
Warm Smile of Madness

Hellshell, originally called earth, is now infested with monsters and demons and to fend against them, the Gods decided to rise once more and give a hand in defeating them and saving humanity and also to avoid further destruction that could lead to the end of the planet and with it all that lives and gives the divine power to the Gods.

MangoToe · ファンタジー
2 Chs

An Eventful Birth (2)

Braise looked at the glowing messages before him, as if he found treasure.. not that he knows what treasure is, since he is only 10 minutes old.

In multiple different dimensions, some gods were sweating profusely, while others were entertained. the newborn before them was born with multiple unique traits. there are many who were born with special traits, and scientists of the new era believe that these traits are the result of the planet's core reconstruction, and are signs of mutation in the human genes. of course, not only humans were born with traits. even wild animals and domesticated animals such as house pets began mutating and receiving their own traits.

Right now, on this very planet called Hellshell, a newborn human called Braise was born with quadruple traits, a rare case in which only happened once before, exactly 200 years ago in the 21st century during the time that the core reconstruction occurred.

The traits he was born with were..

⟨Strength of the Heart⟩ - The more emotional you become, the stronger your abilities become.

⟨Overexpression⟩ - Emotions are overly expressed, may become uncontrollable.

⟨Negative Affinity⟩ - Cultivate more efficiently, quickly and easily in Dark Energy, Demonic Energy, and Undead Energy.

⟨Greater Adaptation⟩ - Adapt more quickly to anything that the norm might feel uncomfortable with, or might die from.

The gods don't know how many traits Braise possesses but they know that he is a valuable pawn to take in, and they don't want to lose their opportunity. however even though they are gods, some of them were too quick to act, because Braise was only recently born, and he is completely unaware of what the meaning of these messages is.

However some of the gods didn't really want Braise as their pawn.

Braise simply reached his arms towards the messages with an indifferent look on his face.

{You've received ⟨Optimism⟩ from "Spirit of Hope"}

{You've received ⟨Monster Contract⟩ from "Avenger of Gaia"}

felt a warmth in his body as soon as he managed to touch the messages before him, and after the warmth, he felt a slight chill that made him make a sour face.

After the messages disappeared, time seemed to continue and nobody noticed a single change, as if time didn't really stop.

After 5 more minutes of discussion, the nurses and doctors took Braise to the side of the room and gave him some necessary injections that every child gets after birth, and later on that day, after Braise's mother took care of all the basic necessities, they took off and went home.

Braise's mother did not get to the hospital with her own car, and was brought there in an ambulance, so she had to take an Uber.

She waited for about 5 minutes before her Uber pulled over.

"Hello, Mrs. Banks, Oh- congratulations! so what's his name?" The Uber driver asked. apparently the driver and Braise's mother knew each other for quite some time.

"Hello Kyle, this is my little boy, Braise, he's quite unique, him and his pretty smile" she said, patting Braise on the head.

The two were chatting on the way home and Kyle, the Uber driver, was very curious about Braise who apparently was just smiling the whole time, which made Kyle feel slightly uncomfortable.

"So why's he smiling so much, did he fall in love with his own mother?" he asked, slightly chuckling.

"Haha, maybe, who knows what babies are thinking?" she said, going along with Kyle's humor.

"Thanks for the ride, Kyle" the mother said after getting out of the car with Braise in her hands, still smiling while looking at his mother as if he was admiring her.

"Anytime, Mrs. Banks, see you around" Kyle said, driving off with his car.

Braise's mother opened the door and went inside.

Suddenly a sound of rumbling came from Braise's belly, and slightly surprised his mother. in response he just rubbed his own belly as if trying to figure out what that sound was.

His mother was just giggling while pinching him lightly on his soft cheek.

She went into a smaller room full of dolls, toys, figurines of certain people with flashy outfits and capes, a sofa, and a rocking cradle made out of wood.

She sat down on the sofa, filled a bottle full of her milk through a suctioning machine, and started feeding him milk through the bottle.

After an hour, Braise started feeling tired and his mother noticed it, so she placed him inside the cradle, watched as her newly born son slept for the first time, and took a picture of him as it happened.

"Sweet dreams, Braise" she said, kissing his forehead once he fell asleep.

She activated a small machine that was placed right under the small mattress that checks a baby's heartbeat during their sleep, turned off the light, and went to the kitchen to start making her own meal.

Braise opened his eyes the moment his mother left the room, and looked at the clock, placed to the right of his cradle.

He just kept staring at the clock as time passed.

6:23pm.. 6:24pm.. 6:30pm.. 6:44pm.. at 7:00pm his mother came into the room and he pretended to sleep once more. She took the used bottle and left after taking another look at her little boy. When she left, he opened his eyes and looked at the clock again..

7:03pm.. 7:16pm.. 7:32pm.. 7:47pm.. 7:59pm... when the clock hit 8:00pm he went back into the cradle and fell asleep completely, as if he passed out on the spot, like a ragdoll.