
Waking up in another world after falling unconscious

Aaron, an 18-year-old with red eyes and black hair, finds himself in a mysterious new world after passing out while playing with a metal box. He discovers a unique status window that displays his stats and skills, including the powerful ability to create any type of metal. Resourceful and determined, Aaron quickly becomes a formidable warrior and forms a strong team with Lyra, Gareth, and Seraphina. Bearing the Heart of Elaria, he leads his companions on a quest to prevent the resurrection of the Shadow King by retrieving ancient artifacts and performing a sealing ritual. Aaron evolves from a bewildered young man into a courageous and inspiring leader dedicated to protecting his newfound home from dark forces. After successfully stopping the dark forces, he finds himself back on Earth, returning to the day he passed out. Was all he went through just a dream? Read to find out!

Assassin_001 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

The Metal Box

Aaron sat in his room, a handsome 18-year-old with striking red eyes and black hair that fell into his eyes. The sunlight filtered through the window, casting a warm glow on the metal box he held. He leaned back in his chair, his fingers absentmindedly tracing the intricate designs on the box's surface. The box had always intrigued him; it was a family heirloom, passed down through generations, yet no one knew its purpose.

He wondered what secrets it held. Aaron tilted his chair back further, deep in thought. His balance wavered, and before he could react, the chair tipped over. He crashed to the ground, the impact knocking him unconscious.

A Strange New World

When Aaron opened his eyes, he was no longer in his room. He found himself lying on a bed of leaves, surrounded by towering trees. The air was crisp and fresh, unlike anything he had ever experienced. He sat up, rubbing his head.

"Where am I?" he muttered, looking around. The forest was silent, save for the distant chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves.

Aaron stood up, brushing the leaves off his clothes. "Is this like one of those manga where the main character passes out and wakes up in another world?" he thought, trying to make sense of his situation.

Feeling a surge of curiosity, he decided to test something. "Status window," he said aloud, half-expecting nothing to happen. To his amazement, a translucent screen appeared in front of him.

Name: Aaron

Level: 1

Skills: None

Unique Skills: None

Item Box:

The item box description caught his eye: "An infinite storage space." He willed it to open, and inside, he saw the metal box he had been playing with. He took it out, and as he did, the box opened on its own. A surge of energy flowed through him, and new information appeared on the status window.

Unique Skill: Metal Creation

Aaron read the description: "Create any type of metal by thinking about it. Form metal into any shape."

He couldn't believe it. "This skill is too overpowered," he thought, testing it out. He imagined a knife, and instantly, a knife materialized in his hand, sharp and gleaming. He touched the blade, marveling at its solidity. He didn't need any metal to start with; he could create it from thin air.

He checked his stats:

INT: 12

STR: 10

MP: 0

HP: 100

AGI: 8

"Are these stats good?" he wondered. Everything was so new to him. He decided to be cautious and prepared. Using his new skill, he created a set of metal armor and a pair of daggers. The armor fit perfectly, and the daggers felt balanced and deadly in his hands.

The First Encounter

Feeling somewhat prepared, Aaron ventured into the forest. The trees towered over him, their leaves creating a thick canopy that filtered the sunlight. He walked for what felt like hours, alert for any signs of danger.

Suddenly, he heard rustling in the bushes. He stopped, gripping his daggers tightly. Four goblins emerged, their eyes gleaming with malice. They charged at him with crude weapons raised.

Adrenaline surged through Aaron. He ducked under the first goblin's swing and slashed with his dagger. The blade cut through the goblin like paper, dropping it instantly. The other goblins hesitated, but Aaron didn't. He moved with surprising agility, cutting down the remaining goblins one by one.

As the last goblin fell, Aaron stood amidst the bodies, panting. He had never felt so alive. A notification appeared before him.

Level Up!

SP: 4

He had leveled up twice from the fight. He now had status points to allocate, but he decided to save them for when he truly needed them. He realized how powerful he had become in this world, and a fierce determination filled him.

"I will become the strongest in this world," he vowed. "I will live my life to the fullest."

