
War of The New Age

The story begins in the lowest realm of the Underworld following the life of Josefu a young teen demon. Read as the Josefu goes through tragedy's and adventure's to become stronger. Join my Discord server to see the map for War of the New Age (#General) https://discord.gg/gDhvN2cVTS

Ark_Seikatsu · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Chapter 12 The Great Battlefield

(Lucy and Josefu Dash out towards Jin and Delos, Josefu uses thunder God Strike to knock Makiru out surprising Jin)

Jin: now that was surprising wasn't expecting that

Josefu: looks like I get my rematch

(Josefu sets Makiru down)

Delos: Can't believe Makiru got knocked out

Josefu: Roaring Sky Blade!!

(Josefu dashing spinning at high speed Jin uses his energy sword to block Josefu)

Jin: another two on two, do you think this will work again?

Josefu: this time will be different

Jin: Ashura's Arrow!!

(Using one of his many artifact Jin make a arrow with energy)

Josefu: !?

(Josefu Dodges then Lucy attacks Jin)

Lucy: Hells Fist!

(Appearing behind Jin Lucy punches him in the back sending him flying to Delos)

Delos: damn you now it's my turn

(Delos rushes Josefu swings his sword down on him, Josefu blocks but the force of the attack make a crater under him)

Delos: this time I will cut you down

(Delos releases killer intent)

Josefu: (grunting)

(Josefu and Delos start Clashing)

(over to Lucy)

Lucy: today you die Jin!

(Dashing while attacking Lucy trying hitting Jin)

Jin: (coughing) damn (thinking to himself) I've used to many artifacts my energy is drained

Lucy: take this!

(Lucy lands multiple hits on Jin the kicks him Through a few trees)

Jin: Ugh!!!!

Lucy: now I got to help Josefu

(Lucy run over to sees Josefu and Delos clashing attacking and dodging)

Lucy: Josefu it's Time!

(Josefu looks over at Lucy then dash towards her)

Delos: what!?

(Josefu dashes over to Jin as he is still hurt and drained, Delos sees this and tries to stop him)

Delos: Nooo!

Lucy: Hells Fist!!

(Lucy Knocks Delos back stopping him)

Lucy: did you forget about me

Josefu: it's time to finish this, Thunder God Strike!!

Jin: (coughing up blood) !?

(Josefu stab Jin Through the chest then cut his sword sword)

Josefu: (breathing hard)

Delos: No Jin!!! Damn you two!!

(Lucy and Josefu Dash away into the trees getting leaving)

Delos: I can't believe I let those two rebels ruin my Mission for the king

(Delos looks over and sees Makiru knocked out)

Delos: this useless this, I hope the kill makes it stronger getting knocked out like this

(Delos takes Makiru and heads back to the capital)

(To Josefu and Lucy)

Josefu: I'm still kinda mad I have to leave Makiru with them

Lucy: we will get him back

Josefu: I know

Lucy: let's head back to base we can tell Lauren the location of the hideout and the supplies

(To Lauren)

Lauren: good, Lucy has just told me that that have finished the mission

Eva: How did they hold

Lauren: only Lucy and Josefu are alive it seems the king sent Delos there to stop them. it's time to gather our forces for a large scale attack

Eva: yes sir, I'll get everyone ready!

(To the King)

King: damnit!!!

(loud crash)

King: Jin's dead and we lost those supplies, I know that bastard has them

Solider: my king Delos had arrived

King: call him in

(Delos walks in)

King: where is Makiru?

Delos: I sent him to the lab Sire, but if I may speak freely?

King: go on

Delos: why do we keep this useless person here he can fight well at all

King: Ill have the guys In the lab fix that make him more aggressive

Delos: what will we do sire.

King: go get Karmos

Delos: yes sir

(Delos leaves to get Karmos after a few moments Karmos come in)

Karmos: you call for me sire?

King: yes gather our forces

Karmos: yes sir

King: I want you to be commander untill I get the the battlefield, the rebels are doing he same so lead the generals and the soldiers

Karmos: I won't let you down sire

(The king sends them out)

Karmos: how strong was the ones you were fighting

Delos: they was pretty interesting but I can't say they could do anything to you

Karmos: alright we have to hurry our mole has sent us the location of the rebels camp

(at the Rebellion outpost a random soldier with the the king emblem on his neck)

(Hours later Karmos gather the king forces getting ready to move out)

Karmos: Today we rid ourselves of the rebels that have been getting in our way. soon we will battle them and destroy them, victory will be the king

(To Josefu along with the soldier of the Rebellion forces)

Diablo: be focus Josefu this will be a bloody battle, all the people around us will be fighting for their lives

Josefu: I know

(Standing in front of them Lauren says his last words before they march to the campsite)

Lauren: All of you today we take back what is ours, I will not lie to you this battle will be a hard one some is will die. I will lead us to victory follow me!!!!

(All the soldiers cheering and yelling)

Lauren: Let's move out!!!

