
Wandering Phantom-A Shadow Slave Fanfic

After Dane completes his First Nightmare and receives a mysterious divine power, he is overjoyed. But, said joy is short-lived as he finds himself cursed by a divine being, literally. Follow Dane as he wades through the Dream Realm and fights for the survival of his legacy clan, which is at risk of falling due to the pressure of Great Clan Song. Art created by catphine on discord. Disclaimers I do not own anything but my created characters. Everything belongs to Guiltythree and/or his respected publishers.

FieryBaldachin · 書籍·文学
81 Chs

Chapter 77

The sky glowed orange as the sun rose, filtering through many clouds. Dane sipped at the Myriad Vial, watching the hill as he stood guard atop the Tower of Dusk.

"Gemma was thoroughly impressed," Seishan said.

Dane shrugged. "I put on quite a show."

Lady Seishan leaned over the crenellations and rested her face on her palm. "You should have heard him at the Lieutenants' meeting. He wouldn't stop about how you snuck out of the castle without being seen and killed a monster alone in the middle of the night."

Dane squinted his eyes against the beating wind.

"And? Have I been inducted into the Pathfinders?"

Seishan's long, lustrous hair trailed behind her. "That alone did not convince him…so I sweetened the deal by mentioning your True Name." She shook her head. "Gunlaug was so smug after finding out that he ordered Gemma to name you a Pathfinder and had the word spread immediately. It strokes his ego to have you serving him."

It shamed Dane to serve the tyrant. He sighed. Some things had to be done.

"I must thank you, my lady."

"No matter. Strengthening you strengthens me."

Dane offered her the Myriad Vial. "Are you thirsty?"

She eyed the glass and then her dress. It was a beautiful thing, and it contrasted her skin well in its impressive, vibrant red. Seishan gave a dazzling smile. "Yes. But not for water. I must leave you now."

Dane nodded. He noted that she liked wine quite a lot.

As she was about to leave, she looked at him. "I forgot to say. I hope you are coming along well in your grief. Eliana's passing was a loss to the world."

"I'm doing fine enough," he lied. Sleep was a scarce thing without Storm Forged.

She laid a hand on his shoulder. "She was like a sister to me. If you need anything, I'm here."

Dane felt a deep, hot anger rise in his belly. He breathed deeply, reminding himself she was not at fault…she didn't even know. "I am grateful."

She nodded. "I will be seeing you around, my lord." She left.

He sipped his water. It was piping hot, but the Wight attribute made it so that it was not too hot. He loved the way it felt. He didn't like being cold.

"Pathfinder Dane doesn't sound too bad," he muttered. Still, it didn't best 'lord.'

When the sun was high in the sky, it marked the end of his last shift of the week, and it was his last ever. He was no longer a guard. He waited until his replacement arrived before taking the stairs down.

No sooner had he stepped down the last step before the next flight did a door open in the living quarters. Sunless stood next to it, impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. Cassia stepped out. "What a surprise!" he called out.

He took quick steps to them and spread his arms. "Sunless, my friend. It is good to see you here!" he greeted. "And Cassia, hello. I hope the castle has been treating you well." He activated his armor's enchantment.

"Ah…yes. Thank you," Cassia said.

Sunless seemed protective of Cassia as he stepped between her and him. "Hello," he said curtly.

Dane was taken aback. "Did I do something to offend you?"

Sunless stared at him for a few seconds and then grit his teeth. "Yes."

"What…oh." Dane understood. "Is it because I joined the host?"

Cassia placed a hand on Sunless's shoulder, squeezing hard.

Sunless nodded. "You're damn right, it is." He took a look around.

Dane lifted his hands, trying to placate him. "Look…I know the host is terrible. Especially the guards, I agree, but not all of us are like that. You know me!"

"If you know what they are, why are you still with them?" Sunless asked sharply.

"Because someone has to rein them in! I'm a Pathfinder now, Sunless. I have power now, and I can change things."

Sunless snorted. "Have you seen Gunlaug?"

Dane nodded.

"Then you should know that no matter what you do, you can't truly change anything."

"Fair point," Dane conceded. "But what I can do, I will. Every little bit matters…as opposed to doing nothing."

Sunless took a deep breath, looked at Cassia, and sighed. "You may be right. I'm sorry."

Dane waved the matter away. "It's nothing. I understand where you're coming from." He looked them up and down. "The two of you look a lot better. How long have you stayed?"

Sunless had gotten leaner and sharper, and his black hair messily fell over his dark, shadowy eyes. He looked more like an Awakened should. Cassie was a sight to behold, what with her hair cascading down her shoulders and those stunning blue eyes, and he wouldn't be surprised if most men in the castle fell over themselves trying to talk to her.

"We were just about to leave," Cassia said.

What? They had already stayed here for a week?

"I never noticed you before," he remarked.

Sunless smiled. "We stayed to ourselves. Lots of…passionate people around," he said, looking at Cassia.

Dane shrugged. "Will you be coming back? Oh, and is Changing Star here too?"

Cassia said, "We're not sure yet," she brushed her hair, "and no, she is not in the castle."

"Right. I must get going now. Stay safe," Dane wished them farewell and took his leave.