
War against the orcans

Humans are at war with the orcans they must use their new abilities to stop them. This story was made with AI

Preston_Dennis · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 7: The Betrayal

As the war against the Orcans raged on, Dennis and his team were sent on more and more dangerous missions. They fought in cities, forests, and even on the open sea.

But one day, something unexpected happened. One of their own betrayed them.

It was Alex, one of Dennis's closest friends. He had been acting strange for weeks, and Dennis had noticed that he had been communicating with someone outside of the academy.

One night, Dennis followed Alex and saw him meeting with an Orcan spy. He overheard their conversation and realized that Alex had been giving the Orcans information about their missions and their abilities.

Dennis was shocked and devastated. He couldn't believe that one of his friends had betrayed them. He knew that he had to do something to stop Alex and to protect his team.

He went to Mr. Fill and told him everything. Mr. Fill was horrified and immediately took action. Alex was expelled from the academy, and he was sent to a prison for traitors.

Dennis felt a sense of relief, but he also felt a sense of loss. He had lost a friend, and he knew that he could never trust anyone completely again.