
Was Lost, and Found

Challenged by fate, a person who always do things no matter what it takes to win meet the person who is formidable and superior. Clinton Gray is a famous model of a famous clothing line and a business tycoon at the same time and along the way the so-called beautiful disaster walk into his territory for an important reason. Hailey Stanfield applied to be an intern in his company and somehow the atmosphere at the office changed. Is it the one who get tamed fault or someone who was melted with love?

Wild_Celo · 都市
2 Chs


Looks like we made it,

Look how far we've come, my baby.

We might took the long way

We knew we'd get there someday.


They said," I bet they'll never make it"

but just look at us holding on.

We're still together, still going strong.


You're still the one by Shaina Twain playing.



"She's walking down the aisle like an angel and I still couldn't believe that we'll reach this moment. God, I'm blessed to have her." 



"My heart is pounding while looking at him waiting in front. His sterling gray eyes are emotionally pierced at me and I too am feeling something that tickles my heart and childishly feeling butterflies inside my stomach. I found my home."



Clinton walked towards us and my father entrusted me to him. Hand by hand, I'm electrified. He holds me tight and there, I feel at ease.


"You're a goddess in your mother's wedding gown." He whispered.



"Gracias, mi amor." I responded quickly as I hear everyone happily cheering.



I never ever really thought that this robot would be tamed. I smile even more as I remember that. I think it wasn't luck the reason why I met him; it was the fate and the plan of the universe.


I imagine a lovely life with him while the half of me is listening to the words of welcome until finally, the most waited part of wedding I used to watch in the internet to feel love and touched by others story, now it's going to happen in my story. Here we go at exchanging vows.



"I still remember how I met you. Back then I knew there's something that connects us though I also said you were too stubborn for me. Hailey, we're about to sail and in this voyage I promise to be your navigator, sympathizer, sidekick, best friend and your husband. Oh, sometimes I could be a pirate."


I'm actually touched but he even managed to say humorless joke which is not so him.


"I promise you myself." He continues without even flinching. Boy version of Wednesday Addams?



"I, Clinton Gray take Hailey Stanfield, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward. For better or for worst, for richer or poorer, in sickness---"



My tears suddenly fall down to my face and my knees begun to weaken, I heard chaos and Clinton calling my name, my blurry vision become worst and I saw Clinton began to cry before the darkness prevailed.





"Thank God! You're awake, Hailey." A man that looks really handsome but sleepless cried in front of me while holding my left hand so tight like I know him for so long. He kissed the back of my hand and there I noticed the IV on my other hand and him wearing medical gowns. Is he okay? Will he be okay?



"Do you need a tissue?" I asked him. I think he is crazy because he laughed while crying.


"I love you. I love you so much, Hailey." He said again while wiping his tears.



He is really handsome.



"Who's Hailey? Is she your girlfriend?" I asked out of curiosity



"No, she's my wife."



"Oh, I can't date you then. That's sad!" I felt weak again. I don't know what's going on.



"Wait here, love. I'll call the doctor." Did he call me love? Oh my goodness. I'll tell my mom about this but--- who's my mom? W-who am I?



The man went back with doctors and nurses and so a bunch of people I seen outside the glass window with their pleading gaze. Everything is fine and so my parents agree with the doctor that I'll be fine at the recovery room but the sad thing there is that I don't know if they really are my parents but one thing I'm sure of right now is that I want to hug them tight and cry.



"Mom, I'm sorry! I-I forgot." I extended my arm to reach my mother's hand and I began to cry like a baby.



"Baby, it is fine. None of this is your fault. You know what, I'll bring some albums to show you later. I think that'll help you remember everyone." She kissed my forehead and I noticed how her breathing changed. She's crying but she won't show it.



I saw her talking with the doctor earlier, I know there's something wrong with me. My head hurts trying to remember what happened and I don't like seeing them struggling because I'm not well.



"She has amnesia. We don't know if it's long term or what but the result of her examination will come out soon." I remember what I heard earlier after the neurologist asked me questions about my memory loss as well as other symptoms. The CT scan result will be out soon.



"Beautiful, why you're gawking?" A man named Clinton sit at the side of my bed and stare at me like an angel. I can see worries in his eyes and I see how he forced his smile while I just stare at him with my blank face but one thing I'm sure, I'm feeling safe with his presence.



"Who are you?" I asked and reach his face and suddenly I feel like crying.



"I'm the half of your heart."He whispered and run his fingers on my hair. God, this man was born to be my weakness.



"I'm sorry, I wasn't able to protect you." He said, dramatically looking at me while clinching his jaw.



"That's so unusual of you." I chuckled but I don't know why I said that. It was sudden.



"Oh, you remember that?" he seems to be shocked about it but why?



"No, I just said it without thinking." He sighs and kisses my hand. Was he really someone special back in the day when everything and I was fine? I wish because this man fills something inside my empty heart.



"One time, I cried in front of you and you said that too 'that's so unusual of you' because you said I'm a robot." I laughed at him because he was even trying to say it the way I speak it.



"Is that for real? Why would I call you robot?" I asked while laughing. It feels like it's my first laughter.



"…because you said I don't have feeling but I was secretly loving you." He responded and I laughed even more.



"I can't believe you, so you're a weak man? Hmm…"



"You made me feel weak, that's why." I roll my eyes and just look away. I don't know, I just suddenly don't feel like talking.



"It's still you." He said again and I can see from my peripheral vision that he is staring at me. Oh my, I'm feeling shy now. "I mean, your attitude will never change."



"I'm still me, right? Do you love me?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes. I have a lot of questions to ask him but that's what I wanted to know as of this moment.



