
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 3 Loss of a friend

Josefu: (Crying) I will make him pay for what he did

Lucy: Come on we have to go in hiding for a while

(after a while of walking the find a abondon house half broken down)

Lucy: This looks good for right now let's camp here for now

Josefu: alright

Diablo: Hey Josefu since we are here let's do some training to teach you how to use my powers

Josefu: okay, Lucy I'll be back I'm not running off

Lucy: alright, really don't think of leaving

(Josefu leaves heading to the towards the back yard of the abandon house)

Diablo: alright summon me

Josefu: ....How am I suppose to do that?

Diablo: You don't remember doing last time

Josefu: what when?

Diablo: You summoned some of my power when u was fighting the king I guess you did that subconsciously. sit down and close your eyes I'll stimulate you energy.

Josefu: alright

(Josefu sits and close his eye)

Diablo: okay prepare yourself this will hurt a bit

Josefu: Let's do this I'm ready

(Diablo forces his energy into Josefu and his body starts to steam and Josefu opens his eyes and he sees Diablo)

Josefu: woah!!

Diablo: That was rude

Josefu: sorry I was just surprised

Diablo: okay I will be teaching you how to use my armor let's call it Diablo mode

Josefu: okay

Diablo: Alright to summon my power u have to use your anger, Try to use your anger to feel my power. Once you do let me know.

(1 month later Josefu and Lucy are still hiding near the mountain in the abandon house, Josefu training in the yard. Lucy is gone to get food)

Josefu: Diablo Mode

(A Red energy armor appears over Josefu chest)

Diablo: your getting better at using my power

Josefu: good is there anything I can learn

(Suddenly Diablo feels a presence)

Diablo: someone is here

Josefu: !?

Hakuro: it seem you found me out

(The person jumps down from the tree)

Josefu: who are you

Hakuro: I am Hakuro, I was told to come kill you by the king

Josefu: kill me? you think you can

(Hakuro dashes appearing in front of Josefu then punches him sending Josefu flying into some trees)

Hakuro: Yes I can

Diablo: don't underestimate this guy

(Josefu spits blood out of his mouth)

Josefu: I know, time to get serous

Hakuro: so your serous now?

Josefu: Diablo mode!

(Josefu uses his energy making armor)

Hakuro: oh that looks interesting

(Josefu and Hakuro begin to clash after a few minutes Josefu gets out of breath)

Hakuro: Is that all you got? I wanted to have more fun but it looks like o have to end this

Josefu: (Breathing hard) damn

(Hakuro starts to gather dark energy into his arm)

Hakuro: Darkness Hell Slash!

(Hakuro swings his arm down sending a energy at Josefu but suddenly Lucy appears)

Lucy: Hells Fist

(Lucy deflect the attack from Hakuro)

Lucy: Josefu you okay, who is this guy?

Josefu: some guy the king hired to kill me

Hakuro: great I'm glad you showed up saved me the time of having to find you

Lucy: (Whispering) Josefu this guy is bad news u have a move u haven't used yet. I can't take this guy on my own

Josefu: Yeah but I need time to build up the energy for it

Lucy: alright

Josefu: Diablo, Its time to try out the new move

Diablo: this is the first time you have tried it outside of practice be careful

(Josefu starts gathering red lightning into his sword and all throughout his body)

Hakuro: ho ho ho look like you trying something

Lucy: Don't worry about him your fight is with me

(Lucy dashes unleashing an combination of attacks)

Lucy: Hells Fury!!

Hakuro: !?

(Hakuro dashes back while dodging)

Lucy: The king really wants us dead, the fact that he send someone this strong so fast.

Hakuro: well you took something that doesn't belong to you

Lucy: it was never the kings from the beginning

(Lucy hits Hakuro in the stomach sending him flying back)

Josefu: I'm ready Lucy

Lucy: Okay

(Josefu rushes leaving a crater in the ground dashing at Hakuro)

(at the same time)


Hakuro: Darkness Hell Slash!!!

(With a loud thunder creak)

Hakuro: (thinking to himself) I don't think I can stop this!!

(Josefu brakes through Hakuro's attack then cuts him in half)

Hakuro: Ahhhhhhh!

