
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 21 The Battle Begins

Snake: Come on regroup!

Josefu: Raijin's Domain!

(The Tiger dodges as the Lighting strike missing it,the it looks at Josefu)

Demonic Tiger: Oh, your going to be a tasty snack

(the demonic tiger instantly darting at Josefu)

Josefu: !?

Luke: Dark Hold!

(Stopping the Demonic Tiger for a second letting Josefu escape from being hit)

Demonic Tiger: What!?

Luke: Josefu get back that won't work twice!

Josefu: Thanks

(As Josefu steps back the Demonic Tiger gets angry roaring)

Demonic Tiger: (Roar) so annoying!! Beast Fury!!

Lucy: it's mad...Demonic Art Dragon Rush!

Eva: Spatial Slash!!

(The three attacks channel each other out)

Demonic Tiger: Is that all you got!

(The ground begins to rumble as the Demonic Tiger gather energy towards it)

Demonic Tiger: Primal King!!

Snake: !? Shit Everyone run away!

(Suddenly releasing a of demonic energy sending everyone flying back)

Josefu: (Grunting) Damn!

Demonic Tiger: Let's continue...White arua Claw Slash!!

(Appearing in front of Josefu the Demonic Tiger tried to land a hit on him)

Josefu: Thunder Body

(Josefu against barely dodges out the way)

Eva: Spatial phase!

(Eva disappears)

Demonic Tiger: Don't think you can run from me!

(Eva reappears about the Demonic Tiger)

Eva: I wasn't running...Spatial lance arrows!!

(The Demonic Tiger tried to move out the way but Shinya stops It)

Shinya: Your not dodging this..Demon Wind Burst!

(with Shinya Stopping the Demonic Tiger Eva's attack lands doing some damage to the Demonic Tiger)

Demonic Tiger: (Roaring) ahhh! that hurt damn you ants!!!

(Letting a Roar put enhance in energy the Demonic Tiger gets stronger)

Demonic Tiger: It's time I stop playing with my food... Manifestation!!!

(Gathering demonic energy and absorbing it the Demonic Tiger begins to transform, heavy wind blows as its body changes from beast to a humanoid form. now serious the Demonic Tiger emits a intense pressure)

Lucy: is that a body?

Snake: everyone retreat now!

Luke: Dark Hold...Dark Gravity!

(forcing pressure down onto the demonic tiger, Josefu and everyone trying to make a run for it)

Josefu: Let's go!!

Demonic Tiger: Don't think you can get away, after what y'all did!!!

(The Demonic Tiger chases after them)

Eva: keep running I'll stop him...White Nova Flash!

(Creating a strong flash of light Eva temporarily blinding him)

Demonic Tiger: MY EYES!!

Eva: Now's our chance!

(Josefu and the other dash away, as they do they hear the Demonic Tiger shout)


(To Josefu and the others)

Josefu: (Breathing heavy) even with all of us we couldn't keep the upper hand

Snake: Yeah, we only mas it mad and it's strength is something else

Lucy: Eva thanks for what you did, we probably wouldn't have got away if you didn't do that

Eva: no problem

Shinya: just what was that? I didn't know Demonic Tiger could transform!

Luke: same what kind of demonic Tiger is that?

Snake: that is a rare one that can use Manifestation it is a ability high level demonic beast with high intelligence can do, it grants them a body like us with increased power

(after sometime they arrive back to the camp they tested at)

Snake: let's take a short break for a bit

(Exhausted everyone fall asleep quick, early the next morning waking everyone up a loud explosion sounds off near them)

Lucy: What was that!?

Snake: !? it's the Demonic Tiger he is following our scent, we need to move

(Loud Roar)

Josefu: damn, did that Beast search for us all night!

Luke: it was following us?

Snake: we don't have time to worry about it now we have to leave this place, fighting will not end well for us

(everyone and Josefu leaves the camp, 40 minutes later crashing into the camp the Demonic Tiger appears)

Demonic Tiger: mhmm they were just here...To make me hunt an ant like pray..IM SO MAD!!!!

(Back to Josefu)

Snake: this is getting out of hand

Josefu: we should prepare now

Lucy: I believe we need to go full power from the start

Shinya: yeah

Eva: saving our strength will only make us more exhausted

Snake: alright, that may work, the Demonic Tiger has been hunting us so he is bound to have less energy than we do

Luke: that Tigers Anger will be it's downfall

Eva: even if it's angry we will need some one to bait him for us to do solid damage to it

Shinya: who is going to bait it?

Snake: I'll do it

Josefu: no I'll do it

Snake: Josefu?

Josefu: it's fine, I'm the fastest one In the group and I can increase my power for a short period of time

Snake: ?

Lucy: your going to use that!

Shinya: What?

Lucy: Josefu's full power is stronger than what his body can handle so it will have a bad effect on him

Josefu: it's fine Lucy I can do this

Eva: then that's why?

Josefu: what do you mean?

