
"God creations and dis obeying the man and the woman"

In the beggining God created the heaven and the earth, it was peacefull, then God created living creatures in the seas and on the land and he created the human being through the dust of the ground and he blew it into the nostrils and it gives a life and God called it a man ,the man called adan . Adamm is first man and God gives authority to adamm to rule the living creatures in the land and in the seas. Adamm gives the name one by one by the kinds of all creatures. Adamm can eat any fruits of the garden except the one tree called the tree of knowledge and the good and evil ,then adamm saw that every living creature have their partners and adamm become lonely and God saw adamm that he wants a partner just like other creatures . And the Lord God caused adamm deep slept and adamm slept and God took adamm one ribs and God made it a woman then God bring the woman into the man called adamm and adamm said "bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man and they were both naked but there not ashamed to each other. The name of the woman called Evezz .

Now years passby Evezz walking around the garden called eden. God made eden for the man and a woman to dominion and live this place forever. Then the serpent or the devil whom the angels dis obeying God and put into the lake of fire, then the devil wants the man to dis obey Gods law and he manipulate the snake it is the creature more subtil than any living beast which God had made, then the snake said to the woman, Is God said that you shall not eat every tree to the garden?

And evezz said to the serpent We can eat of the fruits of the garden except the tree that is in the center of the garden ,God says you shall not eat it nor touch it because you shall die, then the serpent said you shall not die but God knows when you eat it you will know the good and the evil and your eyes will be opened. And the woman saw that the tree was good and it was pleasant in the eyes and evezz took the fruit and she eat it and gave to his husband and adamm eat the fruit , then both of their eyes opened they saw that they are naked and their ashamed to each other and they sewe a leaves of fig tree and they make it a aprons.