
Chapter 5: Azora

Achilles had barely gone when I had approached the core. Ares and Athena cross their swords against my chest as soon as I get close enough to strike. I look at the two crossed swords. They are identical. Both were made by Hephaestus for Ares and Athena to protect the core. As a plus, Hephaestus gave the matching armor made of gold and a variety of rocks worth a lot of value.

"Child, why are you here? You know Zeus said—"

"He said the innocent would not be affected." I interrupt Athena.

"This village is ridden with thieves and liars. They're slowly dying as they make their way to the edge of the forest." Ares says.

"No. They have my protection. The old must die of age and sickness ridden just. The children must grow and their mothers must become the wiser. The widows must continue to wait for judgement and the religious must do as I command. This core must die."

"No." Ares and Athena say in unison. "The core must be protected." They push me back. I am forced to jump back and land back onto the ground. My disguise melts away. Two swords form into my hands. My blood courses through them, makings the black and strong. I run forward.

Ares and Athena both attack at the same time. They are quite strong alone. But the two are a deadly pair together. One my tenth day of life, they smacked me into the ground. Now, I slam my swords against theirs with half of my strength. Athena jumps back and tries to stab my side. Ares tried to distract me by swinging again. I parry both and send them jumping back a few feet away from me.

I spot Achilles making his way back to me. I curse under my breath as Ares and Athena attack again. This time, Ares attacks from behind and Athena from the front. I throw and arm back and block one. I crossed the sword across my chest with the other. I grind my teeth as I push them off again.

They attack from different angles, looking for any way to land a blow. I am forced to constantly turn and move back in forth. I stomp on the ground. Cracks form an black thorny vines wrap around Ares. I run towards the core, but Athena tried to stop me.

I throw one of my swords at her and start running again. Now freed, Ares grabs my hair and tosses me back to the bottom of the steps. I roll back onto my feet before Athena's sword impaled me and kick her stomach.

"Achilles!" I yell. Achilles had been frozen in his tracks, staring in awe. He snaps to attention as I yell his name a second time.

"Achilles! Kill the core!" I yell. Achilles nods and runs towards the girl. I grab Ares before he has the chance to go after Achilles. I toss him at Athena, sending the two flying into a falling house. Athena gets up first. She roars as she pounces on top of me. I let myself fall and kick her off easily. I bring up a wall of water as Ares throws a ball of fire at me. The wall of fire crashes into him, sending him into another house.

Athena charges. I punch her face and send her flying into a few houses. I turn back towards Achilles. He is talking to the girl. Is he trying to see if she is real?

"Achilles!" The momentary distraction gives Athena and Ares enough time to throw a rusty chain around me. The link multiply to form a net and falls on me. Hephaestus created this in case I ever tried to get rid of the core without Zeus'permission. Of course, Hephaestus told me how to get out of it. He knew that nothing can hold me for long. But at least, I would get out faster.

The net weighs down on me, forcing me to my knees. I yell Achilles' name again and fight against the chains. Athena keeps me from moving while Ares charges Achilles. I reach out of the net and yell at Achilles one last time.

"Trust me!" Achilles instantly reacts. He takes out a dagger and stabs the girl in the chest. She lets out a screech and claws at Achilles' armor. Ares stops in his tracks. I free myself with a burst of fire. Houses are wiped out and burnt. Achilles stares at me as I turn towards Athena. She smiles.

"It is not every day when you spar with me." I frown.

"To you, all this was a game. I...can not say the same." I turn and head towards Achilles. I pass by Ares, who just watches me quietly. Achilles stares down at his feet as I approach him. I place my hand on his shoulder and give him a small squeeze. I grab the girl's corpse and toss it down the steps. With each hit it takes, it disintegrates into ash.

"Tell Zeus: If he has any other lies he wants to unfold, to do it immediately. Otherwise, I will start breaking bones." Ares and Athena both nod and disappear.

I sit under a tree, facing away from Achilles as he bathes behind a waterfall. I dip my wings into the water and clean them a bit. Out of nowhere, Achilles pops out of the water, startling me. I pull my wings back to my side and glare at him.

"Is there any way you can change your wings?" Achilles asks. I sit up and raise an eyebrow.


"Well, say you find a partner and say you get married. How are you going to make sure your child doesn't accidentally touch your wings and hurt themselves?" I stand and shake my head.

"No such would exist to begin with. My sole purpose is to aid the Olympians and—"

"That's all? You still have emotions. You have the capacity to love and grief. If I'm not wrong, you're more humane than the gods themselves." I shake my head.

"I do not actually have the capacity to—" My eyes burn as they turn green in my attempt to lie. I turn away and instead enter the water. "It is not within my right to love or grieve." I say.

"Is that what they told you or is that what you believe?" I spread my wings. Water flies everywhere. My wings become fluffy and longer as the blade shift under multiple layers of feathers. As not to startle Achilles, I slowly extend a wing towards him slowly.

"May I—" I pull away, the protective feathers shedding off as I do.

"No." I say and dive into the water. As the water engulf me, my body begins to change. My legs are replaced by a long tail and my skin become leathery. Gills form on my neck and my eyes dilate to see under the water. I sink to the bottom and look up. I watch as Achilles stick his head under the water and looks around. Not seeing anything, he resurfaces.

A few seconds later, Achilles swims down and gazes at me in awe. Frowning, I swim up and stare at him. Movement catches my attention. I jerk away and swim up to the surface. Zagreus frowns at me from land. I swim to land. I shoot out of the water and land back to my human form. Achilles resurfaces and starts coughing.

"You're needed on the battlefield, Azora. You and your little...friend." Zagreus says and disappears in cloud of black smoke. I look at Achilles.

"Let's go."