"I really do." He replied and showed me his ring finger.



"You do but you have a wife? Is that the reason why you're sad?" What a sad story, I can't keep this man for life. He is a married man.



He chuckled, "Are you kidding me? Look at this, this is our wedding ring but."



"What? Is that for real? Hold up, but what?"



"Accident happened on our wedding day and that was the reason why you end up here."



"Oh." I don't know how to react but one thing for sure, he loves me. Clinton loves me. 




Smiling while looking at the road from the fourth floor, I'm excited because I'll go out soon.

A week passed already and I'm doing just fine. All of them take good care of me; Clinton who does his work here at my room, my parents, some other friends and a best friend whose name is Athena. I don't remember them but seeing our entire pictures from albums made me feel something and we are family, indeed.



They allow me to use social media since it doesn't affect me that much, and browsing on my accounts made me feel knowing myself a little bit more.




"Do you know Ethan Gale?" I asked Clinton whom doing his work at the table near the window.



"Why you asked?" His brows furrowed.



"He messaged me, asking if he can visit me here."



"If you want then he can." He replied but he seems like to be against it base on his tone.



"Oh, no need. I don't know him anyway."



Silence occupied the room after that until he said he'll leave for an important meeting.



"I'll be right back after few hours. I already called Bea and she'll be here any minute soon." It's for the first time that he is going to leave me. He often held online meeting but now, he is going to leave. Why I feel like crying? He will come back but I don't know why I'm feeling this way.



"Okay." I responded and lay down, turning my back on him.



"I'll be right back before you know it. I love you!" He draws near and kissed my forehead and with that my tears just fall unannounced.



I heard his footsteps getting away and when I take a peak, he's gone. For another time, I once again feel something empty inside me. I want to be with him most of the time, maybe I'm just being greedy or I'm just used to his presence a lot that his little absence made me felt really sad.




"Oh my god, are you crying?"



"You're back."



"I forgot something. Love, why are you crying?"



"Here, I forgot to give you and…" He seals my lips with a kiss while slowly wiping my tears with his thumb, "Te amo, I'll be back. Call me whenever you want."



"Are you sure about that?" I pouted like a kid and took out my phone.



'I'm a robot! I'm a robot!' 



"Oh, that's your ringtone? It was me who change it." I exclaimed happily while he is wearing his shocked reaction again.



"You remembered it silly, oh my!" He hugged me and answered the video call like he is far.



"Hello love, miss me?" He chuckles and kissed my forehead again.


"Alright, I really have to go now. Don't get scared, I'll just keep the call until the meeting."



"Thank you with this." He gave me flowers; word search book, rubik's cube, chocolates and mango graham shake with a note in it. No wonder why I fell in love with that guy.



Nanny Bea arrived a minute after Clinton left and I fall asleep while we were in the call. The next thing I know is that days passed and we are preparing for my discharge which made me really happy. I'm excited to go out and retrieve my memories. I want to remember everything so bad.




"Nanny Bea, I'll go visit Clinton at his office."



"You know how to go there? Your driver is not here today, no one will drive for you."



"Yes--- oh, I don't know actually." I thought I know or maybe my brain is tricking me.



"Can you call me a cab nanny? Please---"



"Alright, are you sure you want to go there alone?"



"Yes nanny, I got this." I give her a thumb up and smile widely. I can't wait to see his reaction when I arrive at his office without me letting him know.



I put the cookies I made earlier inside the box and put a ribbon around it. I hope he'll like it.



Clinton promised me to show me around but he is really busy recently but now I see something new for my eyes.



"Ma'am Hailey, you're here. I'm glad you're okay now." I talked to the guard for a bit and to some employees, I don't know but its fun talking to them.



"Where's Clinton's office?" I asked one of the ladies and she walks me to the elevator and press 24th floor.




"Clinton!" I see him talking with a lady wearing puff red dress. She's fit and has a blonde hair.



"Did I interrupt you guys?" I asked and stand still at the door.



"No love, come here. She's going to leave too. Love, she's Sarah and she's---"



"I'll be her wife, Hailey. I'll take him from you." Is she trying to scare me? The answer is yes when she tiptoed to kiss him in front of me right on his lips and they got me frozen in place.



"Sorry." I uttered sadly and leave the room immediately.



"Take me somewhere peaceful, a beach would be." I told the cab driver. Leaving there was a foolish move I think but I'm hurt. I wasn't able to think right.



I stare at the ocean for a long time, seeing the waves calm my mind and the sound of it. Hugging my knees and in regret, I regret that I didn't fight, he is mine and mine alone but I leave. Gosh!



I take another sip of my smoothie hoping my memories will go back after brain freeze but it doesn't work. Oh, I even forgot to leave the cookies.



"I suppose that's for me." Someone grabbed the box from my hand and sit beside me.



"I found you." I smile form in his lips and he made me lean on his shoulder.



"Don't leave like that again, you're making me worry. You're my only one, Hailey." I couldn't wish for more but for this man to be with me for the rest of my life.




"You're my ray of hope, Clinton."



My Dearest,


Without you I'll never keep going. Thanks for lighting my way again and for making me see that there's more to life though it seems to be dark and empty. Thanks for taking care of me and loving as who I really am. I'm truly blessed to have you, Clinton. You're my stars, sun and moon. Te amo mucho!





This part is dedicated to Brandon Williams, my boyfriend. Just like the title, I was lost and he found me. I'm happier with him. Just sharing. haha

I'll be posting more soon and I hope you guys will love it.

Enjoy reading, My Stars!

Wild_Celocreators' thoughts