Eva: when you were meditating earlier or whatever I felt S rank energy

Josefu: yeah, I can't control it very well but I can hold out for 20 minutes before it runs out

Shinya: 20 minutes that may work but we have to be smart

(a few minutes after leaving the cave the Demonic Tiger smells them)

Demonic Tiger: There they are... Manifestation!

(Transforming the demonic Tiger races towards their location, Snake feels the Demonic Tiger coming)

Snake: Dammit! here it comes!!

(crashing in front of them the Demonic Tiger appears)

Demonic Tiger: Finally!! I have been itching to eat you all

Josefu: Same we will kill you today...Raijin's Descend!!!

(Releases a wave of energy Josefu begin charging his small oni horn grow longer, his blue hair also get longer as energy surges towards becoming cloth armor over his body. Josefu's sword vanishes Turing into energy flowing into his body.)

Demonic Tiger: I knew you would be great food Bawahahahaha

Snake: that's Josefu full power?

Lucy: snap out of it we have to hurry!

Shinya: Let's Go!

(The Demonic Tiger rushes Josefu)

Josefu: Thunder God Strike!!

Demonic Tiger: !?

(Dodging the attack Josefu misses)

Demonic Tiger: I see

Shinya: Demon wind burst!

(Shinya makes the wind burst underneath the Tiger but it jumps into the air)

Demonic Tiger: !?

(Appearing in front of him)

Lucy: Dragon Force Smash!!

(Lucy hits the demonic Tiger knock it back down to Snake)

Demonic Tiger: Ahhh

Snake: Indomitable Strike!

(Snake Cuts the Back of the Demonic Tiger)

Demonic Tiger: BACK OFF!!!!

(Releasing a shockwave of it's Aura pushing everyone back)

Demonic Tiger: White Aura Claw slash!!

(Lunging at Lucy the Demonic Tiger attacks her)

Lucy: Body hardening

(Hardening her skin Lucy is able to tank the attack from the Demonic Tiger)

Lucy: Ugh

Luke: Dark V Heal

Lucy: Thanks

Demonic Tiger: your not safe...Mix White Tiger!!

(The Demonic Tiger slightly grows in size as he does half transformation with his arms, chest grows striped white fur then continues charging them)

Snake: Another form!?

Josefu: Come on don't give up... Raijin's Domain!!

(Striking down lightning hits the Demonic Tiger)

Demonic Tiger: mhm that stings

(The Demonic dashes Josefu and Starts swinging at close range, Josefu dodges while moving back)

Eva: White Nova Flash!

Demonic Tiger: This again

(Covering his eyes blocking the flash)

Eva: Spatial Phase

(The demonic Tiger looks around)

Demonic Tiger; Where did she go?

Eva: Now!!!

(As Eva Reappears She attacks with Josefu and Snake)

Josefu: Full power!! Thunder God Strike!

Snake: Light Cannon

Eva: Spatial Lance Arrow!

(In a instinct Josefu moves in front of the Demonic Tiger landing a powerful blow, hitting the Demonic Tiger up. Snake Shooting a light energy blast it connects the Demonic Tiger is blow into the ground making a small hole. as the Demonic Tiger tried to recover Eva Shots a Large Spatial arrow as it hit, it makes a explosion making a small smokescreen)

Demonic Tiger: DAMMIT!!!!

(The Demonic Tiger disperses the smokescreen and bleeding a little bit)

Demonic Tiger: (Breathing hard) Now that hurt, I underestimate you

Shinya: Tsk...Demonic Dragon Catastrophe Wind!

(Releasing a shockwave Shinya transforms)

Shinya: Come on Josefu!

Josefu: Let's go!

(Josefu and Shinya Begin fighting in sync)

Demonic Tiger: Come!

Josefu and Shinya: Ahhhh!!!

(The Demonic Tiger, Josefu and Shinya Begin clashing with each other)

Luke: Dark Hold!!!

Demonic Tiger: !? You are so annoying!

(The Demonic Tiger step back from Shinya and Josefu dodging their attacks and Luke's hold)

Luke: I wasn't trying to hold you..I was distracting you

Shinya: Demon Wind Burst!

Demonic Tiger: !?

(Putting up his ground The Demonic Tiger takes the hit)

Demonic Tiger: (Coughing)

Josefu: Roaring Sky Blade!

(Charging in Josefu cuts The Demonic Tigers chest using lighting)

Josefu: It's not over yet..Thunder God Strike!

(Landing a devastating blow making the demon tiger crash into the ground turning back into his beast from)

Demonic Tiger: (Spitting up blood) Damn! To put it me back in my Beastial state! Dammit!!

(The Demonic Tiger struggles to muster strength to get up)

Demonic Tiger: ....

(Snake Walks up to the Demonic Tiger)

Snake: This is the End.. Indomitable Strike!!

(Swinging his large sword down towards the Demonic Tiger)

Demonic Tiger: ugh!! Spiked body!!

(Stopping Snake's Sword he jumps back)

Snake: stubborn bastard