
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 4 Training begins

(Josefu and Lucy part way Josefu heads towards the mountains near the capital)

Diablo: We need to work on your energy control, building up your physical shape too.

Josefu: what do I need to do then?

Diablo: There are some pretty strong Demonic beast in this mountain range I will not help you or supply you will my energy, for one year

Josefu: One year that's dangerous!!

Diablo: I know but the strongest Demonic beast in this mountain range is should be C Rank

Josefu: C Rank and you think I can handle that?

Diablo: of course...If you don't want to die,this is training to help you survive not be strong

Josefu: .....

Diablo: survive this and you will be ready to use my powers, Remember I will not help you even if you are about to die

Josefu: okay

Diablo: Good luck Josefu

(Diablo's voice fades away)

Josefu: This is going to be a hard year

(Josefu close his eyes and think of Makiru)

Josefu: I will avenge you

(Josefu hears a Loud roar he looks around next to him)

Josefu: Diablo's you here?....he really not talking anymore, alright then let's go

(Josefu begins to explore the area close as it starts to get dark)

Josefu: I need to think about food and fighting beast with be my daily routine...!?

(Josefu turns)

Josefu: what was that did I hear something

(Josefu starts to hear Growling)

Josefu: Damnit one day hasn't even passed yet and something is here

( a mid D Rank Demonic Tiger Appears)

Josefu: !? The energy I'm feeling from this is crazy

(staring at each other intensely Josefu slowly takes a step back)

Josefu: (thinking to himself) This Demonic Tiger from the look at how big this thing is an adult, I shouldn't get into a fight to early here

(The tiger lunges at Josefu back steps then begins to run and the Demonic Tiger chases him)

Josefu: if I don't do anything it's going to catch up

(The Demonic Tiger claws Josefu back)

Josefu: Ahhh!! (Thinking to himself) This is bad!

(Josefu turns around then rushes the tiger)

Josefu: TAKE THIS!!!!

(The Demonic Tiger Roars tries to attack him but Josefu spins dodging it while cutting it's right eye)

Josefu: (breathing Hard) this is my chance to get away

(Josefu runs away while the Demonic Tiger is hurt shacking it's head)

Josefu: I have to hurry

(30 minutes later)

Josefu: looks like the tiger stopped chasing me, let's see

(Josefu focus his energy into his ears to increase his hearing)

Josefu: let's find a place to sleep for the night near

(Josefu walks around for a bit the finds a tree to sleep on)

Josefu:this tree should be find

(Josefu marks the tree with his sword then climbs it going to sleep)

(The Next Morning)

Josefu: (yawning) alright let find where some water is

(gathering energy into his ears and senses)

Josefu: I can hear a pond near hear, That's good

(Josefu drops from the tree and then goes to the pond following his senses)

Josefu: there it is

(Josefu heads to the pond to wash his wounds also at the same time in the king Castle)

King: Report

Makiru: Yes my king, we ran into the target near the mountains my scouts told me that they have scattered. Lucy and Josefu have disappeared

King: mhmm good

Makiru: They seemed to know me sire, did I know them?

King: No they were trying to trick you if megami said anything don't listen to her she is crazy, make sure to get checked up in the lab

Makiru: Yes sire

(Makiru leaves and The King stares at him)

(Makiru walking down the hallway)

Megami: The king told you to go see the doc

Makiru: yeah I'm on my way right now

Hana: Megami leave him alone let's go

Makiru: Hey Hana, you been given a mission

Hana: Yeah we need to hurry

Makiru: Alright

(Makiru continue on getting to a lab with a capsule filled with purple water)

Kazumi: Makiru!!! I'm glad you back, I was just about to go get you

Makiru: The king told me to come here

Kazumi: Alright then l lay in this chair I'll get you in the caspule

Makiru: okay

(Kazumi the doctor injects Makiru with fluid putting him to sleep)

(Back to Josefu he finish cleaning his wound on his back and is sitting doing energy control)

Josefu: What did Diablo say during the first time we trained

(Flashback to when Diablo tell him)

Diablo: the fastest way to control your energy or advance in rank is to increase your body. Get used to fighting with it you can't fully control my power yet

Josefu: I'm that weak?

Diablo: yes, but you will get stronger

(Flashback ends)

Josefu: I have to build my body and work on using technique that Diablo taught me

(The sound of twig break)

Josefu: .....

(Josefu Turn then suddenly a Demonic snake jumps out at Josefu)

Josefu: Diablo Mode!

(The Demonic snake bites Josefu arm covered in energy armor the He cuts it's head off)

Josefu: looks like I got something to eat, I'll camp here at this pond

(Josefu starts a fire a skins the snake getting ready to cooks it's meat After a few minutes of eating Josefu gets ready to training)

Josefu: (thinking to himself) this is going to be hard, getting stronger is important

(Josefu Thinking about Makiru)

Josefu: Him being controlled by a Demonic parasite, The only way I can think of saving him is either killing the one who is controlling him.

Josefu: (Sighs) alright

(Josefu starts swinging his sword practicing dashing around pushing his physical body to the limit)

(6 Hours later Josefu sweating out off breath sitting on the ground as the sun starts to set)

Josefu: (breathing hard) I...have to....keep going

(Josefu begins gathering energy into the core of his body and suddenly he lets out a shockwave of red Lightning)

Josefu: !? Great it seem like I'm getting more in sync with Diablo's energy, I'm using more and more of his energy subconsciously

(Two weeks pass and Josefu gets use to living in the mountains, out walking around Josefu is surrounded by six young Demonic foxes)

Josefu: You guys must be hungry to come after me

(The Demonic foxes Growling at him lounges at him)

Josefu: Diablo's Mode

(Josefu active his armor and starts dodging he grabs one of the foxes by the neck)

Josefu: Take this!!!

(Josefu channels his energy into the fox then Red lightning burns the fox's head off, It's head drops and the other foxes get nervous)

Josefu: Come on

(Josefu lets out killer intent as he stare down the foxes the turn and run away)

Josefu: Stupid young Demonic Beast, thinking I'm an easy kill

(Josefu heads back to the pond bringing the body of the Demonic fox. After a few minutes Josefu arrive at the pond, Josefu head to his tent he made out of wood and leaves with a campfire in front of it)

Josefu: This year is going to be long

(Josefu skins the fox and starts cooking it then begins to meditate, sitting Josefu feels his energy increaseing)

Josefu: My energy is increasing I'm now a mid D Rank, I'm getting closer to my goal

(At the same time in the kings capital in the basement Makiru is in the Testing Caspule)

King: How are the testing going, I need him to stop thinking about that brat

Scientist: I'm trying sire I don't think there is anything we can do

(The king let's out killer intent at the scientist)

King: Demonic King's Spear

(The king points his finger at the scientist the gathers an golden energy into his fighter the shots a beam through his chest killing the scientist)


(The other scientist scared get to work and the king leaves the basement)

(1 year later)