

After hours of doing his other errands for the day, he started to get ready for his meet up with Xiao Xingchen.

"Where do you want to meet?" - Wei Ying

The reply came 10 minutes later.

"Let's meet at Central Park." - Xiao Xingchen

"Sure, be there in 30 minutes." - Wei Ying

"Okay, see you then." - Xiao Xingchen

Wei Ying quickly gets dressed, throws on a shoulder bag, and starts to head out. He walks to the train stop, he puts on his headphone when he sits down in a seat.

When he got there, he went to a Starbucks close by.

"Where are you?" - Wei Ying

"Almost there." - Xiao Xingchen

"Okay, I'm going to send you my location." - Wei Ying

"Okay." - Xiao Xingchen

When Xiao Xingchen finally meets up with Wei Ying, they start to walk to the park.

"How have you been Xingchen?"

"Oh, been busy with school and work."

"It must be hard managing both school and work."

"It is a little bit, but I have a friend who helps me manage my time. He's kinda like my manager."

"That's cool.

"How about you?"

"Oh, I've been doing schoolwork; and hanging out with my friends."

"That's nice, it's been a while since I just had a break."

"Well, you are kinda having one now."

"I guess so."

They walk up to a slightly secluded area.

"Let me take out my speakers," says Wei Ying

After taking out the speaker, he also took out a portable microphone.

"Wow, you come so prepared Wei Ying."

"Haha, thanks."

After connecting the mic to his phone, he started the song.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course."

"Let's do this."

As they sing the song, many people start to gather. Those who know Chinese sang along (Or humming along), some were recording them singing.

As they were singing, they can hear whispers among the audience.

"Hey, isn't that Xiao Xingchen the singer?"

"I think so, he looks so much younger in person."

"Who is that person next to him?"

"Don't know, maybe a friend."

When they finish singing the song, they were met with applause.

"You guys are so good."

"Yeah, the dude in the red hoodie has such a deep voice but is able to hit high notes pretty well."

"What is this song?"

They were bombarded with so many comments and questions. That both of them didn't know what to do.

"Thank you, everyone," says Xiao Xingchen

"We are not allowed to disclose the title of this song," says Xiao Xingchen

"Wow, he is good at this." thought Wei Ying

"Just make sure to watch "Unrestrained" coming out in a couple of months."

"We will."

Some of the audience asked to take some pictures with Xiao Xingchen.

"It must be nice to be famous." thought Wei Ying

After a while of walking around the park, they decided to go and eat some food. They took a while to decide what food to eat, they ended up going to Legend 72 a Sichuan (spicy food) restaurant.

When they sat down, they looked over the menu. Wei Ying ordered the spiciest food there is and Xiao Xingchen ordered some mild food.

As they wait for their food, Wei Ying decides to make some small talk.

"Have you been here before?" asked Wei Ying

"No, my family doesn't really like spicy food; but I do."

"My family is all over the place."

"Aren't all family like that?"

"I guess."

"Hey, you have been looking down. Are you okay?" asked Xiao Xingchen

"Of course." flashing his best smile

"Then why are you looking at your phone so much?"

"Oh, I'm just waiting for a text."

"From who, your girlfriend."

"As a matter of fact, my boyfriend."

"Oh, I don't judge. If I can have it my way, I would have a boyfriend too."

"Why don't you?"

"Cause I'm famous, and because my parents would kill me."

"My adoptive mother already wants to kill me."


"Oh, yeah; I'm adopted."

"I see."

"So, you have anyone in mind?"

"No, of course not."

"How about that Xue Yang dude?"

"I just admire him."

"How did you find out about that guy?"

"I watched one of his earlier dramas. He played a misunderstood villain, similar to this new role."

"Hm, so you like the bad-boy types."

"No, of course not."

"Here is your food gentlemen," said the waitress

"Thanks," they said to the waitress

They begin to eat their food when Wei Ying's phone vibrates. It was Lan Zhan, Wei Ying picks up the phone.

"Where should I pick you up?" - Lan Zhan

Wei Ying looked at the time, it was almost 5:30.

"You can pick me up at Legend 72. I'll send you my location later." - Wei Ying

"Mmm." - Lan Zhan

"Love you, Lan Zhan." - Wei Ying

"Love you too, Wei Ying." - Lan Zhan

Wei Ying puts down his phone.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, my boyfriend. He was asking about where to pick me up later."

"Right you are going somewhere later."

"Yeah, I'm going to his photoshoot."

"Who is he?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you. My boyfriend is Lan Wangji."


"Haha, yup; gotta steal my man before someone else does."

"H-how long have you guys been dating?"

"A couple of months."

"Wow, I don't know what to say."

"Haha, keep it a secret though."

"Sure, wait... if you are going with Lan Wangji; does it mean that you will be seeing Xue Yang?"

"I'm not sure, why?"

"Can you get his autograph if he's there?"

"Haha, of course."

They finish eating, they made some more small talk, before Lan Zhan came to pick up Wei Ying.

"LAN ZHAN!" Wei Ying shouted running towards Lan Zhan's car


Wei Ying turned to Xiao Xingchen.

"See you later Xingchen."

"Yeah, see you later Wei Ying."

Wei Ying got into the car.

"Did you miss me?" Wei Ying says going in for a peck


Lan Zhan started to drive away.

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