
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs


As Zhang Jun roared out, the people on the Longteng Wanli also looked at Zhang Jun in surprise.

Zhang Jun thought of this electrolytic water bomb a long time ago, but before, even if he could electrolyze water, he could not control the range, and it was difficult to achieve an explosion with appropriate power.

However, with this simple water control, Zhang Jun can control water and the gas electrolyzed by water, so that he can well implement his ideas.

Unfortunately, the water control ability is not strong enough, otherwise the explosion will be incredible!

But now it\'s barely enough.

Zhang Jun returned to the ship under the surprised eyes of the three people.

Electrolytic water is also recorded in the very modern world of the pirate king, but they are so surprised that no one can exert it directly without the help of any external force.

"Boss, you are becoming more and more abnormal! Ah! Rush!"

Misoga looked dull. After saying this, he took out the weather stick and rushed to his room to start exercising.

"Brother Jun, you are too powerful!"

Hill was full of light and looked at Zhang Jun admiringly.

Ghost Mo Yan looked at Zhang Jun with a warlike look, then jumped to the top of the mast and began to wave the soul guard ghost knife.

After finally sending off hill, Zhang Jun endured his joy and began to continue fishing.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a large piece of hailou stone * 1."

"Ding, congratulations to the host on gaining 20 combat power."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining tiger whip * 1"

Zhang Jun was satisfied with what he caught at first, but when Zhang Jun heard the last thing, he was so frightened that he threw his things into the sea.

Zhang Jun looked around and felt relieved that no one seemed to notice him.

He doesn\'t want to be misunderstood

"Boss! There\'s no wind ahead!"

Just then, misoga shouted as he ran to Zhang Jun.

"This is the windless zone?"

Zhang Jun was stunned and looked forward along the bow.

Sure enough, the sea area not far ahead looked dead.

It\'s all in peace!

The windless zone is a death place for almost all pirate ships, because most pirate ships travel by wind. They can\'t sail in the windless zone, and they will be attacked by sea kings.

Only when the navy ships have their own power and Shanghai Loushi will drive away the king of the sea, can they sail smoothly in the windless zone.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jun remembered that he had fished a large hailou stone before. At that time, he put it into the system space without thinking about it.

It seems that the hailou stone will play a big role in the windless zone!

"Switch power navigation!"

When Zhang Jun signaled, misoga shouted at the cabin.

Sure enough, a moment later, two air holes protruded from the stern of the Longteng Wanli, and with the jet of gas, the Longteng Wanli rushed into the windless zone!

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to tell you that there is a ship spirit on the Longteng Wanli, which is responsible for sailing according to the order of the navigator misoga."

As soon as Zhang Jun turned his head, he looked into a pair of confused red eyes and immediately patted his forehead.

"Boat spirit!?"

Sure enough, even Gao Leng\'s ghost Mo Yan couldn\'t help crying out when he heard these two words.

"All right, all ready for battle. We\'re in the windless zone!"

Zhang Jun waved his arms, and the four people on the ship stood in their own position and waited solemnly.

Ghost Mo Yan stood on the faucet, holding a knife in both hands and looking at the front.

Misoga stood on the left side of the deck holding a weather stick and looked nervously to the left.

Hill stood on the right side of the ship with a sachet in his hand. From time to time, he took some powder from the sachet and sprinkled it into the sea.

Zhang Jun stood at the top of the mast with his right hand touching the handle of the knife.

Longteng Wanli sailed slowly in the windless zone. On the surface, it looked calm, but Zhang Jun could vaguely feel a wave of malice, always hovering under Longteng Wanli.


Finally, a few minutes later, a malicious host finally rushed out of the sea.

At this time, a strange creature with a black body like a hairtail, but its ferocious face and huge body all show its identity, sea king!


The sea king happened to appear in front of ghost Moyan. He snorted coldly, flashed red in his eyes, jumped and cut the sea king\'s head with a knife.

With a plop, the two sections of Neptune blood splashed into the sea.

"Not bad, ice face!"

Misoga shouted, and the whole person relaxed a little. This sea king is just like this!

"Attention, don\'t relax, a big wave of monsters is coming!"

Zhang Jun shook his head and said loudly.

The sea king just rushed out has more than 500 combat effectiveness!

That is to say, misoga, which has a combat effectiveness of more than 600 now, is no less impressive!

Of course, hill, who has only more than 200 combat effectiveness, is even more dangerous.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jun took a worried look at hill. Although her poison and medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds, her combat effectiveness is too low after all!

Shaking his head, Zhang Jun continued to pay attention to the trend around him.

He found that with the killing of the sea king, the atmosphere around him suddenly changed, and the malice became more and more intense and restless.


A few minutes later, Zhang Jun moved in his heart and pulled out the thunder blood from his waist.



In an instant, four sea kings broke through the water, and each one had a fighting capacity of 800!

Among them, a serpentine sea king is extremely prominent. It is snow-white, a pair of bright blue eyes, and its slender body looks beautiful even with cold shining fangs.

"That\'s it!"

Zhang Jun\'s eyes lit up and he was very satisfied with the appearance!

Zhang Jun moved, came to ghost Mo Yan and motioned him to deal with other sea kings.

Yes, this serpentine Sea King appeared directly in front of the Longteng Wanli. It seems to be the head of these four sea kings!

Because its combat effectiveness has reached 830!

However, they are just small fish and shrimp!

Zhang Jun smiled confidently. For a moment, a large amount of lightning shrouded the body of the serpentine sea king.

A humanized panic suddenly appeared in its eyes.


When Zhang Jun didn\'t show his strength, he thought that the strongest person on this ship was the one who killed his little brother earlier. Unexpectedly, this person was much stronger in front of him!


Feeling the dense thunder and lightning around him, he roared loudly and wanted to retreat with several younger brothers.


Just when it was going to fight for lightning, a sad voice came.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that his most powerful lion headed sea king was cut in half by the ghost man!

The other one was fighting with a human with a stick, and the other one did not know what was wrong and ran away to the bottom of the sea.

What the hell!

This is the true idea of serpentine sea kings at this time.