
Warhammer 40k In Marvel

a psychopath guy woh have a system that give him the power to summon legions from the warhammer 40k univers, essentially he got the power to travell betwen demension the first universe he find him self rencarnated as14 years boy in the marvel cinematique universe and he was bullied so he will unleash his wrath open this world. Support me and see the whole novels on : https://www.patreon.com/NovelsWorld

NovelsWorld · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 6: The Clash of Realms

 POV: Eli 

The vastness of the Warp was a turbulent ocean of raw energy and psychic potential, an ever-shifting maelstrom that mirrored Eli's own chaotic mind. He stood at the nexus, a conduit through which the legions of Warhammer 40K poured into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His eyes, glimmering with a sinister light, scanned the battlefield below, where the forces of Chaos clashed with Earth's mightiest heroes.

"More," he muttered, his voice a venomous whisper. "I need more power."

From the depths of the Warp, the Chaos Gods responded. Khorne, the Blood God, roared with the fury of endless battles; Nurgle, the Plague Lord, chuckled as pestilence spread; Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, schemed in whispers of deceit; and Slaanesh, the Prince of Excess, exuded a dangerous allure. Their combined presence was intoxicating, filling Eli with a sense of invincibility.

But the Chaos Gods were not his only allies. Eli had also summoned the Emperor's finest: the Space Marines. Clad in ceramite power armor, these superhuman warriors were the pinnacle of human evolution and warfare, each one a living weapon capable of taking on entire armies.

From his vantage point, Eli could see the battle unfold with terrifying clarity. The Space Marines, led by their Chapter Masters, tore through the ranks of SHIELD agents and Avengers alike. Captain America's shield shattered under the relentless assault of a Power Fist, while Iron Man's armor was sundered by the plasma blasts of a Devastator squad. 

As he surveyed the carnage, Eli's thoughts drifted to the Emperor of Mankind. Even in the far future, the Emperor's influence was paramount. The Golden Throne, the seat of the Emperor's shattered form, was a symbol of ultimate sacrifice and power. The Emperor's psychic might held the Imperium together, even as his body withered. 

"I am the harbinger," Eli whispered, "the bringer of a new age."

#### POV: The Emperor of Mankind

In the timeless limbo of the Golden Throne, the Emperor of Mankind's consciousness stirred. He had sensed the disturbance in the fabric of reality, a rippling wave that spanned the multiverse. Through the eyes of his Custodes, his elite guardians, he saw the horrors unfolding on Earth.

The Emperor's thoughts were a whirlwind of ancient wisdom and calculated strategy. The Chaos Gods, those malevolent entities born from the psychic reflection of sentient beings, were exploiting this new universe. He felt the presence of Khorne's insatiable bloodlust, Tzeentch's convoluted plans, Nurgle's decaying embrace, and Slaanesh's seductive corruption. They were all here, thriving on the chaos Eli had unleashed.

But the Emperor's attention was drawn to another figure: Eli. This mortal, twisted by power and ambition, was the key to the schism that threatened to unravel the multiverse. The Emperor reached out with his psychic might, probing the depths of Eli's mind, seeking a way to exploit his hubris.

The Emperor's vision expanded, encompassing the vast legions under his command. The Space Marines, his greatest creation, were fighting valiantly, but they were outnumbered and outmatched by the combined forces of Earth's defenders and the Chaos legions. He needed to act.

#### POV: Eli 

Eli felt a sudden pressure on his mind, a force of such overwhelming power that it brought him to his knees. The Emperor was probing his thoughts, seeking to undermine his will. With a snarl, Eli summoned the full power of the Warp, pushing back against the intrusion.

"You will not take this from me!" he screamed into the void. "This is my dominion!"

The struggle was titanic, a clash of wills that shook the very foundations of reality. Eli's mind, fortified by the dark blessings of the Chaos Gods, held firm against the Emperor's assault. But he knew he couldn't hold out forever. He needed a distraction.

With a wave of his hand, Eli summoned his most fearsome champions. From the depths of the Warp emerged the Daemon Primarchs: Angron, Mortarion, Magnus the Red, and Fulgrim. Each was a living nightmare, a fusion of daemon and Space Marine Primarch, their powers augmented by the Chaos Gods they served.

"Go," Eli commanded. "Show them the true meaning of terror."

