
Warhammer 40k In Marvel

a psychopath guy woh have a system that give him the power to summon legions from the warhammer 40k univers, essentially he got the power to travell betwen demension the first universe he find him self rencarnated as14 years boy in the marvel cinematique universe and he was bullied so he will unleash his wrath open this world. Support me and see the whole novels on : https://www.patreon.com/NovelsWorld

NovelsWorld · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 18: Shadows of the Past

The ancient stone fortress stood imposingly on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the tumultuous sea below. Its towering walls, weathered by centuries of storms and battles, were a testament to its resilience. Within these walls, secrets and memories were etched into every stone, whispering tales of power, betrayal, and redemption.

Gabriel stood at the entrance, his eyes tracing the intricate carvings on the massive wooden doors. The fortress, known as the Citadel of Shadows, had been the stronghold of many powerful beings throughout history. Now, it was a place of refuge and planning for Gabriel and his allies.

As he pushed open the heavy doors, the sound of footsteps echoed through the grand hall. Emily, Elysia, and the rest of his trusted companions awaited him inside, their faces a mix of determination and concern. The room was filled with the faint scent of incense, and the flickering torches cast eerie shadows on the stone walls.

"Any news?" Gabriel asked, his voice steady but laced with tension.

Emily stepped forward, her eyes meeting his. "The scouts have reported increased activity in Dormammu's realm. It seems he's gathering his forces for another assault."

Gabriel nodded, his mind racing with strategies and possibilities. "We need to be ready. This could be our last chance to stop him."

Elysia, the enigmatic sorceress who had joined their cause, spoke up. "I've been studying the ancient texts. There's a ritual we can use to weaken Dormammu's connection to this world, but it requires a powerful artifact—the Eye of Eternity. It's said to be hidden deep within the Labyrinth of Shadows."

"The Labyrinth of Shadows?" Gabriel repeated, his brow furrowing. "That's a dangerous place. Many have entered, but few have returned."

"We don't have a choice," Elysia replied firmly. "Without the Eye of Eternity, our chances of defeating Dormammu are slim."

Gabriel glanced around the room, seeing the resolve in the eyes of his companions. They had come too far to turn back now. "Then we prepare for the journey. We'll leave at dawn."


The Labyrinth of Shadows was a sprawling network of tunnels and chambers, carved into the heart of a mountain. Legends spoke of its ever-changing passages and the malevolent spirits that guarded its secrets. As Gabriel and his companions ventured deeper into the labyrinth, the air grew colder, and an oppressive darkness seemed to close in around them.

Emily walked beside Gabriel, her hand resting lightly on the hilt of her sword. "Do you think we'll find it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"We have to," Gabriel replied, his gaze focused ahead. "It's our only hope."

Hours passed as they navigated the labyrinth's twisting corridors, using Elysia's arcane knowledge to guide them. The journey was fraught with danger, and they encountered numerous traps and spectral guardians. Each challenge tested their resolve and unity, but they pressed on, driven by the urgency of their mission.

Finally, they reached a vast chamber at the labyrinth's core. In the center of the room, on a pedestal of black stone, rested the Eye of Eternity. The artifact radiated a faint, otherworldly glow, its surface covered in intricate runes.

Gabriel stepped forward, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he reached out to take the Eye, a deep, resonant voice echoed through the chamber.

"Who dares to disturb the sanctity of the Eye of Eternity?"

A figure materialized before them, cloaked in shadows. Its eyes burned with an intense, otherworldly light, and its presence exuded a palpable aura of power.

"We seek the Eye to defeat Dormammu," Gabriel declared, his voice unwavering.

The figure studied them for a moment, then spoke again. "The Eye of Eternity is a powerful artifact, but it comes with a price. To wield its power, you must be willing to sacrifice a part of your soul."

Gabriel's companions exchanged uneasy glances, but he stepped forward resolutely. "If it means saving our world, I'm willing to pay that price."