With renewed purpose, Aaron continued his journey through the forest, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He knew that this was just the beginning of an incredible adventure.

A Village in Sight

Aaron traveled for hours, the forest seeming endless. The air was getting cooler, and the sky was beginning to darken. Just as he was starting to worry about finding shelter for the night, he saw a break in the trees ahead. Pushing through the underbrush, he emerged onto a dirt path that led to a small village nestled in a clearing.

The village was quaint, with wooden houses and smoke curling from chimneys. Villagers moved about, tending to their evening chores. Aaron's presence quickly drew attention; a young man in armor, with weapons gleaming in the fading light, was not a common sight.

An elderly man, clearly the village head, approached him cautiously. "Stranger, who are you? What brings you to our village?"

Aaron introduced himself and explained that he had lost his way in the forest. The village head's eyes widened as he listened. "You must be weary. Come, rest at my home. We can talk more there."

Hospitality and Information

The village head's home was modest but comfortable. Aaron was given food and drink, and as they sat by the fire, the village head introduced himself as Eldric.

"You say you woke up in the forest with no memory of how you got here?" Eldric asked.

"Yes," Aaron replied, recounting his story, though he left out the part about his metal creation skill. He wasn't sure if he could trust anyone yet.

Eldric nodded thoughtfully. "There have been strange happenings in these parts. People disappearing, odd creatures appearing... It's a dangerous time."

Aaron's curiosity was piqued. "Odd creatures? Like goblins?"

"Yes, and worse. The forest is no longer safe. But you handled yourself well, if you made it here alone."

Aaron glanced at his status window, which only he could see. He had the power to protect himself, and perhaps others. "I want to help. Maybe I can find out what's causing these disturbances."

Eldric looked at him with a mixture of hope and doubt. "If you truly wish to help, we would be grateful. But be careful. The forest holds many secrets."

New Allies

The next morning, Aaron was introduced to some of the villagers. Among them was a young woman named Lyra, who had been one of the few to venture into the forest and return.

"Eldric says you want to help us," she said, her gaze steady. "We could use someone with your skills."

Aaron nodded. "I want to do what I can."

Lyra smiled. "Then let's not waste time. We need to find out what's causing these disturbances. Follow me."

They set out together, Lyra leading the way through the forest. She moved with the ease of someone who knew the terrain well. Aaron was grateful for her guidance; without her, he would have been hopelessly lost.

The Hidden Threat

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the atmosphere grew tense. The trees seemed to close in around them, and strange noises echoed in the distance. Lyra paused, signaling Aaron to be silent.

"Something's not right," she whispered. "Stay close."

They crept forward, and soon they found the source of the disturbance: a clearing filled with monstrous creatures. Unlike the goblins, these creatures were larger and more menacing, with glowing eyes and sharp claws.

Aaron's grip tightened on his daggers. "What are they?"

"Corrupted beasts," Lyra replied grimly. "They've been appearing more frequently. We need to deal with them."

Without hesitation, Aaron charged forward, his daggers flashing in the dim light. Lyra followed, her own weapons ready. The battle was fierce, but Aaron's skill and the sharpness of his daggers gave him an edge. Together, they fought off the beasts, driving them back.

A New Purpose

When the last creature fell, Aaron and Lyra stood in the clearing, catching their breath. Aaron's heart pounded with the thrill of battle and the satisfaction of victory.

"We did it," he said, a smile spreading across his face.

The System Appears In Front Of Him


Your level has increased!

Level up +5

SP +10

Aaron ignores the system notification and continued looking at Lyra.

Lyra nodded, though her expression was serious. "This is just the beginning. There are more of them, and we need to find out what's causing this corruption."

Aaron agreed. "Then let's keep going. I made a vow to become the strongest in this world, and I intend to keep it. But I also want to protect the people here."

Lyra's eyes softened. "Thank you, Aaron. With your help, we might just have a chance."

Together, they continued their journey, determined to uncover the truth behind the disturbances and to protect the village. Aaron knew that he had found a new purpose in this world, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

To be continued