
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · SF
844 Chs

Live Well

If we analyze it from the perspective of "hindsight", another deadly policy is the early retirement age.

The human branch of the Brilliant Galaxy itself is a very aging branch. Suddenly, a large number of people retired early, which brought about a shortage of labor force, so that many projects could not be completed on time. The government's credibility has been shattered.

Even, everyone gradually got used to this kind of behavior that could not be completed on time, and then cursed the government as rubbish. In fact, the public also knows that these two governments are like rubbish, and any comparison will hurt. But the government I elected can only accept it with tears in my eyes.

"Punctual" is actually a cultural phenomenon.

Just like some countries on the earth like to be "punctual", they have developed a rigorous and meticulous social atmosphere; while some countries are loose and loose, and no one criticizes them if they are not on time. If this continues for a long time, no one will be on time. The task is completed, because it is done on time and according to the quantity, it is only a disadvantage to myself.

But so what?

The technology of this era is so advanced, even if more than half of the population is retired, and more than half of the population is deserting, it is still impossible for human beings to starve to death. This is also a fact!

Coupled with the promulgation of policies such as opening up the virtual world and happy education, it has accelerated the process of civilization's decline...

The people's sense of happiness has been greatly improved, and the cultural atmosphere of the entire society is declining day by day. The "Civilization and Progress Party" formed by Lin Dongying and other high-minded intellectuals constantly criticize this kind of social phenomenon, but it is completely useless.

Because their criticism is too ungrounded, it will only arouse public resentment.

On a certain day, those leaders who were competing with each other on the stage suddenly discovered that the virtual world technology had become a black hole, and most of the people were playing games in it.

Only then did I suddenly realize that the situation has spread to a huge uncontrollable stage, and if this continues, it will soon become the civilization of the perishers that I despised in the past!

However, changes in the overall social trend cannot be stopped by a single great man. There are no enemies on this planet, the army is almost disbanded, and a virtual world game called "Elysium" is spreading in the society and is widely welcomed by the people.

This somewhat responsible leader waved his hand, bit the bullet, and wanted to revise the relevant policies.

This time, the hornet's nest was stabbed, and people began to take to the streets to demand more virtual world powers. They don't think 30 days a year is enough and ask for more!

There is also a small group of people, even former government cadres.

The scene of the general strike during the development of the planetary fortress happened again here!

"...citizens! We should fight for our rights! The right to rest, the right to recreation, the right to protect our physical and mental health!"

Such a voice came out of the radio broadcast, as if it came from the bottom of everyone's heart...

The general trend of society cannot be changed, and many senior intellectuals are panicking, but they are powerless to stop it.

It is impossible to temporarily increase the working hours. Is it possible to restore the 8-hour working system? Even the police are going on strike, why? !


When Mr. Lin Yingdong recalled the past, he said painfully: "That's it, in just 50 or 60 years, everything collapsed... Like dominoes, it was a small card at the beginning, pushing the rear It was a big card, and then the speed of the collapse became faster and faster, and when people woke up, they found that it was too late to do anything..."

"The collapsed cards can already crush all blockers to death!"

"Humans have never been noble creatures, never..."


This heavy and tragic humanitarian disaster quickly spread to every corner of the new human society. The news network is reporting the cause of this incident, as well as the final result.

This matter quickly overshadowed the ridicule and disdain for this branch of humanity, and turned into a kind of grief.

It's just scary!

All the men, women and children in front of the screen were stunned.

These more than 50 million people, although their bodies are still outside, their spirits have already reached another world.

Even if people are capable enough to recapture their sense of self from the virtual world, what's the point? Will these people be satisfied with the present world?

They won't.

They will never come back...

According to the research of scientists, the world experienced by these people is different from the normal "transcendent trials". They can experience the so-called "creator mode".

Let them come back, they can't come back, they don't want to come back.

Even if it is pulled back by force, it is full of resentment and complaints, and it cannot be a normal citizen.

"...That is to say, the new human civilization, which is full of optimism and positive, may become a fourth-level civilization, is actually only 50 years away from the civilization of the fallen!"

This fact is simply chilling.

On the weekend that should have been very lively, there were no people in the streets and alleys, and people all hid in their homes. In large and small shops, only some robots are running automatically.

Zhang Yuan and a group of colleagues, after the meeting, walked slowly on the street, sighing...

Zhang Yuan bowed his head and said, "We were also responsible for this matter when we chose Plan No. 17. The first is that we overestimated the will of the entire human race... We feel that the 1400-year project can still be persisted by biting our teeth." of."

"Actually, no."

Another companion said: "It may be that we are used to smooth sailing in the past. For thousands of years, our civilization has never experienced such a huge disaster..."

"Our mathematics really can't predict things in a thousand years."

Having said that, Zhang Yuan still felt that he had to sum up and reflect on some things. Because at that time, 1,400 years ago, he was already a high-ranking government official. The so-called backup plan No. 17 was also suggested by their group of transcendents to be selected by the government...

Although the entire program has been implemented now, the results are good.

But there was such a big mistake in the middle, it is impossible to say that there is no responsibility at all.

There are only more than 60,000 survivors in the branch of the Bright Galaxy. Under that environment, there can still be more than 60,000 survivors.

Mr. Lin Yingdong shook his head. He knew that the young man in front of him was an extraordinary person, a powerful figure from 1400 years ago and now.

This feeling is very strange, as if it is a bit different from the previous society... and it is a bit hard to explain.

Transcendents exist in every era, but this era is especially numerous and obvious. It must be that after they left, the human society in Kunlun Mountain has undergone great changes.

Lin Yingdong didn't bother to think about it so much: "Oh, Mr. Zhang Yuan, it has nothing to do with the choice of the first government... You and your companions have also suffered for a lifetime, but in our generation, All of a sudden, I couldn't hold on anymore."

"But I still feel that in the face of civilized righteousness and personal righteousness, a normal balance needs to be maintained..."

Zhang Yuan nodded in agreement: "Yes, before modifying the real genetic driving force, our policy still has to obey the basic rules of human activity."

He hugged the survivor for a while, persuading him: "Live here well, live well, live peacefully..."