
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 32 Time Running Out

Gothellis: (Thinks) How did this brat get this strong in a short time?

(Gothellis begins to get nervous)

Arullich: Take this... Hallow Light!!

(Arullich charge in between Josefu and Gothellis does a multi-thrust attack shooting beams of light from his sword)

Josefu: !?

(Josefu deflects Arullich attack)

Arullich: What!?

(Josefu knocks Arullich back)

Gothellis: Shadow Do....!?

(Josefu appears in front of Gothellis)

Josefu: Thunder God King Strike!

(Josefu hits Gothellis)

Gothellis: (Coughing up blood)

Arullich: Gothellis?

(Arullich gets scared seeing Gothellis injured)

Josefu: Now it's your turn!!

Arullich: !? no!!!

(Arullich dashes away, leaving Gothellis)

Gothellis: That weak trash!

(Gothellis looks up at Josefu)

Gothellis: So...you going to kill me now?

(Josefu releases killing intent, swing his sword at her neck)

Axezeal: That's enough, Josefu

Josefu: !?

(Josefu stops his killing intent and sword right next to her neck)

Josefu: What? Now!

Axezeal: Did you forget that there are force heading to the stronghold...let me handle this, I want to ask her something.

Gothellis: (Thinking to herself) Who is this man....I can feel dangerous energy emitting from him

Josefu: You're right. I need to get there and help out

(Josefu bows to Axezeal before dashing off)

Josefu: I have to hurry!

(To Lucy)

Lucy: Where is Arullich, I need him for something?

Shinya: He's been gone for days now

Snake: he might be with family

(Suddenly, an explosion goes off outside)

Lucy: !? what was that!

(Rushing to the balcony Lucy and the others step outside and see king soldiers attacking)

Lucy: How I'd this possible!

(A scout comes up)

Scout: Reporting ma'am enemies numbers are about 200 soldiers, and their rushing in through our entrance

Lucy: Dammit an unexpected attack. How didn't he get our location? Snake, go and organize the soldiers a regoup to form a counter attack, Shinya get the injured and move them out.

Snake: Alright

Shinya: Yes, ma'am

(Snake and Shinya dash off)

Lucy: 200 enemy soldiers, and we only have 120 soldiers on our sides, and we have suffered because we have injured people put there...Dammit!

(Back to Josefu)

Josefu: I'm almost there

(Josefu hears explosions in the distance, and he speeds up)

Josefu: Come on!

(Back to the stronghold)

Lucy: Attack!!!

(Lucy and a platoon of soldiers rush clashing with Kings soldiers battling in the stronghold)

King's Soldier: Get Them!!

Lucy: Axe Drop!!

(Lucy launches into the air, slamming down. Into the enemy soldiers)

Lucy: Puch forward, don't give up!!!

(Shinya and Snake arrive)

Snake: we got to hurry she pushed them on her own. Did you get the injured out?

Shinya: Yeah, let's go!

(Snake rushes to lucy, Shinya slowly transforms, then flies into the air)

Shinya: Death Wind

(Shinya pulls the air out of a few soldiers, killing them)

King Soldiers: Ahhhhh

Lucy: Nice job, Shinya

King soldier: Shoot him down!

(Soldiers shot energy attacks at Shinya, he dodges, then Delos appears)

Delos: Stop...I'll handle it

Lucy: Delos is here?

Delos: Silent Wave!!

(Delos casually swings his sword through the air, and suddenly a cut appears on his chest, and he falls from the sky)

Shinya: !?

Snake: Shinya!!

Lucy: Energy Blade

(Lucy creates an energy blade over her arms,

slicing through some soldiers rushing towards Delos)

Delos: Come on

(To Josefu as he arrives at the strongold)

Josefu: I can see..it?

King soldier 1: Someone's here!

King soldiers 2: Stop him!!

Josefu: (Thinks) Dammit they already pushed into the entrance.

(Josefu cut through the soldiers dashing in back to Lucy)

Lucy: Take this!!!!

(Lucy lunges at Delos, swinging her energy blade at him)

Delos: !? Noble eye

(Delos eyes turn gold Boosting his reflexes, and speed)

Delos: This time, you will die!

Snake: Focus Strike!

(Appearing to help Lucy, Snake attacks Delos with light energy covering his sword, Delos dodges the attack)

Delos: !?

(Delos dodges Snake and goes and kills rebellion soldiers)

Shinya: Stop!

(Shinya flies towards Delos and delos stares at him)

Delos: Silent wave!

(Delos shoots 3 invisible attacks at Shinya)

Shinya: Not this time!

(Shinya doges them then counters)

Shinya: Wind Cutting Spin!

Delos: Don't get happy yet.

(Delos blocks Shinya)

Shinya: What!?

Delos: I'm not weak.

