
Warhammer 40k In Marvel

a psychopath guy woh have a system that give him the power to summon legions from the warhammer 40k univers, essentially he got the power to travell betwen demension the first universe he find him self rencarnated as14 years boy in the marvel cinematique universe and he was bullied so he will unleash his wrath open this world. Support me and see the whole novels on : https://www.patreon.com/NovelsWorld

NovelsWorld · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 24

Elysia's journey to the southern kingdoms had gone smoothly. The leaders had received her well, and the talks were promising. Yet as she traveled through the vast plains on her return, her mind remained uneasy. Something lingered in the shadows, a faint sense of danger that she couldn't shake. The peace they had won was precarious, and the enemies they had vanquished might not be entirely gone.

The sun was setting as she and her small escort approached a dense forest that bordered the kingdom's southern edge. The sky burned with hues of red and gold, casting long shadows across the land. Elysia pulled her cloak tighter around her as the chill of the evening set in. The forest ahead was known to be treacherous after dark, and the wind seemed to whisper through the trees, as if warning them to turn back.

"We should make camp soon," Captain Rylan, her second-in-command, suggested, his voice breaking the silence. "It's dangerous to travel these roads at night."

Elysia nodded. "We'll rest by the river. It's safer there."

The group pressed on, weary but focused, until they reached the riverbank. As they began to set up camp, Elysia couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. Her hand instinctively rested on the hilt of her sword, her eyes scanning the treeline.

"Do you sense it too?" Rylan asked quietly, joining her by the fire.

Elysia's gaze didn't leave the dark forest. "Yes. There's something out there."

Rylan stiffened, his hand moving to his weapon. "Do you think it's remnants of The Shadow King's forces?"

"It's possible," she replied, her voice steady despite the tension coiling in her chest. "We knew not all of his followers would surrender. Some may be lying in wait, hoping for the right moment to strike."

Rylan nodded, his face hardening with resolve. "We'll keep watch tonight. We can't afford to let our guard down."


Back at the citadel, Gabriel was restless. Elysia's absence, though expected, left him on edge. He had always trusted her judgment, but something about this mission felt different. The peace they had fought for was fragile, and any misstep could plunge them back into chaos.

Emily entered the war room where Gabriel stood, poring over maps of the surrounding territories. "Still no word from Elysia?" she asked, her tone laced with concern.

Gabriel shook his head. "Not yet. She was supposed to check in by now."

Emily frowned, her fingers drumming lightly against the table. "It's not like her to be late. Do you think something's happened?"

"I hope not," Gabriel muttered, his eyes darkening. "But I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong."

Marcus joined them, his expression grim. "We've had reports of strange activity near the southern borders. Unmarked soldiers, moving in small groups. They could be remnants of The Shadow King's army, or they could be something else."

"Something else?" Emily raised an eyebrow.

Marcus hesitated for a moment before speaking. "There have been whispers of a new threat rising in the east. A warlord who calls himself The Black Harbinger. He's gathering forces—displaced mercenaries, outcasts, anyone looking to profit from chaos."

Gabriel's jaw tightened. "And now he's moving into the southern territories?"

"It's a possibility," Marcus said. "He's been quiet so far, but if he's making a move now, it could mean he's ready to strike."

Emily's eyes widened in alarm. "If that's true, Elysia could be walking into a trap."

Gabriel's hand clenched into a fist, his mind racing. "Send a scouting party. I want to know everything about this Black Harbinger. And ready a team to ride south. If Elysia's in trouble, we need to reach her before it's too late."


Elysia's sleep was fitful that night. The unease gnawed at her, even as the fire crackled warmly beside her. She had grown used to the dangers of the road, but this was different. There was something deliberate about the way the shadows moved, something calculated.

Suddenly, a twig snapped in the distance. Elysia was on her feet in an instant, her sword drawn. Rylan and the other guards were already awake, weapons at the ready.

"Who's there?" Rylan called out into the darkness, his voice steady.

For a moment, there was only silence. Then, from the shadows, a figure stepped forward, cloaked in black armor, his face obscured by a dark hood. His movements were slow, deliberate, as if he had no fear of being outnumbered.

"You are far from home, Lady Elysia," the figure said, his voice deep and cold.

"Who are you?" Elysia demanded, keeping her sword raised.

The figure chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "I am but a messenger. My master wishes to extend an offer."

"What kind of offer?" Rylan growled, stepping closer to Elysia, his shield raised defensively.

The figure tilted his head, as if considering the question. "An offer of power, of protection. You see, the peace you cling to is an illusion. It will not last. But my master can offer you true security."

Elysia's grip tightened on her sword. "And who is your master?"

"The Black Harbinger," the figure replied, his voice laced with pride. "He is the future. He is the answer to the chaos that plagues this world."

"Tell your master we're not interested," Elysia said coldly. "We've fought too hard for this peace to let someone like him tear it apart."

The figure's expression remained unreadable beneath his hood, but there was a subtle shift in his posture, a hint of disappointment. "A shame. My master had hoped you would be more reasonable."

Without warning, the figure raised his hand, and a burst of dark energy shot toward Elysia. She barely had time to react, throwing herself to the side as the blast scorched the ground where she had been standing.

Rylan charged forward, his sword raised, but the figure moved with inhuman speed, dodging his attack with ease. The guards surged forward to assist, but the figure was relentless, weaving through their strikes with deadly precision.

Elysia scrambled to her feet, her heart racing. This was no ordinary enemy. Whoever the Black Harbinger was, he had trained his followers well. She needed to end this quickly, or they would all be overwhelmed.

Gathering her strength, Elysia unleashed a surge of light magic, the power radiating from her in a brilliant flash. The figure faltered, momentarily blinded by the light, and Elysia seized the opportunity, driving her sword toward him.

The blade struck true, but as it pierced the figure's armor, he laughed—a hollow, echoing sound that sent a chill down her spine. "You cannot kill what is already dead."

With a final burst of energy, the figure vanished into the shadows, leaving Elysia and her companions breathless and shaken.

Rylan stumbled to her side, his face pale. "What in the gods' name was that?"

"I don't know," Elysia whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "But whatever it was, it was a warning."


Back at the citadel, Gabriel was preparing to ride south when a messenger arrived, breathless and pale. "My lord, news from the southern border. Lady Elysia... she's been attacked."

Gabriel's heart skipped a beat. "Is she alive?"

"Yes," the messenger confirmed. "But her party was ambushed by a servant of The Black Harbinger. She's on her way back, but the situation is dire."

Emily, who had been standing nearby, exchanged a worried glance with Gabriel. "It's worse than we thought."

Gabriel's mind raced as he processed the news. The Black Harbinger was no longer just a rumor—he was a real threat, and he had already made his move. If they didn't act quickly, everything they had fought for could be undone.

"We'll prepare for war," Gabriel said, his voice grim. "The Black Harbinger wants to challenge our peace? We'll show him the consequences of underestimating us."

Marcus nodded, his face set in determination. "I'll gather the troops. We need to be ready for anything."

As the preparations began, Gabriel couldn't help but feel the weight of the impending conflict pressing down on him. The world they had rebuilt was fragile, and now it was under siege from a new darkness. But this time, they would not be caught off guard. This time, they would fight with everything they had.

The Black Harbinger might have thought he could sow fear and division, but he had underestimated the strength of their unity. And Gabriel would make sure that by the end of this war, their enemies would know just how strong they truly were.