
Warlock Moon Elf

When he is about to promote into the manager at the big company but he died because of the accident and her though is "If I only I didn't drink then I will have a good life..." Just as he about to die he later got transmigration into the moon elf into the another world with magician world theme he is Lex Kingston he is the most handsome into the moon elf tribe but when he is in 8 years old they later know that he is trash without talent he is the first royal prince normal moon elf so they abandoned her after 2 months he can't help but to get depression and then died because of depression but he didn't know someone will transmigration into her body he is Lex too but no surname becuase he has no parents or guardian so he Lex no... Lex Kingston that know that this body isn't trash but has talent after transmigration not that he know he has talent about magic he will be a magician that thrive about more knowledge about magic. -The mc is really not a greedy about power if there is high risk and he didn't want to back at the moon elf tribe even they know that he has a talent. -and he is not simp that like a hero saving beauty and revenge for her even he just know her. he just nvm them but he isn't really cold blooded he just don't want save him because he know he will be in trouble. -I know I'm bad at writing becuase of my grammar sorry.

Unique_Versal · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Adventure Guild

He walk at the forest finding way out to go into the human kingdom becuase he is human in past life. And her plan is to be a adventurer he know about it becuase of memories and the map too he has too he will go to the Volstio kingdom they're are in top human kingdom and far away into moon elf tribe plus he is novice magician and know some spell that will not drain her mana when fighting quickly. After 1 month he is now into the Volstio kingdom he goes into the line becuase they will identify when u will go into the kingdom and getting tax when going there and all races are free to go into any kingdom as long they will not go trouble there after he goes into line. He is in hoodie with a white mask they will need identify her if u go into kingdom they will only need you to pay to go to kingdom and saw your face if your one of the criminals and will report it. after finishing the line Lex is turn two guard with a armor and sword looks like he is from mediaval from fantasy novels. And one of the guard said "take off your make we need identify you if you are one criminal or not" Lex said "okay" as he put off her hoodie and mask they realize he is one of the strongest race Moon Elf they are know as beauty and magic talent with a strong body but he is not a prince face becuase he change his face but still a handsome. two of the guard bow becuase of her race but lex said "just identify me now I don't need your bow" they said "yes sir" they quickly identify and after finishing "your free to go sir" after lex finishing identify and paid for tax he put back his hoodie and mask on.

after entering he really like into the mediaval into fantasy world becuase it exactly same "wow it's really good place... I really like this world becuase I was tired of with many high building..." he looked around to find adventure guild after asking around he found adventure guild he said himself "so this is adventure guild" its a 3 floor and it's a large building.

after entering he saw many people like into mage coat and armor sword but other they just look like a normal adventurer. he goes into register place he will need to register to be a adventurer it doesn't matter if you are elf, orc, werewolf, and many more he goes there after lining up he is now turn one of human girl said "We need register you please put your hand here" as he point to the magic item that will identify you but not your name you can just put your name or not that's optional.

Lex put her hand to that magic item that human girl point it's showed


Race: Moon Elf

Magic rank: Novice Magician

Name: ???


the moon elf shocked becuase of her race he bowed said "oh we will finish this finish process pls wait sir". they are just two at the building for register so none of them saw her race but he and the human girl only know of course he know he will report it to the guild master so he just wait there after waiting 5 minutes the human girl goes into her place again and said "Oh we finish now the process now this is your badge and your rank"

the human girl said again "Oh do you want me explain the ranking and the rules?" after hearing it Lex said "Okay please explain"

the human girl said "The rank is E,D,C,B,A,S low to high and your rank is in E rank middle

of course if you want to rank up you need to finish quest and you will get more benefits like a fame, money, and quest becuase if you only in E rank u can't just accept D rank u will need D rank to accept D rank quest. and now about rules is simple 1.u can't fight unless something happens 2.u can't kill each other when you two are in quest or we will blacklist you and to the other kingdom no one will accept u as adventure that's all." Lex said "Okay is that all?" the human girl said "yes thats all you can go now accept quest" lex turn around to find a quest.