
Warcraft : With Heroes Like These

Four years after the third war, a young mage sets out to start the life of an adventurer. The vast world of Azeroth promises not only riches and glory, but dangers and various kinds of companions. The question is not if the young mage is ready to face the world, but if the world is ready to deal with him and the oddball companions he gathers.

DukeCheburek · ゲーム
19 Chs

Chapter 9

Trying to avoid Marshal Dughan proved to be a fruitless task. Corben's plan was simple; return to Goldshire and take the evening off to prepare for the next day, when they very likely would be pressured to take another of the crown's quest.

The moment they tried to sneak by the militia post, the man noticed them and waved to come closer.

"For the love of…" Corben awkwardly waved back. "I thought we could take it easy today."

"It's only noon and you promised to be less lazy." Lonaraa interrupted his mumbling.

"I know." Corben let out a sigh. Considering the morning events, he decided against teasing Lonaraa for at least a few days. And even if he did, there would be no support from Eldum, who pretty much eagerly agreed with every Lonaraa's suggestion. At the moment, she was in higher standing with his own pet bear than him and the hunter was trying to lay low to regain his standing.

Without much of a choice, he approached the marshal with a professional smile.

"Good day, adventurers. Any news from the Eastvale Logging Camp?" He asked right away.

"Here you go. A full report." Corben handed him the envelope. "If that is all we will take our payment and be on our merry way." Corben said. 'I already see in his face that he is not letting us go. But I can't suggest that he shove it. We still need to build a reputation. We don't even have a group name yet.'

"Here you go." Marshal extended his hand to drop a few silver coins in Coerben's palm. "But before you go, I have a task for you in mind."

"Go on."

"I know you don't have a healer in your group but…" He leaned in closer. "You three are the most competent group I can hire at the moment."

"Man, I'm not a young damsel that needs to be sweet-talked. Just lay it out as it is." Corben said adding. "But the pay better be good."

"Since the task is very dangerous and of a rather critical nature the reward is a whole gold coin." Marshal said in a low tone. "Between you and me, the official reward posted for the task is only forty silver but we already lost a few reckless adventurers and I don't want to send most of the rookies on a suicide mission."

'I assume I will need to get one or two additional group members just to pull it through, so it's at least twenty silver for each. Does this guy plan to send us to kill the head of Defias or something?' "What is the job?"

"Western part of Elwynn is completely overwhelmed with gnolls. The task is to kill their leader, Hogger. Here is the note for the commander of the Westbrook garrison."

"I see. Sounds doable, but we will take some time to prepare so don't expect your problem to be solved instantly." Corben accepted the note.

"As long as the job is done. Oh, and don't forget to collect the armbands of Hogger's clan. Current bounty is two silver for each." Marshal said with a salute. "Dismissed."

"Corben, do you know how to get there?" Lonaraa immediately asked.

"I d…" Corben started to say but then let out a defeated sigh. "I know how to get there."

"Don't fret, if you get too tired I can carry you over my shoulder." Lonaraa smirked.

"Don't push it, woman. I can reach your weak spot while being carried like a bag." Corben shot back. He may have been on the defensive but there still were limits.

"Hey! It's not my weak spot. And that was very rude!"

"But effective. Let's just go."

"If you try that again I might break your arms." Lonaraa said in a threatening voice.

Corben couldn't help it, the response shot out automatically. "The experience will be worth it anyway."

To her credit, Lonaraa had enough willpower to keep a calm expression and just scoff at his taunt.

'She is getting better at this.' Corben mused as they started to walk the dusty road toward the garrison. Even at a leisurely pace, they would reach it in a few hours.

The walk turned out to be not as safe as they hoped. With three separate gnoll ambushes, it was clear why the marshal offered such a high reward.

Still, they reached the garrison without a scratch. The Alliance in the center of the fenced-off encampment gave an instant sense of safety. With their adventurer licenses guards didn't even ask any questions and let them in.

