
warriors vast and versatile

Kelvin returned from his place of work feeling upset and worried,stared at his window,

Imaginations ran to and fro in his mind

Almost loosing his balance as he sank on his hard bed

His bed was so light that the wood underneath was so hard to break a baby's bone

He woke up from his deep thought,

He realized that he hasn't wash up yet

"No!!!! Life is so irrepressible for me"

He yelled!

His neighbors could literally hear him scream

"What have I done in this atrocious world,full of asperity ..I have done all I could

What else please

I am a reader,yes !!readers are leaders, is that not what they allege?

I assist people to solve their fuss, but not mine and no one has ever helped me.. it's like I help people to cross their bridge and they can't help me to cross my stream,not because they are not cordial enough to me but because they can't !

My stream is like a valley, you may submerge in it." As he exhaled heavily.

Kelvin lives in a one room apartment..

Though he had taste for proficient things, he painted his house with a very good paint, "At least when I have a visitor, they wont have the mindset of me being poor"

He thought within himself . Kelvin is a neat person

His house is found always in order,his clothes are well arranged and neatly ironed..

His only house issues was his kitchen.

No!! His kitchen is not found dirty..

In fact, it is the cleanest among all but the problem is that, there was no foodstuffs.

His kitchen was empty

Few plates, broken bowls,few spoons and one pot

He isn't wealthy

What do you expect!

Anytime a visitor comes to pay a visit, his kitchen was always closed

He was very good at bringing out excuses for them to stay outside, or maybe fleet the house

In order for them not to go to the kitchen to know his little secret

Anyway that's by the way.

Kelvin hurried up to take his bath in his tight bathroom,while bathing he remembered that one of his female colleagues at work said something to his male colleague that had a similar problem like his. What she said got him pissed off a that moment

She said if you have God,you will have everything .

Kelvin was confused ,"Don't I have God!"

"I mean ! who doesn't have God on earth?".

Kelvin is a fan of the devil,he didn't understand what she meant

He is one who hangs around with ladies, steals on a low key

Cheat in his place of work ,and yet after all these ,he wasn't lucky enough to whoop it up.

Lest we forget

Why don't we describe who Kelvin is?

Kelvin is a tall and handsome man

In fact any lady who comes across him or see his stature won't look once, they could twist their necks to his every move, just to see this handsome ,

They won't hesitate to reply his request to be his girlfriend ,

He had gray eyes, well structured open teeth

Curly hair like that of a baby's hair,

Pointed nose, his body built is so amazing,

Should I just say he is a model

Most of all he was so endowned with the capacity to reason.

Trust me!! He is a player,I mean he gets what he wants from ladies and ends the relationship

Of course he didn't have what they want to proceed the relationship going, due to lack of funds.

Kelvin works in a very good company,hoping that after two years of his work in the company he will be promoted because of his skills ,

But this hasn't happened yet even in his fourth year of his hard work

That's just what frustrates him more.