(Lauren leads the rebel forces to the campsite and the great battlefield a few hours later the arrive at their campsite)

Diablo: I'm getting excited and Im not even fighting

Josefu: only you can say that

(Over to Lauren)

Lauren: alright let start setting up camp

Lucy: Sir

Lauren: what

Lucy: the king army is already here they are on the other side

Lauren: damn it's seem that mole leaked out our camp location before we took care of them

Lucy: what do we do?

(Lauren shout use his energy to make his voice louder)

Lauren: Everyone shortly we will begin the battle, across that field the enemy forces stand so prepare yourself for battle!!!

(To Karmos)

king's Scout: general Karmos the rebel have arrived sir

Karmos: all forces get ready!!

Delos: Karmos are the other general's coming with the king?

Karmos: yes, I also got a gift from the King to use before he gets here I think will like it

(Karmos pulls out a scroll and starts to chant a spell and the ground starts rumbling)

(over to Lauren)

Lauren: what!?

(Loud Roar)

(Suddenly coming out of the ground in front of the kings army, a Undead Dragon appears)

Josefu: a dragon?

Diablo: that's a Undead Dragon that's going to be a problem, a dragon alone is hard to fight but a dead one being controlled is a whole different thing

Soldier: oh my!

Soldier 2: a dragon what are we going to do?

Lauren: Don't lose your will to fight!!

(Dragon Roaring)

Karmos: ATTACK!!!!!!!

Kings soldiers: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

(The kings soldier begin charging)

Lauren: I will handle the dragon ATTACK!!!!

Rebel soldiers: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

Josefu: let's do this

(Ground grumbling as the undead dragon walks towards them and both forces rush each other)

Lauren: You think an Undead Dragon can stop me....Dark Lion Style Pride of the Pack!!!

(Lauren releases his energy while his sword is still in it's sheath then jumps into the air and as the Undead Dragon approaches Lauren draws his sword slicing the neck of the Undead dragon and it's head falls)

Kings soldier: Watch out!!

Kings soldier 2: don't let it crush you!!

(The dragon head crash's and the battle starts)

Josefu: Raijin's Domain!!

(Red lightning strike down hitting Kings soldiers)

King solider 1: look out!!

King Soldier 2: argh!!

(To Karmos watching from afar)

Karmos: mhm so that's the boy the king wants dead

Delos: yes

Karmos: go ahead and join the battle take Makiru with you

Delos: alright let's go Makiru

Makiru: yes sir

(Delos and Makiru run joining the battle)

Makiru: Time for some fun...Dragon breath!

(Makiru shoots fire from his mouth hitting Rebel soldiers setting them on fire)

Rebel soldier: ahhh!!

(Five soldiers run up on Makiru)

Rebel soldier: Get him!!

Makiru: Twin Flame!

(Makiru makes a clone of himself out of fire)

Makiru: bawahaha come on

(to Delos clashing swords with rebel soldiers while looking at Makiru)

Delos: (thinking to himself) those guys in the lab really did make him more aggressive

(30 minutes later the kings shows up along with the other general's)

Kings soldiers: the king is here!!

kIng Soldier: the general's too

Gothellis: this battle looks fun!

Morit: Gothellis with for the kings orders

Scorit: Hey surphillips let's see who can kill the most

Surphillips: this will be easy the rebel Camry is weak

(The king walks out from behind them)

King: it's time for the real battle to begin

(The King uses another Scroll to summon a Undead Earth Dragon)

(Ground rumbling.and suddenly an Undead dragon burst from the ground from underneath King soldier and Rebel soldiers)

Rebel soldiers: ahhh!!

King soldiers: move away!!

Josefu: another dragon!?

(Josefu looks around and sees Lucy close by and goes over to her)

Josefu: Lucy

Lucy: what's up Josefu

Josefu: help make a path for me towards that dragon

Lucy: what will you do?

Josefu: I'm going to take it down...Trust me

Lucy: ...alright come on

(Lucy runs toward the undead dragon)

Lucy: Demonic Art Dragon Rush!!

Lucy Clears a path for Josefu and he leaps towards the undead Earth Dragon releasing his energy letting a shockwave out)

(To Lauren)

Lauren: is that Josefu?

(back to Josefu)

Josefu: Ahhhh THUNDER GOD STRIKE!!!!

(as Josefu gets close to the dragon the clouds turn black and a huge Lightning bolt strike the dragon)

(Earth Dragon screeching as it dies)

(to the king)

King: that damn brat!

(back to Josefu as he lands back in the ground from killing the dragon)

Josefu: (breathing heavy)

King soldier: Die!!!

Josefu: !?

Shinya: watch out

king soldier: ugh

(Shinya saves Josefu from the soldier)

Josefu: (breathing heavy) thank Shinya

Shinya: no problem but what was that that was a lot of energy

Josefu: I know I'm kinda drained right now

(To the king)

King: Now my general's go and join the battle!!

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