"I think we should get additional people for the task. I know it will lower the overall reward, but I prefer safety." Corben said.

"Could we get a healer?" Lonaraa asked.

"Healers are haed tae find, lass. We coud get an additional hunter or warrior." Eldum said.

"Let's just put out an ad and see if anyone wants to join in. We don't have to take any mooch who thinks they are getting easy money. Who knows, maybe we can get a paladin or priest for a job if they happen to be in the area." Corben said as he scribbled a quick description of his team and what they were looking for.

He then hung the note on the free nail on the notice board. "Let's go get some dinner."

"You promised to pay for mine." Lonaraa said.

"And I will. But that doesn't mean you can pig out on my payroll." Corben chuckled.

"I don't eat that much!" She raised her voice.

"Yeah yeah. Let's just go."

The small tavern inside the keep was half filled with the militia soldiers who looked rather ragged and an odd adventurer here and there. The group quickly found a free table and sat down.

The tavern maiden, a tall woman dressed in light chain armor, approached them. "What can I get you, folks?" She asked in a professional tone.

"Hmm, there isn't much to choose from." Corben remarked.

"Look around. We can barely get caravans through. Until every stinking gnoll is put in the ground you can get only what's available." She said with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Sure. I'll take the daily soup with a portion of bread on the side." Corben said with his teammates picking the same option.

As they waited for the food, a young gnome woman or girl approached the table. It was always hard to tell how old a gnome was, she could be as young as thirty-five, which would be about fourteen compared to a human age, or way over a hundred.

Only about ninety centimeters tall, she was dressed in a dark leather outfit with pink hair typical for gnomes tied in a tail. She stopped by the table and immediately turned her full attention to Corben.

"Let me introduce myself." The gnome girl made a theatrical bow. "I am Jithu Spycraft. An engineer extraordinaire and the best rogue you'll find outside the SI7. There is no better choice than me for the Hogger's assassination."

"No, thank you." Corben immediately shot her down.

"Shouldn't we at least hear her out?" Lonaraa asked.

"Listen to the Draenei gal, pal. She knows what she is talking about." Jithu said as she sat down next to Eldum without any invitation to do so.

"You know of my kind?" Lonaraa asked, surprised.

"Oh, yeah. Met a draenei guy while taking the Deeprun Tram. He was…" She showed her forearm as a measurement with the biggest shit-eating grin possible. "Let me tell you, that was one hell of a ride. I had to drink a healing potion after that."

"I don't understand. Is the Deeprun Tram that dangerous?" Lonaraa asked with genuine curiosity.

"She is not talking about the tram, but about the guy." Corben said with a deadpan expression.

"Ohh…" Lonaraa became a few shades bluer.

"Anyway, we do not need a rogue." Corben said.

"Hey, I can't off the beast alone, but I have made all the preparations. I promise you, you won't find anyone better." She stared with her big green eyes in a pleading expression, switching from Lonaraa to Corben and back.

"A gnome engineer i our group wad be a great boon. The young lass seems enthusiastic." Eldum said.

"See! The dwarf guy agrees!" Jithu shouted with a renewed enthusiasm as Eldum's eyes went wide. "Sporting a nice package too."

"Lass is touchy." Eldum added with a cough.

"Fine, let's settle this with a vote. Do we take her for the mission?" Corben just gave up. 'If they want this insane crotch goblin in our group, fine by me. I am sleeping with my money pouch in my hands.'

"A am for." Eldum said.

"I think we should give her a chance." Lonaraa was next to voice her opinion.

"Don't blame me afterward." Corben shook his head. "Fine, you are in for the job."

"So suspicious." Jithu giggled. "I'll go get my stuff and then we can talk about our strategy."

"I haven't met a rogue that doesn't try robbing anyone blind." Corben said.

"I don't take money from my team. Anyhow, I'll be back in a jiffy." Jithu announced and disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"You have to put more faith in people. You did trust me." Lonaraa said.

"You were a strange-looking woman trying to help me. This little rat is a rogue and a perverted one on top of it."

