
Warning of Pyrmaydis

"I am Pyrmaydis, holy knight and silencer for the Congregation. I was enlisted and trained like most other recruits however I had an ability that was rare. I could track those who could use magic no matter how far they run or where they hide. In between the great crusades, my regiment came across a civilization of what we likened to goblins.

They lived below us, under the ground.

A new world. They were governed by clans, some large, some small. At first, we were ordered to manage the population. Soon they began to fight back in vicious ways.

You see, they had priests who were capable of magic. I was ordered to track each magically inclined down and slaughter them.

So, we attacked in full force wiping the smaller clans off the face of the planet and reducing some of their once great cities to ash.

In one such attack I was tearing through this temple when I sensed the last survivor.

They were strong in magic like a storm brewing on the horizon. I cut my way through a group of males until I found myself outside its door which I kicked open and found a female goblin holding her infant.

She held a knife out in front of her. Her eyes were desperate. She was a mother protecting her newborn.

All I saw was vermin.

I plunged my sword into her and her child in one cruel movement.

I departed and left her to burn with her town.

We eradicated them.

So I leave you this wisdom.

Just because you taught something does not mean it is true.

Lest you join me in waiting for forgiveness that can never be given"