
Warhammer 40k In Marvel

a psychopath guy woh have a system that give him the power to summon legions from the warhammer 40k univers, essentially he got the power to travell betwen demension the first universe he find him self rencarnated as14 years boy in the marvel cinematique universe and he was bullied so he will unleash his wrath open this world. Support me and see the whole novels on : https://www.patreon.com/NovelsWorld

NovelsWorld · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 21


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Chapter 21: The Calm Before the Storm

The dawn broke over the citadel with a quiet serenity, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had gripped the land in recent weeks. The truce with the Northern Coalition, though uneasy, had brought a temporary peace, allowing Gabriel and his allies a moment to breathe and regroup. However, beneath the surface, the tension was palpable, like a coiled spring ready to snap.

Gabriel stood on the balcony of the council chamber, gazing out over the sprawling city below. The people had returned to their daily lives, but there was an undercurrent of uncertainty in their movements. The citadel's walls had been fortified, and the soldiers trained diligently, but Gabriel knew that true peace was a fragile thing.

Emily approached, her steps light but her presence commanding. She joined Gabriel at the balcony, her gaze also fixed on the horizon. "It's strange, isn't it? This quiet," she mused, her voice soft. "After everything we've been through, it feels almost... unnatural."

Gabriel nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed. The calm before the storm, as they say. We must remain vigilant, Emily. Peace can be as treacherous as war."

Emily smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes. "You're right, of course. But we can't live in constant fear, either. We have to find a balance."

Their conversation was interrupted by a messenger, who approached with urgency. "Lord Gabriel, Lady Emily, a delegation from the Northern Coalition has arrived. They request an audience."

Gabriel exchanged a glance with Emily. "Let's see what they have to say," he said, turning to follow the messenger. The grand hall was quickly prepared, the banners of the citadel and the coalition standing side by side. Gabriel, Emily, Elysia, and Marcus took their places at the head of the hall as the delegation entered.

Lord Varyn, the leader of the coalition, strode forward, his armor gleaming under the chandeliers' light. He was accompanied by a few advisors, their expressions a mix of apprehension and determination. Varyn bowed slightly, a gesture of respect. "Thank you for receiving us on such short notice," he began. "We come bearing news of great importance."

Gabriel inclined his head, gesturing for Varyn to continue. "Please, go on."

Varyn's face grew serious. "Our scouts have reported a new threat. A dark force is rising in the east, one that we believe may be even more dangerous than Dormammu. It appears to be a coalition of rogue factions, led by a powerful entity who calls himself 'The Shadow King.' His forces are moving quickly, consolidating power and resources. If left unchecked, he could destabilize the entire region."

A murmur ran through the hall. Gabriel's eyes narrowed, the name striking a chord. "The Shadow King... What do we know about him?"

Varyn exchanged a look with his advisors. "Not much, unfortunately. He is a master of manipulation and dark magic, capable of turning people against their own. His followers are fanatically loyal, willing to die for his cause. We believe he seeks to dominate, not just our world, but others as well."

Elysia spoke up, her voice calm but with a note of urgency. "This is dire news. We cannot allow another tyrant to rise, especially one with such ambitions. We must act swiftly."

Gabriel nodded in agreement. "Indeed. We need to form a united front. If The Shadow King is as powerful as you say, then we will need every ally we can muster."

Varyn looked relieved, his posture relaxing slightly. "Thank you, Lord Gabriel. We will stand with you against this threat. Together, we can face this darkness."

The meeting continued, with both sides discussing strategies and sharing intelligence. It was clear that The Shadow King was a formidable foe, and defeating him would require careful planning and cooperation. As the delegation departed, Gabriel felt a renewed sense of purpose. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but they would face it together.


The days that followed were a flurry of activity. Gabriel, Emily, Elysia, and Marcus worked tirelessly, coordinating with their allies and preparing for the impending conflict. Scouts were sent out to gather more information, while the citadel's defenses were bolstered even further.

One evening, as Gabriel sat in the war room, pouring over maps and reports, Emily entered, carrying a tray of food. She placed it on the table with a smile. "You need to eat, Gabriel. You can't fight on an empty stomach."

Gabriel looked up, a tired but grateful smile on his face. "Thank you, Emily. You're right, of course." He took a bite, savoring the taste. It was a simple meal, but it felt like a feast after the long hours of planning.

As they ate, they discussed the situation. Emily's brow furrowed as she voiced her thoughts. "This Shadow King... He seems to know too much about us, about our weaknesses. It's almost as if he has someone on the inside."

Gabriel nodded, his expression darkening. "I've considered that possibility. We need to be careful. Trust is a precious commodity in times like these."

Emily sighed, leaning back in her chair. "I just hope we're ready. The people are counting on us."

Gabriel reached out, placing a reassuring hand on hers. "We will do everything in our power to protect them. We have strong allies and a capable force. We'll face whatever comes, together."

As the night wore on, they continued their discussions, their bond strengthening with each shared challenge. Gabriel knew that the days ahead would test them all, but he took comfort in the knowledge that they were not alone.


The day of the battle drew near, and the citadel was a hive of activity. Soldiers trained with renewed vigor, while supplies and equipment were prepared. The mood was tense but resolute; they were ready to face The Shadow King and his forces.

Gabriel stood on the ramparts, watching the sun rise over the horizon. The air was crisp and cool, a stark contrast to the heat of the impending battle. As he gazed out over the landscape, he felt a presence beside him. Turning, he saw Elysia, her expression thoughtful.

"You always seem to find me when I need a moment of peace," Gabriel said with a smile.

Elysia chuckled softly. "Perhaps it's because I need it too. These are trying times, Gabriel. But we must stay strong."

Gabriel nodded, his gaze returning to the horizon. "I've been thinking about the prophecy," he said quietly. "About the guardian chosen by the Eye. I still don't know if I'm the one, but I do know that I have to do everything I can to protect our world."

Elysia placed a hand on his shoulder, her touch light but comforting. "You are not alone in this. We all have our parts to play. Together, we will overcome this darkness."

As they stood there, watching the first rays of sunlight touch the citadel, Gabriel felt a renewed sense of determination. The Shadow King might be powerful, but they had something he could never understand: the strength of unity, of friendship and loyalty. No matter what came, they would face it together, and they would not falter.

The day of reckoning was at hand, and as the citadel prepared for battle, Gabriel knew that they were ready. The Shadow King might bring darkness, but they would be the light that shone through, guiding their people to a brighter future. The time for fear was over; now was the time for action, for courage and resolve.

And as the sun rose higher, casting its warm glow over the citadel and its people, Gabriel felt a sense of peace. No matter what the future held, they would face it together, and they would prevail.


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