
Wake up in parallel earth after exhausted from non stop gaming

Story about young man pass out from exhaust of over gaming and wake up in the parallel earth as unfamiliar body and his new life full of adventure are start (Warning!! it my first time writing so have some Mercy on me Ok English is not my first or second language properly bad grammar for sure) (What can you expect from this story well you can get cool and intelligent overpower mc without struggling or tragedy No drama No Bullshit I try to make My mc enjoyable after many hour of reading and research the type of mc people will be like) Thank for reading my story

JohnMoeSatt · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Reality playing and Chaotic world

Ilberis is on the plane head to Lost Santos to meet his internet friend Lamar Davis.Yeah,in the morning of third day in his new life, he discovered his new ability called reality playing.

This new ability allow him can go to game world without need to relying on Dremora anymore, he can also bring or summon items form video games to reality too.

This is very useful and powerful ability for his future plan.Main weapons in modern world are firearms and it hard to get.Uk are not Us, firearms are very limited in here and punishment are tight, you can be send to jail 5 to 7 years for processing some forbidden weapons.Pistol,Semi-auto and Full-auto are totally ban.Only bolt-action, shotgun and some hunting rifle are allow with license.

How did you build a powerhouse without firearms.You can not fight with 3inch switch blade all the time.So he doesn't need to think twice to jump to the one of the masterpiece ever created.

The plane are arrived to the lost santos airport.He walk to find someone to pick him.

"You look more shorter and uglier than your profile picture you know"

Here we go ,the one waiting him is his internet friend he meet from lifeinvader(Facebook in real life) Lamar Davis, better not talk with him much or you will get roast.And they enter to the Lamar car ,old school classic gangster car "emperor".

In the car Lamar give him a pistol look like "beretta m9"in real world so he hide it in his coat.His years of gaming in one of his favorite genre shooting are merge with him now.He feel like he already use firearms and other weapon more than millions time and never miss the target any more ,it did not matter possible or impossible he can still hit the target .In reality playing ,video games are become real and you cannot put in put out weapon in the air like in video game anymore.

In video game your AI helpers or Allies and other NPCs are hard to die and they can also respawn but in reality playing they can die like a normal people so he need to save and load all the time because they didn't respawn .

"Where to?"

"Need to test some skill homie, You can not be a G without knowing how to or fast enough to run form this blue suit clowns ,if you not wannabe rotten behind bar"

Lamar drive his "emperor" to street name "Eclipse Boulevard" which usually use for car race in Vinewood district.Tonight they make a race competition, the winner will get a car and 1000$, everyone can try.Luckily they still have one place left.

The race are only allow sedan type car and line up multiple type of sedan there.Ilberis pick a sedan call "asterope" a good looking car and go to the start line.The route are already show in gps and end line is "Clinton Avenue" street.The girl in the middle of street was throw down her flag and the competition are start.

The winner is not surprisingly, no other than Ilberis.The night in Lost santos are very lively and have a lot of traffic, it really hard to drive with high speed without getting crash.But for a car god like him it is a piece of cake,in the road only his car are rushing with maximum speed.

"You are good homie next time this donuts lover get my ass I definitely call you"

"I get your Back"

"Sure just don't go for my black ass, look I get some call ,let make some money.

Lamar said his good friend informed him about the exchange between Mexican street gang name "Lost santos vagos" and his gang main rival call "ballas"under the Olympic highway.They drive down to there.

In the vinewood self storage, they saw three Mexican and three black men are dealing drug.

"LSPD we are already surround this place you are under arrest ,put your hand to the place I can see"Lamar shout with loud vice while aiming his gun.

The gang members are catch in surprise, before they can react Ilberis pull out his pistol and [bang][bang][bang][bang] four gangsters are fell down with holes in their forehead.The last two are run left and right to cover with their car. Ilberis rush to the left car and slide through the car roof while kick in the face of the guy, his hand point to the right and [bang] another down [bang] he also don't forget the one he kick.Pick the pack and left the scene before the polices arrived with speechless Lamar.

"Are you sure it your first time ,where did your learn to shoot"

"Military training"

"Tell me you are not a cop in undercover"

"Really homie I am 17, have you ever see teen cop"

"you got talent little homie, So don't join police academy they are bad people "

They drive to the Lamar friend apartment in chamberlain hill.His friend call Gerald who is a dealer and he tell to come to him if he get some good shit like that.

Lamar drive to near clothes shop and ask him to change clothe and buy a bandana to cover his face.After that they drive around to find a commercial shop with no customer and ask him to rob.He do it quickly and they leave the scene without anybody notice.After that they just separated and Lamar say he will call him later and get some sleep.

The next day someone call his phone ,introducing himself as Simeon Yetarian a car dealer.He say he is Lamar friend and have some job for him to bring back his car brought by a ballas member who have fail to pay one of their installments.

Ilberis go to Jamestown streets kill some ballas member and bring the car back to dealership. This asshole is not a dealer he is just a thief boss who steal car remove tracker repainted and sell is back.

Ilberis also meet one of the main protagonists "Franklin Clinton" who is work for Simeon.At the evening he get a call from Lamar and tell him to meet him in Benny's original motor work.Lamer show up with two "chino" classic old school car and tell him his plan.

Lamer want to weaken his two rivals gang by make them fight each other.So he plan to pretending ballas and fight with the lost santos vagos, at the same time his homie from the families are pretend to vagos and fight the ballas.

The plan are simple just a drive-by.Ilberis will drive and Lamer will shoot with sub-machine look like uzi.They drive back to jamestowns street and start drive-by.After that they also go to innocence boulevard street and other place where Ballas member usually Chilling around.Some are trying to chase but how can they match Ilberis driving skill.After they do a couple of time, they go back to workshop.The families homie also done their job with get a little shoot but everyone still alive and mission are success.

It already a week in gta v world. Ilberis really enjoyed his time by chilling with Lamar,stealing some car and sell to Simeon, snatch some drugs form rivals gang and sell it to Gerald.

Lamar call him again, say he fuck up something and his og from the families are really piss off so he want to make it up.After they met Lamar explained that his og "venon" have to deliver two car to South Korean buyer but police are searching for it so they need to deliver without police notice.The car are hide in del perro pier and they need to deliver to the buyer in east lost santos foundry.

The jobs are done very smoothly with his sight and hearing, he can sense police from miles away and avoid them.

His "we are good bro" prek work so well and now Lamar consider him as a his little brother from different Papa and Mama.His relation with the families are become better.He also gain some reputation and respect from Lost santos underground and make himself a name.

Ilberis spend a few millions to buy a building and found a company.In cover they do services and deliver jobs but the real purpose is to do smuggling and reselling stolen cars.He start smuggle animals parts,drugs,weapons and other illegal shit that can make him big money from other country.

He also start other illegal business like cooking cocaine,growing weed and counterfeiting.He also own a new nightclub with secret underground.