The figure nodded, and with a wave of its hand, the Eye of Eternity floated into Gabriel's grasp. As he held the artifact, he felt a surge of energy course through him, a blend of power and pain. He knew that the battle ahead would be even more challenging, but he was ready.


Back at the Citadel of Shadows, Gabriel and his companions prepared for the final confrontation. The ritual to weaken Dormammu's connection required precise timing and immense concentration. As they gathered in the central chamber, Elysia began the incantation, her voice resonating with ancient power.

The room filled with a blinding light as the Eye of Eternity activated, its energy intertwining with Elysia's spell. Gabriel felt the strain on his soul, but he focused on the goal ahead. The air crackled with arcane power, and a portal began to form, revealing Dormammu's dark realm.

"Now!" Elysia shouted, her voice strained with effort.

Gabriel and his companions stepped through the portal, entering Dormammu's domain. The realm was a twisted landscape of shadow and fire, a reflection of the dark entity's malevolence. Dormammu awaited them, his form towering and menacing.

"You dare to challenge me again?" Dormammu's voice boomed, shaking the very ground.

Gabriel raised the Eye of Eternity, its glow piercing through the darkness. "This ends now, Dormammu. Your reign of terror is over."

The battle that ensued was a clash of titanic forces. Gabriel and his allies fought with unwavering resolve, their combined might pushing back against Dormammu's dark magic. The power of the Eye of Eternity provided them with a crucial advantage, weakening Dormammu's hold on his realm.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Gabriel's determination never wavered. He fought with every ounce of strength and courage, his soul burning with the desire to protect those he cared about. As the battle reached its climax, he saw an opportunity—a moment of vulnerability in Dormammu's defenses.

"Now, Gabriel!" Emily shouted, her voice cutting through the chaos.

With a surge of energy, Gabriel channeled the power of the Eye of Eternity into his sword. The blade glowed with a blinding light as he struck Dormammu with all his might. The dark entity let out a roar of agony as the energy of the Eye pierced through him, severing his connection to the mortal realm.

Dormammu's form began to disintegrate, his power unraveling in a torrent of dark energy. Gabriel stood firm, his gaze unwavering as the dark entity was finally banished from their world. The battle was won, but the toll on Gabriel's soul was immense.

As the realm of shadows began to collapse, Gabriel and his companions hurried back through the portal, returning to the Citadel of Shadows. The room was filled with a profound silence as they emerged, their bodies battered but their spirits unbroken.

Gabriel sank to his knees, the weight of the battle and the sacrifice he had made pressing down on him. Emily rushed to his side, her eyes filled with concern. "Gabriel, are you alright?"

He managed a weak smile, his voice hoarse. "We did it, Emily. Dormammu is gone."

Elysia approached, her expression a mix of relief and admiration. "You were incredible, Gabriel. The power of the Eye of Eternity was greater than I ever imagined."

Gabriel nodded, though he felt the strain on his soul more acutely now. "It came at a cost, but it was worth it. Our world is safe."

In the days that followed, the Citadel of Shadows became a beacon of hope and rebuilding. Gabriel and his companions worked tirelessly to restore what had been lost, using the knowledge and power they had gained to protect their world from future threats. The journey had been long and arduous, but they had emerged stronger and more united than ever.

Gabriel stood on the balcony of the citadel, watching the sun rise over the horizon. The shadows of the past still lingered, but within them, he found the strength to move forward. The battle for his soul was far from over, but with his friends by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Only time would tell if he could fully overcome the darkness within him, but for now, he held on to the hope that had guided him through the darkest of times. The legacy he would leave behind was one of courage, sacrifice, and the unwavering belief in the power of unity and hope.

As the first rays of sunlight touched the citadel, Gabriel felt a renewed sense of purpose. The future was uncertain, but he was ready to embrace it, knowing that together, they could overcome any obstacle. The shadows of the past would no longer dictate his destiny; instead, they would serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience that had brought him this far.

The journey was far from over, but with each new day, Gabriel took another step towards redemption, his hope undimmed, his resolve unshaken.