#### POV: The Emperor of Mankind

The Emperor's focus shifted as the Daemon Primarchs entered the fray. He felt a pang of sorrow and regret for these fallen sons, corrupted by the very forces he had sought to protect humanity from. But there was no time for sentiment. The battle for the multiverse had begun.

He reached out to his loyal Primarchs, summoning them from across the galaxy. Roboute Guilliman, the Avenging Son, was the first to respond. Clad in the armor of fate, he rallied the Ultramarines and led them through the Warp towards Earth. 

Following close behind were Lion El'Jonson, the Lion of Caliban, and Vulkan, the Primarch of the Salamanders. Their legions joined the fray, bringing renewed hope to the beleaguered defenders of Earth.

#### POV: Tony Stark (Iron Man)

Amidst the chaos, Tony Stark struggled to keep up with the onslaught. His armor was battered, systems failing, but his determination was unyielding. The arrival of the Space Marines had turned the tide momentarily, but the appearance of the Daemon Primarchs threatened to plunge them back into despair.

"JARVIS, I need options!" he barked, dodging a blow from Angron's chain axe.

"Sir, the odds are not in our favor," the AI responded. "But I've detected a significant energy surge from the east. It might be a portal."

Tony's mind raced. A portal could mean reinforcements, or it could be another trap. But with no other options, he flew towards the source, hoping for a miracle.

As he approached, he saw a figure emerge from the portal. It was Roboute Guilliman, the Primarch of the Ultramarines, resplendent in his power armor. Behind him, legions of Space Marines poured through, their battle cries echoing across the battlefield.

Tony landed beside Guilliman, his face a mix of relief and awe. "I hope you guys are on our side."

Guilliman nodded, his eyes scanning the battlefield. "We are here to purge the heretics. Fight with honor, Iron Man."

#### POV: Eli (The Psychopath)

Eli watched in fury as the loyalist Primarchs and their legions joined the battle. His carefully laid plans were unraveling before his eyes. He needed more power, more chaos. The Chaos Gods roared in his mind, demanding blood, demanding victory.

He raised his hands, channeling the raw energy of the Warp. The ground trembled, and the sky darkened as a massive tear in reality opened. From this tear, more daemons poured forth, their howls of fury adding to the cacophony of battle.

"You will all fall before me!" Eli screamed, his voice amplified by the dark energies coursing through him. "This universe will be mine!"

#### POV: The Emperor of Mankind

The Emperor felt the surge of Warp energy and knew that Eli was reaching the peak of his power. This was the moment of truth. With a final push, he unleashed the full might of his psychic power, a blinding beacon of light that cut through the darkness.

"Eli," the Emperor's voice boomed, echoing across the battlefield. "Your reign of terror ends now."

The light struck Eli, engulfing him in a searing blaze. He screamed, a sound of pure agony, as the Emperor's power tore through his defenses. The Chaos Gods howled in fury, their hold on Eli slipping.

But even as he was consumed by the Emperor's light, Eli's resolve did not waver. He reached deep into the Warp, pulling the last remnants of his strength.

"This is not the end," he hissed through gritted teeth. "I will return. And when I do, all will kneel before me."

With a final, defiant scream, Eli vanished into the Warp, the tear in reality closing behind him. The battlefield fell silent, the forces of Chaos retreating without their leader.

#### POV: Tony Stark (Iron Man)

Tony watched in awe as the light faded, revealing the scorched ground where Eli had stood. The Emperor's voice, powerful and commanding, still echoed in his mind.

"Is it over?" he asked, turning to Guilliman.

The Primarch shook his head. "This was just the beginning. The multiverse is at risk, and we must be prepared for what comes next."

Tony nodded, determination hardening his features. "Then we fight. Together."

#### Epilogue: The Rift

In the depths of the Warp, Eli floated, his body battered but his spirit unbroken. The Chaos Gods whispered to him, promising power, revenge, and the means to conquer the multiverse.

And so, as the forces of the Imperium and the Avengers prepared for the next battle, a new threat loomed on the horizon. The rift between realities had been opened, and the true war was about to begin.

The fate of the multiverse hung in the balance, and the stage was set for the ultimate confrontation. The Emperor's light and Eli's darkness would clash again, in a battle that would determine the destiny of all worlds.


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