
Who Are You?.

I would just jump right into it but that's not me one thing my sister ever said to me that made sense was to

" be yourself"-heaven

My name is destiny. My favorite color is blue and I'm 18. Well that should be enough info about me, let's get into what heaven was talking about when she said be yourself. Attention everyone I am very original it's just that I have a tendency to move around people to make them comfortable so I don't have to hear any complaints or just hear people talking it can be irritating at times. Correction. Majority of time that I am awake and sleep. Other than that I'm broke and impatient. I know that I will be a billionaire in the future but as I've already said I'm very impatient. It's one of the problems I've been trying to work on because I be waiting on time when the saying is time waits on no one, this should show how backwards destiny is.

You have to be true to yourself and understand that their is a process for love, trust and determination to then be able to live your own truth on a path that was built from your lessons and accomplishments.

Every step in your life is the foundation of you.

But once you start to revise your past and lose tract of what's ahead, you will only be going down your stairs. An event that stuck with you can keep you from moving up or down, just stationary.