
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 16 The Journey North

(To the King)

Scout: My king we just got report that Karmos has died, we found his body with deep wounds. There were no trace of the the rebels he was following

King: (angered) What!! dammit go tell Delos to train Makiru even harder

Scout: yes sire

(Over to Makiru training by himself)

Makiru: Dragons Breath!

(Makiru shoots fire from his mouth destroying a training dummy)

Delos: I see your training again

Makiru: !? oh it's you Delos

Delos: the king has over me to increase your training again

Makiru: alright, you want to spar?

Delos: yeah, come on

(back to Josefu)

Josefu: we're are we heading up north?

Shinya: I also want to know

Lucy: this journey will take about 5 days we are going to Overgaard

Eva: Overgaard? we need to be careful of that area when we get close demonic beast roam near their a lot

(Sometime later as they ride)

Josefu: this is going to be a long ride

Shinya: I've never been to Overgaard before what do they have there

Eva: they have good shops, inn's but the demonic beast in the area is a serious problem

Josefu: if demonic beast are a problem how do they handle them

Eva: the towns people don't they have to hire mercenaries to help them defend the city, that's were most rumors come from people being saved by a large lizard man

Lucy: yep so going there is the best chose right now but let's camp here for the rest of the day

(The next day early in the morning Josefu)

Lucy: training early?

Josefu: yeah I could get much sleep last night

Lucy: let's wake those two up and get a move on...Shinya! Eva! wake up

(Eva and Shinya get up)

Shinya: (yawning) let me take a leak real quick

Josefu: alright

Lucy: alright guys we are ditching the horses we are now getting close to Overgaard so it's best we travel by foot from this point on

Josefu: huh? why leave the horses?

Lucy: it's safer the Demonic beast in this area hunt a lot, the scent of the horses would have drawn the Demonic beast they move in packs around here

Josefu: ok

(At Overgaard outside the gate)

Xanith: Everyone prepare yourself the Demonic beast are coming!

Dastreth: let's go Druthrith!

Druthrith: Yeah!

Rachel: stay focus this won't be easy

Luke: alright

(Suddenly they hear a large group of Demonic beast howling releasing energy)

Alice: look that's way more than the report sir

Xanith: Dammit we can't leave not, prepare for battle!

Luke: yes sir

Dastreth: ok

Druthrith: come on!

Rachel: alright

Alice: this is about to get crazy

(The Demonic beast start changing towards the city wall)

Xanith: HERE THEY COME...Fire Nova Burst!

(Xanith looks at a some of the Demonic beast them the burst into flames)

Xanith: let's go

(Xanith and his group begin fighting the beasts)

(back to Josefu)

Josefu: (breathing hard) why is there suddenly a jump in demonic beast

(Josefu finishing killing a demonic beast)

Shinya: yeah I haven't seen this many Demonic beast before

Lucy: I don't know somethings got them all riled up we are still 3 days away

Eva: yeah

Lucy: let's hurry up

(3 days later)

Josefu: hey I'm hearing a battle up ahead!

Lucy: let's hurry up

(Josefu and the others dash towards the sounds as the arrive they see the city of Overgaard being attack by demonic beast)

Shinya: look at that!

Josefu: this must be why we seen so many Demonic beast along the way

(Josefu and the others see a group fighting the demonic beast)

Druthrith: Ahhhh! Mountain Slam!

(Druthrith hits the ground with a hammer making a shockwave knocking some demonic beast back)

Rachel: Rapid Hell speed!

(Rachel pierces through them with her rapier)

Rachel: they retreating Xanith

Xanith: alright let's hurry up and get back in

(to Josefu)

Lucy: come on they are about to close the gate...

(Lucy run towards them)

Lucy: hey hold on!!

(Xanith looks back seeing a group of people)

Xanith: hurry up!

(Josefu and Everyone run into Overgaard)

Lucy: thank you for waiting for us

Xanith: who are you guy's

Lucy: we are traveling up north, looking for the Dragonborn clan

Xanith: Dragonborn clan?

(Suddenly a loud Roar cuts them off)

Lucy: !?

Josefu: what!?

Shinya: !?


Xanith: what is it now!

Rakoon: sir something is heading this way

Xanith: dammit hey can you guys fight?

Lucy: yes

Xanith: good over by the gate is a women call Rachel she will get you set up

Lucy: ok

Josefu: what ever made that roar before was definitely strong

Shinya: yeah

(Josefu and the everyone head to the gate meeting Rachel)

Rachel: you must be the new help?

