
Cave of Unknown(part 2)

Vergil continued his journey, moving further into the desolate landscape. Clad in his formidable Grey Knight Terminator Armor, his steps covered far more ground than an ordinary human, each stride carrying him closer to his destination. The weight of the armor, though substantial, was second nature to him, allowing him to move with purpose despite the harsh terrain of Titan's surface.

As he advanced, Vergil's eyes caught sight of another Imperial Aquila, this time etched into a large stone wall ahead of him. Unlike the first symbol, this one appeared ancient and weathered, its edges faded with time. The once-proud emblem of the Imperium had been worn down by millennia of exposure to the harsh elements of Titan. Yet, it was unmistakably the same symbol—the double-headed Aquila, a sign that Vergil was nearing something significant.

His heart quickened as he approached the wall, the faint echoes of his dream growing stronger in his mind. The Aquila, the cave, the spear—all signs pointed to this location. He could feel it in his bones, a sense of destiny intertwined with the Emperor's will. The psychic energy here was almost palpable, though it remained untainted by the corruption of Chaos.

Vergil paused for a moment, studying the wall. This place had been forgotten by time, but it was no coincidence that he had been led here. He knew that whatever lay ahead was close—closer than ever before. Steeling himself for what was to come, he pressed forward, ready to uncover the secrets buried beneath Titan's ancient surface.

Vergil moved deeper into the ruins and soon stumbled upon what appeared to be an abandoned settlement. The structures were crumbling, weathered by time, but they were unmistakably human in origin. Vergil carefully surveyed the area, his armored boots echoing softly against the stone and metal. This place, though long deserted, felt like it held echoes of the past, a piece of forgotten history.

He entered one of the larger buildings, his helmet's sensors scanning for anything of significance. Inside, he found old records and even video logs preserved by ancient Imperial technology. Vergil sat down, carefully reading through the documents. They were fragile but legible, detailing a time long before the galaxy had fallen into endless war.

From the records, Vergil learned that the Moon of Titan had once been a mining colony for the Imperium of Mankind, long before the Horus Heresy erupted. This settlement had been a vital source of resources, and the Emperor of Mankind himself had given hope to the workers here. The early generations of Space Marines were symbols of that hope, warriors born to defend a brighter future for humanity. The miners, fully loyal to the Emperor, believed in this vision and were willing to sacrifice anything for it.

As Vergil read on, he uncovered a crucial detail: when the Horus Heresy began, the workers on Titan had been evacuated. The records showed that, mere months before the Siege of Terra, the Emperor's loyal forces had pulled the miners back to Holy Terra, understanding that the coming war would soon engulf the galaxy. The settlement had been abandoned since then, left to decay in the cold vacuum of Titan's surface.

Watching the video logs, Vergil saw grainy footage of the workers, their faces hopeful and determined as they prepared to leave. The loyalty to the Emperor was unmistakable, and they had followed his command without hesitation. These people had believed in the dream of a united Imperium, unshaken by the chaos that was about to unfold.

As Vergil finished reviewing the records, a sense of profound connection filled him. This settlement, once a thriving part of the Imperium, had been left behind as the galaxy tore itself apart. Yet, it had played its part in the grand vision of the Emperor—a vision that still lived on in the Grey Knights.

Vergil left the crumbling building, his mind focused and clear—he was certain that he was in the right place. The abandoned settlement was a relic of a forgotten age, and he knew that the cave or vault he sought must be nearby. His training and the Emperor's vision had led him here for a reason, and now he needed to find the exact location.

Retrieving his map, Vergil scanned the surrounding area for any signs of a cave or old mining site. The settlement had been built in proximity to several mines, and those sites likely held the key to his mission. He cross-referenced the map with the ancient records he had found, hoping to locate the storage facilities or armories that may have been left behind when the workers evacuated.

Several mines appeared on the map, each marked with designations from the Imperium's early days. Vergil knew that one of these locations had to be significant—perhaps even a vault containing the spear from his vision. He studied the map carefully, looking for clues that might indicate a hidden armory or storage area. Some of the old Imperial designations hinted at military supply depots, likely places where critical equipment and relics had been stored before the evacuation.

"Turns out there are several points. Let me try to remember," Vergil muttered to himself.

He stood still for a moment, letting his mind process the information he had gathered. The ancient map showed multiple key locations around the settlement—old mining shafts, storage depots, and what appeared to be long-forgotten armories. Each of these spots could hold the answers he sought, but the Emperor's vision had given him only vague hints.

Vergil closed his eyes briefly, focusing on the vision of the cave with the Aquila symbol and the stone spear. He tried to recall every detail—the layout of the land, the position of the Citadel of Titan in the background, and the feeling of power that radiated from the place. Slowly, fragments of memory came back to him. The cave had been near a ridge, with jagged rocks surrounding its entrance.

Opening his eyes, Vergil looked at the map again. There were a few locations that matched what he remembered from the vision. He marked them mentally, calculating which one to investigate first.

"This is where I'll start," Vergil said to himself, gripping his spear tightly as he began walking toward the first of the sites that could hold the secret he was searching for.


this is some of Log record and video log record that Vergil uncover during his exploration on the abandons settlement

Log #185

"We fully understand that the Imperium of Mankind has a grand purpose. The Great Crusade seems to be opening up excellent opportunities here. The wages provided by the Imperium might even allow us to send our children to military academies on Holy Terra. Some of the Space Marines stationed here look intimidating, but they are incredibly disciplined and move with absolute precision. The Tech Priests from the Mechanicum maintain the machines here with great care, even though their methods are strange.

—Daryus Infolan

Log #521

We've reopened a new mine. According to the scans we've received, the location is rich with Promethium. The foreman has already been informed, and the equipment is prepared. We're just waiting for the go-ahead now.

—Supervisor Amanda

Voice Log #0250

"We've been hearing rumors about an incident on Istvaan V. Apparently, some Space Marines under the command of Warmaster Horus attacked other Space Marines. To be honest, I was apprehensive when the Emperor appointed Horus as Warmaster and gave him control of the Great Crusade. But now, I'm more curious about what will happen next. Even though it's just a rumor, I fear they might eventually make their way to Holy Terra."

—Director Dunaman

Log #420

We've received orders from Commander Tsunamus stating that Primarch Rogal Dorn has commanded a full evacuation of the Moon of Titan. I'm not sure what's happening, but all Imperial Guard forces are instructing us to immediately return to Holy Terra.

—Supervisor Conama

Voice Log #025

"We've received direct orders from Lord Dorn to evacuate immediately. The traitors are approaching Holy Terra. Lord Rogal Dorn has also commanded all Imperial Guard forces to reinforce the defenses of the Imperial Palace—no Imperial Guard is to be left behind."

—Commander Tsunamus