"Are you worried she will touch you inappropriately?" Lonaraa chuckled.

"No. For myself, I'm only worried about my stuff. She can touch me all she wants otherwise. You, on the other hand, are much more sensitive about it." Corben said, shaking his head.

"We'll drill intae her tae no touch Lonaraa." Eldum said philosophically while stuffing his pipe with herbs. This time he carefully sniffed what he was about to smoke to not experience another weird adventure.

"W-why would she touch me? We both are women." Lonaraa asked.

"How naive of you. But Eldum is right, we will drill the goblin to keep her hands off you." Corben said. And then gulped feeling something poke in his inner thigh.

"Call me a goblin one more time. I fucking dare you!" Jithu's high-pitched voice came from under the table.

"H-hey. Easy now." Corben frantically thought about how to counter the possible assault.

"Ha, sacred you good. I'll not cut your manhood off today. But be warned I do not like to be compared to those big-eared bastards." Jithu appeared next to Eldum and put a backpack on the table.

"Right. I'll keep that in mind. Is rat good?" Corben asked as he put a shield on him and held a deep freeze half cast in hand under the table.

"You really want to push it, do you? I kinda respect that, but no, I do not like being called a rat either." Jithu said as she stood up on the chair and rummaged through the bag. "Now where did I put the plan? I'm sure I mapped out the camps not only stuffed them full with explosives." Jithu said in a hushed voice so the soldiers dining at the nearby tables wouldn't overhear her.

"You did what?" Corben asked.

"I stuffed explosives into all the gnoll camps I could find. I was planning a solo mission at first but I sure can't kill that big mean gnoll by myself even with all the prep work. Now where… uhh, I have to show you this one." She pulled out a leather glove with weird gears and small lights blinking on it.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this? If you touch our money we will find you."

"I told you I do not take money from my teammates. Now watch this, it's epic." Jithu disappeared in a puff of smoke again.

Corben tensed up, fearing for the worst as he felt a light touch on his hip. 'She didn't? Oh…' He immediately tried to shout. "Do not…"

But it was too late. Lonaraa jumped up from her seat with a shriek. "She… She…"

"Uuh, cotton ones. And my first draenei gal. This is my lucky day." She proudly presented the two trophies she had acquired, Corben's brown linen briefs and Lonaraa's grey cotton underwear.

Without hesitation, Corben went to grab the gnome with a shout. "You give those back to her now! Or you are out of the team."

Jithu dodged his clumsy attack and shouted. "Hey, I'm just playing around. Here you go." She tossed the panties back to Lonaraa, who stared at them in shock.

Corben used her being distracted and grabbed the gnome, pushing a half-cast ice bolt to her face. "You do not play around with her! Ever! Are we clear?"

"Heh, I'll keep that in mind. Gal is on the sensitive side?" Jithu raised her hands.

"I'll go… in private." Lonaraa stammered while hiding the tiny piece of clothing in her hands as she quickly disappeared through the door.

"If you want to be part of our team you never pull that sort of shit on her for no good reason. Are we clear?" Corben drives the point even harder, practically pushing the icicle in the gnome's eye.

"Yea. Very clear. And yours?"

'Did she really ask if she can keep my underwear?' "Mine? I do not want to buy new underwear every other day either."

"I'll just keep this one, that's it. I have a collector's habit if you will. And I swear to not go after the gal's panties."

"Why I'm not even surprised." Corben said and dismissed the icicle slowly sitting back down.

"A feel left oot i this." Eldum said after a moment of tense silence.

"Really man? That is what upsets you in that situation?" Corben asked his companion.

"You have to wear underwear in the first palace for it to be taken." Jithu remarked.

Corben stared at Eldum then at Jithu and then back at Eldum.

'What I'm getting myself into.' he slumped back and dragged his hand over his face.

Proofreading by Sad_Smiles and Visur Nyxan.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (Link is in my profile) where additional chapters are available.