Lucy: Yes hello Rachel I am Lucy and these are my friends Josefu, Shinya, and Eva

Josefu: Hi

Shinya: Hello

Eva: hi

Rachel: as you already seen we were fighting demonic beast earlier but it seems they came back with their pack leader, Our leader Xanith is helping defend this city

Lucy: Leader are you guys mercenaries?

Rachel: yeah we are being paid to help this city against the Demonic beast that constantly come here

(Cutting them off a Loud wolf Howl enhanced by energy)

Dastreth: I have never heard a Demon wolf Howl that loud, that can't be a normal one

(Everyone walk up the walls off the city and look over )

Josefu: (shocked) What is that!?

Rachel: That is a Dragon wolf and it looks like it's leading a pack of Demonic Dire wolves

Shinya: what's a Dragon wolf?

Luke: a Dragon wolf is a wolf that either eating the meat or has drunk In The blood of a dragon giving it powers of a dragon

Shinya: Damn, I know Demonic Dire wolves are already intelligent and strong but them being lead by a Dragon Wolf

(Xanith appears with the rest of his group)

Xanith: Yes this will be hard battle I'm glad you all came when you did, this is no ordinary pack of demonic dire wolves

Druthrith: we gonna need a plan to handle this

Alice: it looks like it's around 30 Demonic Dire wolves with the Dragon wolf in the back

Xanith: alright it's 10 of us now with Rakoon from Overgaard helping with the archers we should focus on the dire wolves first then go for the alpha last

(Everyone agrees with Xanith then he comes up with a plan and they walk out the city gate)

Xanith: let's go

(The Dragon wolf roars and the Dire wolves charge the city gate)

Lucy: Josefu now!

Josefu: Raijin's Domain!

(red lightning strikes down hitting some of the dire wolves stunning them)

Xanith: Fire and Ice Daggers! Luke now!

(Xanith makes two dagger of of fire and the other Ice out of energy)

Luke: Dark hold!

(Shadow hands come from under the dire wolves holding them)

Lucy: Hell Fist

Xanith: Fire and Ice Fury!

(Lucy and Xanith land attack on the dire wolves but they are unaffected by them)

Josefu: !? how did that do nothing

Rachel: don't give up yet...Beam thrust!

(Rachel pierces through 3 dire wolves killing them)

Xanith: nice Rachel

(The Dragon wolf Suddenly roars and the dire wolves retreat back and it's starts to gather energy into its mouth charging a attack)

Rachel: we just is it doing?

Dastreth: it's charging a energy blast

Shinya: that's a lot of energy it's gathering

Xanith: anyone have something that can stop that?

(Everyone shacks their head)

Josefu: I might be able to

Lucy and Shinya: Josefu!

Druthrith: are you sure you can tank that much energy?

Josefu: yeah, but I will need some healing after

Luke: I can do that I have a low healing ability

(Josefu gets in a ready stance and begins channeling red lightning all over his body and into his sword. the ground starts rumbling then the dragon wolf shoot a energy beam that them and Overgaard)

Xanith: It's now or never!

Josefu: Thunder God Strike!!!

Josefu swings his sword releasing lighting destroying the energy attack and hitting the Dragon wolf)

Josefu: (Coughing up blood)

Luke: Dark V Heal!

(Luke heals Josefu internal injury from energy overload)

Josefu: (Breathing heavy) thank Luke

Xanith: It's not over!!

(the rest of the dire wolves charge)

Dastreth: Mountain Slam!

(Dastreth Swings his giant hammer flattening 2 dire wolves)

Alice: Brawlers Might!

(Alice releases her energy and attacks killing 2 more)

Luke: Dark Gravity!

(Luke forces them to the group with pressure)

Josefu: Shinya Now! Roaring Sky Blade!

Shinya: Wind Cyclone!

(With Luke's help Josefu and Shinya kill 6 dire wolves)

Josefu: nice we killed those

Shinya: yeah, thank Luke

Luke: No problem

(Over to Lucy and Eva Fighting)

Eva: Spatial Slash!

Lucy: Demonic Art Dragon Rush!

(Lucy and Eva hit and Kill 4 dire wolves)

Lucy: (breathing hard) it feels like it's no end to them!

(Suddenly the Dragon wolf left spit a howl and the dire wolves retreat and run away)

Xanith: (Sigh) there leaving!

Rachel: that dragon wolf is pretty intelligent, making the right those to retreat was a good one. any longer and we would have taken the advantage