
Déjà Vu?

"Here, put it back before others ask you for it." Zyan handed back my notebook. The classroom was mostly empty, and students were still filling in.

"Do we start half an hour late from today?" I had a haunch to confirm.

"Yes, dumbass." Zyan said, "Why did you ask that again?"

{So it was a dream.} I tried clearing my brain out with something different as the class filled up. I took out the novel again and started reading it. Most parts of the story were close to the dream, but the ending twist was better. As I put it back, found Rei staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"You are a fast reader." She commented.

"And you seem good at taking pictures." words flew out of my mouth. Shit.

Her face changed, it was enough to tell me that I messed up. Her eyes widened and her fingers started trembling. "How did you know-" she was cut off by the bell ringing loudly.

The teacher entered the classroom, much to my relief. Rei did look worried but didn't say anything in front of the teacher. The roll call went as normal, and I eventually forgot about that dream I just had. After the class was over, Rei confronted me as I was leaving the room.

"Who told you about it?" that girl stood behind me, her eyes gave me chills.

"Who told me what?" I was caught off guard and spouted random words.

"About me taking pictures." She was getting agitated, "who told you about it?"

* * * *

"No one told me anything. Wait, are you a photographer? A professional?" I tried covering my mistake.

"So you know nothing?" she believed me, I think.

"Wait, are you keeping this photography thing a secret?"

"So what if I am? Are you making fun of me?"

"Hey, I am not saying that it is a bad thing." I was safe from one thing, but I seemed to have angered her on something else, "Do you have some to show me?"

"Of course not," she said and stomped away. {That was scary.}

Her friends seemed to be laughing at us, but it wasn't aimed at me. I left the room to get to the next class with them still laughing about something. Zyan commented on that as well, so I knew it was weird.

The rest of the day was like any other. Nothing strange happened. {Isn't this a red flag?}

I was on guard around Rei for the day, until she approached me herself.

"Hey, I got some great pics, wanna see?" she asked me once the classes were over.

"Really?" I had forgotten about the morning completely by this point.

"Yes." She pulled her seat and sat down. "Please don't tell anyone about this." she handed her phone to me.

There were few pictures of parks, sunset, and open fields. These looked really good, but then the surroundings started to get a little familiar. After a few more pics, then it was my neighborhood. I spotted myself in some pictures, mostly in the background.

Then it was just me, going about my life, for different days. She has been stalking me. I looked at her, and she was smiling. Neither anger nor guilt of getting caught, she was smiling as if she was proud.

"Now that you know about it." she pointed at the screen, "How about we start dating?"

"I beg your pardon?" {Did I hear her right?}

"I want to date you. I have been following you around for the past week and know all your habits. Do you agree?" She sounded like this was normal. {Is this some kind of deal?}

Before I could answer anything, everything turned black, nothing was visible around. I heard some noises, something like birds chirping near my head. I opened my eyes in a cozy bed, covered with a heavy blanket and soft pillows.