

Wei Ying was in his dorm, he was sitting on his bed thinking about what to say to Lan Zhan. He didn't know how to bring up this issue with Lan Zhan. It was 6 pm, Wei Ying picked up his phone.

"Should I give him a call? What if he doesn't answer?"

He decides to just call Lan Zhan.


"Lan Zhan, why didn't you reply to my message?"

"Sorry, busy."

"You always say you are busy."


"Are you hiding something from me?"


"Are you sure? If you are, and I find out later; I won't be able to forgive you."

"I don't want to lose him." thought Lan Zhan

"Should I tell him?"

"I'll give you one more chance to tell me."

"My uncle doesn't accept our relationship."


"I thought it was something more serious." thought Wei Ying

"Well, I guess we both have someone who doesn't accept us."


Wei Ying just wanted to hug Lan Zhan.

"Everything will be okay."


"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Filming for a variety show."

"Oh, I wanted to hang out. It's been a while."

It really has, it's been about a week since they've seen each other. (TIME IS NON-EXISTENT HERE).

"What are you going to do after?"

"Photoshoot with other co-stars."

"Oh, can I go."

"Ask my manager first."


"It will be so cool to see Lan Zhan working. I've only ever seen pictures on Instagram and other social media." thought Wei Ying

Lan Zhan texts his manager if Wei Ying can come to the photoshoot.

"I want to bring someone to the photo shoot." - Lan Zhan

"Who is it?" - Manager

"My friend" - Lan Zhan

"Hm, as long as he doesn't get in the way of the photoshoot; I see no problem." - Manager

"Mmm." - Lan Zhan

"So, what did your manager say?"

"He says okay."

"YES! What time will it be?"

"6 pm, it will be at YiZhan's Studio."

Wei Ying's phone vibrates, he looks at the notification and sees that Xiao Xingchen had texted him.

"Hello Wei Wuxian, this is Xiao Xingchen." - Xingchen

"Hey Xingchen, what's up?" - Wei Ying

"Nothing much, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to practice the song tomorrow; since we are going to have to do the recording soon." - Xingchen

"Shit, I forgot." - Wei Ying

"Haha." - Xingchen

"What time do you want to practice, I have something to do at 6 pm." - Wei Ying

"Um, how about 3 pm then?" - Xingchen

"That should be fine." - Wei Ying

"Cool, see you tomorrow." - Xingchen

"Good night Xingchen." - Wei Ying

"Good night Wei Ying." - Xingchen

Wei Ying exits the chat with Xingchen and goes back to his chat with Lan Zhan. It was already 8 pm, Lan Zhan was gonna go to sleep soon.

"Hey, Lan Zhan I'll head over to the studio after practicing my song with Xingchen." - Wei Ying

5 minutes no reply.



"I need to go, good night Wei Ying."

"So early, good night Lan Zhan."

Wei Ying puts down his phone, feeling way better them his did since the morning. He was very excited about the next day to come.

"What should I wear?"

He goes to his closet and looks at some of the clothing. He grabbed a black and white pants and a red and white hoodie, and of course, he took out the bracelet that Lan Zhan had given him.

"This is going to look so nice," he mumbled

With that, he took a shower and went straight to bed. Smiling from ear to ear as he drifts to sleep.

Tell me what you guys think of this Chapter, not the best one I wrote.