
Wasteland - End of the World

When it comes to viruses, you can choose to fear and retreat, but the only outcome will be becoming a monster after being infected. If you put life and death aside, you will find that viruses can also succumb to your willpower. They will make you stronger, allowing you to consume everything, control everything, and master everything, making you a true god.

WordWizardry · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 39 - Intuition

Jerusalem, Minsk, Manchester, Lyons, Brussels, Xi'an...

On the transparent electronic map, with Alaska as the center, fifty-four thrilling red lines are scattered out, connecting with the landing points of warheads distributed all over the world, forming a blood-red and frightening death net.

"At any cost, we must shoot them all down..."

The furious roar of the general failed to become a reality. Despite the emergency formation of the wartime unified command by various government, the various anti-aircraft weapons pieced together could only shoot down forty-nine missiles. The remaining five warheads exploded respectively at their target points.

It's been one hour and fifty-four minutes since the warning on the email.

This is not a prank, but a shocking and horrible reality.

Satellite monitoring photos have been sent back, five huge gray mushroom clouds towering high like death umbrellas on the smooth earth's edge line. Over the port of Alexandria in Egypt and Zurich in Switzerland, a thick phlegm-like nauseating black ash floats. The blue and green that belong to these two places have been completely covered, the flat floating dust blocking all light that wants to penetrate through the sky to reach the ground. From space, they are two icy solid clouds, but in the lens of the remote infrared monitor, they are as hot and red as hell.

The United States, in order to protect its own country, became the enemy of the world, sparing no effort to protect the last piece of land that was not infected by the virus. The whole world was in chaos and it was impossible to count how many people had died from this terrible disaster.

Lu Yulin leaned tiredly on a chair, his muddy eyes full of deep helplessness and unwillingness.

From the Vietnam War in the last century to the series of peacekeeping operations he has commanded, he has commanded various large and small battles, numbering in the hundreds. Even in the most difficult and thorny times, he has never felt as helpless as he is now.

Nuclear war is a terrifying fact that every soldier is unwilling to face.

This is different from a normal war. Each large-scale nuclear warhead is a fatal threat to the environment that humans rely on for survival. Regardless of whether it is shot down or successfully exploded, the strong energy will destroy the Earth. The difference is only in the intensity of the difference.

According to intelligence collected by the military headquarters in recent years, there are currently 791 missile launch sites in the United States, distributed in every corner of the Earth. The US mainland, overseas bases, security alliance countries, and even the Antarctic continent all have complete relevant facilities. A strike cannot completely eliminate all threats.

This is just what is on paper. What about other hidden bases that are even deeper? Who can guarantee that this is all of America's nuclear attack power?

China is also a nuclear country, countering nuclear threats with nuclear strikes, although the meaning is different, the ultimate result is still no different. Countless nuclear warheads explode on each respective territory, regardless of whether the attacker or defender, they can only get a destroyed earth.

In the United Nations General Assembly, the governments of various countries expressed their anger against the United States, but secretly made contact and traded with the US government in various ways. Everyone wants to get the most profit from this terrible chaos, as long as the price offered is satisfied, what does the life of the people count for?

Lu Yulin was very angry, but he couldn't stop it. This has already far exceeded his power.

Soldiers are always machines serving politics.

Rubbing his sour, swollen eyes, the exhausted general shook his head helplessly.

The latest war progress from various countries was displayed rapidly on the electronic screen.

The assembled British Royal Fleet departed four hours ago and will carry out the first round of air strikes against the US mainland in fifteen minutes, using the military base provided by the Portuguese government on the Azores Islands.

Three fast reaction units, with a total strength of fifty thousand French mercenary soldiers, have completed loading onto their ships and are launching a landing attack across the Atlantic under the escort of a naval fleet.

Japan's reaction was particularly strong. Before the arrival of the Joint Defense Force, the civilians, in a state of excitement, rushed into the Sasebo military port and threw stones and burning bottles at the US naval destroyer "Bunker Hill" and the coastal combat ship "Liberty" that were moored in the harbor. The Joint Defense Force arrived later, disarmed all the armed US soldiers who were on leave at the port, and on the same day dispatched a huge fleet, led by the "Genyō Kōji" helicopter carrier, to launch a full-scale attack on the Hawaiian Islands.

The Chinese naval joint fleet set out six hours ago and will, after rounding the Ogasawara Islands with the Indian navy, jointly attack various military sites on the US West Coast to clear any obstacles for the landing forces.

With his military intuition, General Lu Yulin had proposed an emergency evacuation plan to the highest central government as soon as the second wave of nuclear attacks ended. Half an hour later, without receiving a clear reply, the general issued the same order in his personal capacity to military units and relevant agencies throughout the country.

This move immediately caused a sensation.

"This is overstepping the line."

"The country needs stability, stability, stability."

"You're out of control. The more critical the moment, the more important it is to stabilize the people's hearts. What authority do you have to do this?"

The anger of the superiors and the intense reaction from the lower ranks almost made everyone question the general's decision. Those who had already been eyeing the position of Chief of Staff, and even more so, fiercely attacked him. In their view, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ascend to power.

"Order all shelters to be opened throughout the country and regions, evacuation of emergency supplies and personnel must be completed within two hours. Title specified - ten thousand emergency!"

Lu Yulin's face showed a determined expression, his sharp eyes radiating an unyielding coldness.

He knew exactly what he was doing.

No superiors would tolerate such an act of overstepping, and the highest interest group was probably already discussing how to deal with his unauthorized actions. It wouldn't be long before the internal security personnel carrying out the arrest would appear before him.

He had to use this last bit of time to save as many people as possible.

The general did not know whether his judgment was correct or not. He was just acting on his intuition.

"If I'm not mistaken, the first two waves of nuclear attacks should be a warning sign. Their time intervals were short, and the number of bombs was not too many. Especially after the second wave of attacks, more than an hour has passed, but the US side has not made any response. This is a very strange phenomenon. When will the third wave of attacks occur? How many nuclear warheads will there be? " General Lu Yulin could not guess, nor was there any intelligence that could be used to speculate. He could only focus his gaze on the time display next to the electronic screen.

Now it's 2:46 pm. There are three hours and fourteen minutes left until the deadline indicated in the mysterious email.