(Delos pushes Shinya back)

Delos: Keep attacking them. We almost have victory!

(Delos shouts to his soldiers, telling them to continue on forward)


(Suddenly, Josefu appears punching Delos knocking him away)

Josefu: Delos!!

(Delos get back up, wiping his face)

Delos: mmm good your here

Lucy: Josefu!?

Snake: Why are you here?

Shinya: (breathing hard)

(Josefu looks around and sees dead rebellions soldiers everywhere, Josefu get angry, releasing killing intent)

King: soldier: ahhhhhh!

(Some of the soldiers get scared of Josefu killing intent)

Delos: it seems Arullich and Gothellis failed to stop you.

Lucy: Arullich?

Josefu: Yes, he is a traitor he gave up the location to the king and has been a mole this whole time.

Snake: What!

Lucy: No way!

(Lucy looks around seeing most of the damages and dead people)

Lucy: (thinking) How could her do this to us?

Delos: hahahaha this place will soon become a wasteland, with all of you gone.

(Josefu and the other are surrounded by Delos and the king soldiers, while the other are scatter being killed off)

Snake: It looks like we can't run

Lucy: I will fight and survive this, or I will die here. I won't run like last time.

Josefu: ...

(Josefu looks at Lucy and the others)

Josefu: (thinks) I know I can fight Delos, but with these soldiers around, it's going to be a problem.

Delos: Attack!!!

(The soldiers rush them)

Josefu: Come on!!

Snake: Noble Blood!

(Snake boosts his power)

Shinya: Let's go!

(Delos sends soldiers in first)

Lucy: You handle Delos, we got the soldiers.

Josefu: Are you sure?

Lucy: Yeah

Shinya: Catastrophic wind!!

(Shinya makes a shockwave, and Josefu rushes to Delos, and they start clashing)

Delos: Not bad

(To Lucy)

Lucy: Josefu is handling delos. We have to hold out

Snake: Alright

Shinya: ok

King soldier: Die!!!!

(Rushing the soldiers begin fighting with Lucy, Shinya, and Snake back to Josefu)

Josefu: I'm not as weak as I was before.

(Josefu swings his sword fainting, then appears behind Delos going for his head)

Delos: Phantom Hell

(Delos makes an afterimage and dodges)

Delos: Is that it.... Twilight Blade!

(Delos puts energy into his blade, making it sharper, Delos lunges in slashing at Josefu. Barely dodging, but a large cut appears on his chest)

Josefu: What...Dammit (thinking) I was sure I dodged that.

(Josefu rushes Delos and does a barrage of sword attacks)

Delos: This is too easy.

(Delos parrys Josefu's attack)

Josefu: (Thinks) he is parrying my attack!?

(Delos knocks Josefu back, jumping into the air, swinging down on to Josefu)

Delos: Take this!!

(Slamming onto Josefu sword, he is forced into the ground, making a small crater)

Josefu: !?

(Delos reappears behind Josefu launching hum through some houses)

Snake: Josefu!!!

(Snake rushes through the soldiers to attack Delos)

Snake: Focus strike!!!

(Delos parrys Snakes attack easily)

Delos: a Dragonborn....I expected you to be stronger.

(Delos plunges his sword into Snake heart)

Snake: (spitting up blood)

Lucy: SNAKE!!!!


(To Josefu)

Josefu: (Coughing)

(Getting up, Josefu throws off all the rumble, prosidding to walk through he sees Snake with the sword into his chest.)

Josefu: !?

(Watching, Josefu sees Delos pull his sword out of him as he falls into a pool blood.)

(To Shinya and Lucy)

Lucy: YOU BASTARD....Demon Takeover!!!

(Lucy powers up going into berserk mode, increasing her speed and power)

Lucy: Die!!!

(Lucy Smashes the ground, creating a shockwave sending king soldiers back, and Shinya)

Delos: bawahaha an Berserker, huh?

(Delos looks around, seeing the soldiers unable to put up a fight)

(To Josefu)

Josefu: Sn...Snake!?

(Josefu sees Snakes body getting a quick flash of Makiru)

Josefu: nooo

(Josefu goes into shock, back to Lucy)

Lucy: Dragon Rush!!

(Lucy rushes in to land an attack, but Delos dodges)

Delos: !?

(Shinya appears behind Delos attacking him)

Shinya: Wind Cutting Spin!!

(blocking Delos starts to get pushed back)

Delos: Not bad, I almost lost my head

Shinya: Tsk

(Suddenly, A Large Lightning bolt strikes down)

Delos: !?

Shinya: What!?

Lucy: ?

(To Josefu)

Delos: DELOS!!!!!

(Pure lightning strikes down, and Josefu begins absorbing it. The ground rumbles as Josefu energy power starts to surge)

Josefu: (thinks) WHY….Why can't I protect the people around me…..I've been training all this time…I'm.