Lucy: looks like you got him

Josefu: yea....Ahhhhh!

(Josefu body starts to give off a electrical spark as his body spazes)

Lucy: Josefu are you okay?

Josefu: (grunting) I'm alright this is just a effect of using to much of Diablo's power

(Lucy and Josefu head back to the house)

Lucy: we need to pack up

Josefu: yeah, it seem they already know our location

(Moving quickly they pack their thing then they suddenly hear footsteps outside)

Josefu: Who is it!?

Jin: oh you got some good senses, I didn't come he to fight like this poor fella right here. I just want to talk I'm not here under orders from the King

Lucy: How can we trust you?

Jin: I want to make a deal with you, I want the king dead. so I came here when I heard someone stole the king scared Sword and he now wants him dead.

Lucy: why do you want the king dead with some many people coming after us?

Jin: I use to be a general of the kings, I gave everything to the king my loyalty, my faith and all of my strength but he wanted to take my sister from me. he was interested in my sister beauty, he demanded I give me sister and when I refused he was filled with anger.

Josefu: so what happened?

Jin: he tried to force her and she rejected him and then he killed her leaving her body for me to find when I came home.

Lucy: Wow that's harsh

Josefu: yeah

Jin: I want the king to suffer, death alone is not enough for me. I promise that I will not betray you

Josefu: okay I'm fine with working with you, what about you Lucy?

Lucy: ....I'll believe you for now but to be on the safe side let's leave tomorrow.

Jin: thank you I'm fine with that I will take watch too.

(Hours pass as the day goes to night Jin begins to hear noises)

(To Josefu sleep in the house)

Diablo: get up I feel some energy approaching

Josefu: !?

(Josefu gets up fast)

Josefu: How is Jin?

Diablo: he is fine for now the person he is fighting is pretty strong

Josefu: Lucy get up someone is here!!

(dashing outside Josefu sees Jin dodging attacks from a women with two daggers)

Jin: Who are you!?

Megami: I'm here to kill the ones inside but I didn't think one of the hunters was a fake

(Megami sees Josefu)

Megami: he is one of them

(megami drops into here shadow then appears coming out of the ground in front of Josefu trying to stab him)

Josefu: Diablo Mode!!

Josefu Energy Armor appears stopping the attack to him ribs)

Josefu:!? (thinking to himself) I'm so glad I learned this!

(Lucy finally comes out the house)

Josefu: What took you so long!

Lucy: Shut it Josefu

(megami back away)

Megami: I would be kinda scary if I was alone....Hey COME ON OUT!!

(Hearing heavy footsteps Suddenly Josefu Sees Makiru walk out from behind the trees)

Josefu: Makiru? wha...what?

Megami: oh you know this guy, well he isn't the same guy from before

Lucy: What do you mean!!

Megami: Kill him

Makiru: Yes ma'am, Dragon breath!!

(Makiru shoots a fire attack from his mouth at Josefu)

Josefu: Woah!!

(Josefu gets hit a sent back)

Josefu: (Shock) Makiru? what was that?

Lucy: Snap out of it Josefu that's not the same Makiru anymore

Megami: Hahahaha your buddy is being controlled by a demonic parasite

Jin: shut up

(Jin rushes Megami)

Megami: I can have u running around... Shadow Grab

(Megami creates a shadow hole under Jin making him appear in front of megami then he gets stabbed in his ribs)

Jin: (grunting and coughing up blood)

Megami: A traitor always dies

Lucy: Jin!!! Damnit

Megami: let's retreat for now since we got the traitor

Makiru: yes ma'am

(megami and Makiru leaves)

Diablo: it seem the king is more rotten than I thought,I'm sorry to say this but he turned your friend into a toy soldier being controlled

Josefu: I need to be stronger

(Josefu extremely angry)

Diablo: to train you it will take time

Lucy: Josefu what are we going to do?

Josefu: ...

Lucy: Josefu?

Josefu: I'm going to go in to hiding to train for a while, we can meet up in the future when I'm done

Lucy: Okay I'll continue on west back to the Rebellion army

Josefu: alright, I will go there when I'm done the training. I will go in the mountains

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