see you now.

'You know what? Let's just get down to business. What do I have to tell you about myself to gaien your trust?'

'Oh, nothing personal, don't freak out. For now it is enough if you tell me why you've murdured your family.'

An.: Hi, I hope you guys like it so far. Let me know if I can improve it anywhere, I love constructive critics. Pleas vote if you've liked it, but only if you've liked it.

Thanks for reading!